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Jeremy Betts May 2024
If I were to ask you
Why are you doing this?
What would your answer be?
What exactly would you say to me?
I'm curious
Would it mirror other hard questions
That I have been forced to ask
Forcing me to watch you get furious
Leaving me reeling, feeling like the fool
Because I took this serious

Jeremy Betts Apr 2024
"It's not a bad life,
Only a bad day"
To which I respond right away,
But what if it's everyday?"
Their reply?
"That's just life"
"Oh, ya don't say"

Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
l talk you just reply,I wait, it's true,
like a chase we play, me and you.
Hearts can only bear so much weight,
Someday, I'll tire of this endless wait.
A peek into my thoughts
Jammit Janet Jun 2022
I am in understanding
That I have no control
Over all the thoughts, sensations, and feelings
That I experience
At any given time
I accept this fact
To give me power
Over my reaction
To enable my ability to reply.
Nermine Marei Jan 2022
I once asked a passerby..
Have you heard of someone named "Ego"?

He gazed at me ironically without a reply..

As for the question, I didn't let it go..

Then, I heard a sound of an inner sigh..

Whispering.. "I'm the master who manipulates the more I grow.."

Deceiving your mind with an innocent cry.. "You are a shining star up high in the sky"..

Making you live in labyrinth and stray your thought..

I'm your demon who you wish I would die..

I insist to rock your boat..

I wish I could tell you the truth.. that I'm a big lie..

But, me myself has an Ego that won the fought..

I wish I was brave enough to release the birds to fly..

Nermine Marei
I'm still shy,
And it's not a lie.
They ask me, why?
But I don't have a proper reply!

This fact, I can't deny!
That, I'm an unsocial guy.
They ask me to give it a try,
But I can't talk to them eye to eye.

I'm a person with no social ally,
Because I know, they all are a sly.
Yet sometimes, I look for them nearby,
Mostly then, when my pain leads me to cry!

Now, it's time to identify,
In actual, who am I?
Am I born to be a societal fly?
Or, I'm destined to chase the sky?
A flow of rhymes....
Sly - cunning
Well, what did I expect?
Exactly that. I only hoped otherwise...
EA Mar 2021
Thank you so much for cheering me up
Thank you for all the support
I'm sorry about "this" happening again to you
"Staying only make things worst"
It's very painful for me that
I'm hurting you
as much as I did to myself
But you know what
until the end
You did everything for me

You are everything for me

Im sorry I left
Please be happy okay?
My reply :)
I'm not expecting he will see this but if he does
Hey, ilysm and imy
Take care
Mariyam Ridha Dec 2020
My heart is beating rhythmically
 In resonance to the beat of 'End Of Time’.
My soul is breathing in tranquility,
In response to the gleaming full moon.
My body is surviving poetically
In reply to the poetries I write.
‘End Of Time’ is my most favourite song which is By Alan Walk
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