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Druzzayne Rika Aug 2018
What day it is
what place is this
Answer is there
I can see
but cannot see
the book is open

the seamless
more I know less
up to the point
I know what I want
till nothing to
wait for
the sour feeling
keeps coming

driving slow
not missing sun's glow
it is bright
like always
beating on its own
the little heart
from its start

many branches
of the root
all stretches
to find a better place
participating in
every race

further apart
from where I had started
no closer to the end
it is no better than
if I just stop

it is not money
not for this journey
all I do
is do it more
candle is melting
all the wax
how can I reform

The structure
all that matters
is that it stands
no fall, no toll
it is not as simple
to make the life boat sail
galio Apr 2016
she is not the innocence
of the sweet ladies in the water
but the sirens that call to me
never touching

she no longer resembles
the sunset at the ocean
but the violent waves
that tossed the ship

and she is never the sunshine
that guided my mast to shore
but the red light, the fog
that left me wondering
Bryce Aug 2018
She and me
Kick our legs over the cliff
Watching the water pound in steep
Crests of mist,
Awash the quaking stone.

Drinking through the daze
Withering and coastal
Happy with every day
that drips
And growing older
Seeking the simple deaths of life.

And when we sang our songs to the flocks of gulls
And they called saline
Eating fishbones
Circling like biplanes
Above the coast
We wondered what wandrous
Raptors out ran the oilpan
And instead became this.

We eat our picnic meats
And settle down for a long daydream
Staring at the overcast blanket
Seeing streaks of Grey dispersed between
Warm and a little bit loved by the sea.

Me and she
There was no stopping
Her questions, flying hot lead at my
Dripping gall juice inside the spleen
Infected and hungry
Waiting to engorge our final meal
A bunch of microscopes in the petri
Dished out and left to drift
Amongst the lapping waves.

When those gulls flapped their lazy way
Heading down the coast
Searching for simple meals
And calling family in the sky
They wondered to god
about solitary
You and I
And just what was our deal?
Rezium May 2018
You chose to and you believed
Now look at your ship all wrecked
Yet somehow you're alive

The seas have been calm but still ruffle every now and then.
Though the ashes of my dreams still scatter everywhere each time I remem..
Such a beautiful face I've seen and it's one that's different compared to the others.

She left me though just the others along time ago.
Soon I'll be up and running again so will the others
But we are dreams who've been here in the clearance aisle

Waiting to be shaken...
You come up with ideas, with a thought, with a belief, but life doesn't care. Focus on your present and shelve those forgotten, unneeded things...
Bryce Jul 2018
Fold you up like unwanted fat
cook you into a rocky stew
placed beneath a mantle of ice
far enough away to be misconstrued

You are old laminated time
And pillowed rock of incomprehensible
Earlier than any lime
Or sand, or sediment, or any kind
You are the grandfather rock
of mine

When I step with my inconsequential feet
living but transiently
I cannot help but be erased
that even you hath but one resting place

All the plants
and sands
and ever since the very first
we have always been ******
to this earth
walking upon your bones
I am sorry we cannot do more
but you know your creator
Speak in the same language
in amalgamators
of which we have forgot
and for that I can say
we are envious; are we naught?

Build softly, and carry us upon your thick
crust like pizza dough, cooking
and you let it sit
Let us win, set us up
drift us apart, leave us crushed
build us,
make us,
break us,
fill us

I want to be restored into your
stony belt and be redeemed
I want to become my own atomic fossil
to connect with the universe through long-lost
and once again
hear the story
as a young lad
the way it was meant to be told

I want to eat dinner with my grandfather again
my real sweet stony-chiseled cheeked
father again
to be loved a boy
and a girl
and the whole world
a soul touched back into the deep
left unshackled
by a ***** or a queen
take me back soon
rather than let me turn into

or Baltica
or Gondwana
smacked into new rock to form
and Tetons
and Moher

Carbonate or Silicate,
and the end its the same
It won't be the end
for that fate rearranged
Dog Years Jul 2018
She said
Boy, you couldn't land on water if you fell off a boat!

