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Drop by drop, the measured melancholy,
Downing secrets from the past.

Tick by tock, each treasured nobody,
Their heartbeats beaten fast.

Hurt by hurt, each regret I will ever own,
My scattered promises, a broken trust.

Death by death, the full stop comes to pass,
Leaving empty spaces upon our paths.

Life by life, such are my memories lost in time,
Those precious moments never meant to last.

Tom Lefort 2025
A friend told me your news,

            They showed me a picture of your gown,

                                  You married him, wearing the necklace I gave you.
Oliver Feb 1
My past is a story someone else wrote,
And I only have the torn pages—
Fragments without context,
A book with no beginning.

I chase memories like butterflies,
But they slip through my fingers,
Not fluttering away—no,
They were never there at all.

I know I love cartoons.
I know my mother made me a quilt,
Small, soft, still mine—
But now it sits folded away,
Replaced by a newer one,
Just as warm, just as loved.

She remembers when I was small.
She remembers the things I’ve lost.
And maybe that’s enough—
To have proof that I was,
Even when I can’t recall.

But where are the missing pieces?
The laughter in the backyard,
The whispered secrets,
The warmth of a childhood
That should be mine?

I sit with the silence,
Trying to stitch together
A story I was meant to remember.
But all I have are torn pages—
And I don’t know how the story goes.
I still have the quilt my mom made when I was young, a corner is bitten and torn cause I used to have a chewing problem. I have two more quilts each bigger than the last. I love them all with all my heart.

This is the first poem I wrote about myself, I hate writing about myself. I can never remember. I used to cry not being able to write stories in class like everyone else. mine were false made up not real like the others. they were meant to be real about our lives but I couldn't remember mine.

I can remember more than before but that part of my life is lost its gone and I don't know why. I wish there was an answer. I wish I had the solution to get them back. a while ago I remembered one memory from when I was little. I had ignored my mom's warnings not the play on the seemingly endless amount of chairs there were. I played had fun and fell there was a nail sticking out the side of one and it caught the skin of my leg. I don't remember what happened next or how I reacted or how I felt about it. I could have cried I could have smiled I could have pretended it didn't hurt as much as it did, but I don't know I don't remember. I wish i did even if it wasn't the best memory it was still mine and I can only remember part of it. I wish I could remember more than the few memories I have from when I was younger. I have less than what can be counted on one hand. they are my memories they are mine if only they thought so too.
Rocky Abraham Jan 30
I remember your voice
But I don't remember you rejoice
I remember you food
But I don't remember your grace

I remember my name
But I don't remember my pain
I remember my lies
But I don't remember my prize

You left so randomly
And left me with a broken heart
Whatever the reason was
Life will still go on
With or without you
This is goodbye now and forever
It looks like you've written a heartfelt poem about loss, memory, and moving on
Jeremy Betts Jan 17
Sometimes it's better
To not have ever
Even tried
"Never say never"
Should come with a disclaimer
Spread wide

Watch for the tide
Current's make a deadly ride
Try to remember
More people than not have lied
Wrong and right often mingle on the same side
A good person's not even a contender

So, within the crowds of people and chaos,
It was your face that I vaguely remember.
I think it was in Winter or around December,
If I Recollect correctly, it was probably November.

You were walking through the Crowds, so tall and so lean,
A crafted work of art, so unreal as it might seem.
It was so noisy, that I was lost in my own thoughts.
The expression on your face, was worried and distraught.

I remember it like it was just yesterday
I was wondering if your are Okay?
you seemed to be troubled by something
you just went on your Merry Way!!

To this Day I remember,
how you made an expression on me.
I just wished I could have known what was wrong
You are nothing but a Faded memory

Date: Unknown
Christy Dec 2024
You wanted me to stay
I ran.  I pushed away.
(That’s how you’ll remember.)
To shift the blame
And ease the pain
That’s all you’re gonna say?  

I chose me
but you chose you.
The us of us no longer grew.
Threw years away
waiting for you.
(That’s how I’ll remember.)

You were afraid.
I held on too tight.
And knew too late.
How short my sight!
I am not your person.  

3 am! A restless groan,
Lays brick by brick
Surrounds heart of stone
I think I choose to be alone.
I’ll never love again…
Not ever.

Not part of your heart,
I’m not your muse.
Just things you said.
Just words you used.

And years from now
Dreams not well played out
No one will remember.
showyoulove Dec 2024
Let's get back to basics
To find our origin our source
We have strayed so far away
The ship is now off course
Go back to the time that grace found you
Remember the joy your soul knew
There, in that moment, you ended
And God began
You are a new creation; so beautiful
You have a new life; so immutable
Where was it that we lost our way
When did we forget to play and pray
The devil may be in the details
But God has the whole picture
Satan tries and, ultimately, fails
Against the Living Loving Word of Scripture
Let's go back to where we were
Before the demands of life began
To have faith so great and pure
To rest knowing we are in His hand
Let's go back and try to relearn
The knowledge that love isn't something to be earned
It is a gift, a sacrifice; it is open and free
And it does something amazing for you and for me
Let's go back to when life was still simple
Where innocence could still be found
Where life's simple pleasures were routine
Where hope was full, and joy would last
Let's bring back the child-like faith
And let's get back to the basics
Willow Dec 2024
Memories are like water.
They slip through your fingers,
Slippery and nimble.
They are like a beam of moonlight,
Breaking through the darkness of my thoughts,
Memories of better times.
They are the stars through the black,
That may be hidden but never go away.
They can shine bright as the sun,
Keeping my mind bright and warm and safe.
But they can also spread darkness,
A plague spreading through my mind.
Overcast skies and guilty thoughts.
But I am learning to fight it.
Memories against memories.
Making new, better ones each day.
I will win.
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