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muteD Dec 2016
I started to realize
That you were becoming my reason.
My reason for everything.
My reason for living.
My reason for going on.
My reason for being happy.

I started to realize that I loved you more
Than I loved myself.
More than I could explain.
More than I thought I could love.
More than you could ever know.

I started to realize that I couldn’t do this anymore.
I realized that you deserved more than I could offer.
I realized that I just didn’t love you as much as I thought.

I started to lose you.

I started to lose myself.

I fell out of love
With the love of my life.

I started to lose my life.
This poem goes with "Falling Out Of Love." I just kind of realized that I wasn't okay with loving someone more than I loved myself anymore.
Eleanor Rigby Dec 2016
The sky like the palm of my hands
Is clear and faint
Holding stars and then slowly digesting them
Just like I do with magic pills.

Angelique Dec 2016
people left me with a need for a new place
where touching skin no longer felt like a fear

i wanted to stay and get past my broken feelings but there's fear even in happy moments

voices of disapproval followed me
slowly and quickly
day in and day out
on land
and not even the sea could cast away those demons

warmth quickly became a burden
my scars i tried to return but faces came forward to form more
Mims Oct 2016
The snap of twigs under my feet,
Makes me remember to crackle of lighting,
That one night.
The wind is harsh,
Fall colored leaves,
Fall to the ground,
Slowly they whip back and forth,
Slowly I block up my past,
Slowly I attempt to become unchained,
I pretend I am just tired from lack of sleep,
Not from lack of love,
Of comfort,
I pretend I am just sad,
Not chronic depression
That keeps coming back...
It's getting dark out now,
I'm walking down the trail on the property
We can barely afford.
I climb trees and stay at the top,
Attempting to see,
Beyond my depression,
Beyond my obsession,
Of being ok..
I have to go back,
I say.
I have to climb down,
From the pit I have dug for myself,
I have lists of people who gladly handed me the shovel,
But it's my choice to climb out,
I breath in and slowly ascend out of my
Down from my tree,
Head back to the house...

I'm ok.
29, October. 2015
Ravanna Dee Sep 2016
When I meet my end.
I don't want
anything less than,
a life of laughs
and love.
I life were struggles
only made me strong.
And then hopefully...
When my wrinkles
are all but trophies,
of all the many year's
I've seen,
I'll be able to look back
and breath them in,
so very, very
Knowing that it was,
in fact.
the best it could've possibly
Live the kind of life
you'll want to breath in
at the end.
When so many
these days
end it
for the exact opposite reason.
Eliana Teixeira May 2016
She walks...
Not like the others,
She walks slowly
Naturally, heavenly.

She doesn't run,
She doesn't need to
Because she already knows
*That she wants you.
Leal Knowone Apr 2016
The cycle has started
Its set to wash
but everything is so FILTHY
Everything in life cycles
Spinning slowly
Slightly misshapen circles
Nothing and everything's perfect
It's in the eye of the beholder
So much lost between the lines

Double spaced
All these layers
Not sure if we can cope with the answer
Maybe questioning is the answer
for all is one
and we are god
We make or own reality
but it seems it's now blocked by this technology
Slightly misshapen circles
Over circles forming bigger circles
They may seem perfect in some eyes
They say circles within circles represent power
The chalice the gift of life
Drinking from the breast of a broken society
Hannah Anderson Apr 2016
Slowly moving far far away, away form here

to run to the air to leave the strangest kind Summer

The weight of your problems tapping, sinking into you

the sweet air is leaving fast

I'd fly away if you saw me here

somebody, the one not paying attention

is bothering you

because they are missing it all
Slowly moving far far away, away form here

to run to the air to leave the strangest kind Summer

The weight of your problems tapping, sinking into you

the sweet air is leaving fast

I'd fly away if you saw me here

somebody, the one not paying attention

is bothering you
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Let me in the car I want to go someplace
I'm getting so ******* tired of the human race
Someone's always up there in my face

Speaking things I don't want to hear
Always right there in my ear
Make them go away, I don't want them near

Their lies they want me to embrace
They're alway in my bubble, my space
My faith they are starting to debase

Their humanity is begaining to disappear
They gawk as life passes them by, just like a sightseer
They are all being controlled by the puppeteer

Can someone spare me a little grace
I need somewhere I can touch base
Because I'm feeling slowly erased
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