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ben dover Jan 31
i knew what i was destined to do,
to be,
to see
the surface of the water had broken
splattering liquid across the lakes surface
causing more and more ripples  
making my impact
only to slowly drift away losing momentum
slowly one day being forgotten...
making the water clear once again.
i wanted to make a poem called clear
Heidi Franke Nov 2024
Are you of perfect
Circumference for
A captain in the sky
Voyaging vagabond at night 'til morn'

Walking under the
End of season elms and sycamores
The branches as oars in water
Tilling below shadows come, shadows go, as you stay steady
For I was the water in a rippling stream and you were a solitary sturdy force above
Emulating my gait and gaze

Light hanging with every branch
Into my water
As you lay your supermoon
Beam into our futures
Until you come  again
Leaving your soup of hope in Everything you touched
Even souls

Where will the future be at your return
With hate or love,
Or something in between as a sturdy captain should, be there once more for all the visitors below
Beseeching you for navigation
From on high to below
Altruistic by sight, your perfect shaped stone in the dark of night
Walking my dog at 4 AM under the supermoon Nov 2024 in North America. I envision a world without hate and corrupt vengeful misogynistic leaders. Spread loving kindness and make altruism your guide.
I can feel it in my soul,
a ripple stirring within.
In the deepest crevice,
there's a whisper trying to shout, "It is done!"
So why should I waver?
That storm has passed, and the sea is calm.
I watch the sun descend in a quiet declaration of what’s to come,
its golden light and gentle embers painting promises.
Odd Odyssey Poet Jun 2024
These thoughts of you,
are like the smallest pebble to the grandest mountain,
everything holds a certain value, contributing to
the intricacies of this existence.

And there must have been
an unpleasant disturbance in my heart; as if a pebble
was thrown in my eye’s still waters- causing many ripples.

Oh, it’s perfectly strange;
not quickly recognizing your own tears
anymore;- some people do cry better in the rain.
Malia Jul 2023
I spill over my skin
So messy, so messy
I am a puddle
You are a stone.

As you 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒉
Into me,
It ripples my entire
𝒇𝒂𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒄 𝖔𝖋 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘
All while you can’t
𝓕𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓪 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰
New stuff from old poems!
throwing stones
into the lake
i discovered
the dog
likes to chase
the staccato splashes
as the surface
of the water
is broken
with inexpressible joy
pebbles were tossed
and by handfuls
as i watched
the playful bounding
for over
half an hour

i had not spotted
the fisherman
further along
the water's edge
rolling eyes
and shaking head
as wave
after wave
of rippled chaos
disturbed his lure
and line
scaring away
he had hoped
to catch
lua Aug 2021
i ripple
with each touch
from your fingertips
in constant motions
that glide
hover against my skin
i tremble before you
goosebumps litter my flesh
and yet you say
you're not a god
but your eyes tell me otherwise
each pupil holds the sun and the moon
in warm pools
and with each flutter from your downcast lashes
paints my waters in glints of gold.
bulantubig is the 17th century classical tagalog word for orange/yellow, and it literally translates to moonwater (bulan = moon, tubig = water).
Her feet as light as a feather
At her own pace, moving at her leisure
Her toes making ripples in the water
Gliding over the substance as slow as a saunter
She stares at her reflection as it ripples away
She plunges her hand in and the water will obey
Water trickles through the cracks her cupped hand
Everything about it she can understand
Her only friend, companion, that listens to her every demand
Smiling to herself, she feels grand
Sometimes I like to imagine I have superpowers, but it's all just a fantasy.
Jessica Oge Feb 2021
As a drop in the ocean
I need my Ripple Felt.
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