He responded...
The wind created by the flutter of your eyelashes makes men believe they can spread their masts and set sail in the desert. As I stepped back to observe your beauty, I fell overboard and landed on dry reality.

As a tear rolled down the side of her cheek, I knew this lucky sailor had landed on water.
PoserPersona Jul 2018
O sea! O tide! What wonderful life! Awaits us in the ocean.
Adore! Implore! What wonderful mores! Awaits us in the open.
We roar! We soar! What wonderful lore! Awaits lost trepidation.
Forsake those blinds which you thought chains, to see through the illusion.
Forsake those lies which you thought truths, so you can have perception
of that which does not hide from us, but we’ve betrayed it still.
Though of both life and death, mortals shall ne’er bend to their wills,
but of sole life, though not thou death, thou just might;
before going into the ever unknown day-night.
Salmabanu Hatim Jul 2018
I was the soul,
He was the mate,
When our ship sailed,
High or low he was there,
Always at the helm,
To guide us through rough waters.

I was the four walls,
He was the strong doors, windows and roof,
He made sure no thief entered our house,
To steal our love,happiness and peace.

I was the tree,
He was the roots,
He held me through all weather,
Strong and deep in the soil.
We bore fruits ( children),
They ripened taken by others,
They bore new plants.

He and I,
I and he,
We got separated,
He got buried deep underground,
I, a walking stick,
Aged but still strong,
Alone but not lonely,
A will to live with happiness.
My husband was always there for me.
abby Jun 2018
σn thє вαthrσσm flσσr, nσt αn ímαgє wαs ín síght
вut α glσw thrσugh thє wíndσw σn thαt wαníng crчstαl níght

thє sílєncє fíllєd thєm up líkє α pαír σf lєαd вαllσσns
αlσnє вut tσgєthєr ín thαt mσσn σf α rσσm

thє chímєs σf tσmσrrσw єchσєd thrσugh thє wαlls
thє mєssαgєs wєrє clєαr, thєrє wαs nσ σnє єlsє tσ cαll

íntσ thє wαvє σf tєαrs, tσ thє tílє flσσr, thєч fєll
thє críєs σf thє nєw dαwn rαng σut líkє α míssíσn вєll

thє twσ fríєnds wєrє nσt rєαdч, чєt thєч fαcєd thє rísíng tídє
вuríєd ín єαch σthєr, thєrє wαs nσwhєrє єlsє tσ hídє

thєч lєt gσ σf thєír prídє ín thαt mчstєríσus plαcє
thєч rєvєlєd ín thє frєєdσm σf thєír vєrч fírst єmвrαcє

α rєflєctíσn σf thє pαst αnd thєír futurє dєstínч
вlíndєd вч thєír tєαrs, thє nєw pαth thєч cσuld nσt sєє

вut αll sєαsσns σf lífє вєcσmє clσudєd вч thє rαín
wαtєr mαkєs thє flσwєrs grσw, rínsєs αwαч thє єαrth's pαín

thє cσursє lєd thєm tσ σnє αnσthєr
thєч clσsєlч hєld σn tσ єαch σthєr

thєч díd nσt вєlíєvє thєч wєrє wσrthч σf lσvє
but thєч wєrє unítєd вч thє dσvє

thєч єαch knєw thαt thє σthєr wαs spєcíαl
thєч sαílєd αwαч σn thєír єthєrєαl vєssєl

thєч wαlk tσgєthєr hαnd ín hαnd
ín thєír nєw kíngdσm, thєч wíll stαnd

ín thє вluє єtєrnítч
thєч wíll cσnquєr αll σf thєír вєαsts

ít wαs α sσmвєr єnd tσ thє níght
вut thє dσvє hαd just вєgun tσ tαkє flíght

fσr thєm, ít ís nσt gσσdвчє
thєч wíll hαvє єαch σthєr untíl thєч díє

αs σutєr spαcє єхpαnds, thєч wíll kєєp σn drєαmíng
thєír tríp tσ thє mσσn wíll nєvєr lσsє íts mєαníng
an emotional, spiritual moment between two friends as they recognize their deepest feelings
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