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as I'm sitting here, waiting for my train
it's like sitting anywhere, waiting for my life to change
constantly I see the same reaction
my heart is on life support my mind is in traction
sleeping in chairs without destinations
taunted by the torrid past and current aggrevations
born as a child with a bleak chance of survival
patiently awaiting my intended, glorious revival
as the Phoenix, so have I, been burnt to ashes
will I rise again to be dispersed to the masses?
Don Moore Feb 2016
Tick tock flick of the clock
Nurses come and nurses go
Tick tock flick of the clock
Needles in and needles out
Tick tock flick of the clock
Sun slips across the window pane
Tick tock flick of the clock
Life is down to ***, poo and pain
Tick tock flick of the clock
Deep down inside I am waiting
Tick tock flick of the clock
People talking, warm hands holding
Tick tock flick of the clock
Rhythmic pumping help me breath
Tick tock flick of the clock
Softly quiet, no pain just waiting for the end
Tick tock flick of the clock
Misty hazel eyes, whispered words gently pleading
Tick tock flick of the clock
So dragging back from fading lights
Tick tock flick of the clock
Warm hands holding, wife forever caring
Tick tock flick of the clock
Open eyes and live again
Tick tock flick of the clock
So love always won and the dark has gone away.
Written just after I left intensive care.
brandon nagley Jan 2016

Alow downward Reyna, humanity hunger's and ****'s,
Red liquid they do spill, despoiling, toiling, taking
Lucifer's fill;


We canst only watcheth queen, as their working's and dream's,
Get untied by the string's, of the fine unseen line, of the principalities and power's.


Henceforth the hour's, shalt be as fading flower's, they shalt seeith their government's and darkened power's; falleth as the star's, men who knoweth none boundaries, God shalt rattle the mountain's and deep, as a harlot to her patron. Though the patron's sleep.


We shalt endureth this paining moment amour', the cosmic chronograph is opening door's; erelong love, erelong amour', we shalt sit at a feasting table, wherein the beau monde that hast Satan's barcoded label, shalt not perch. The flame shalt quench it's thirst, as recreation below us takes it's course. For ourn creator spoke this Jane, in the beginning. The world's lost it's way, it needeth cleansing from the sinning. As we shalt be restored by reconnecting on higher planes. To be reborn, in the spirit again.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Alow- means below in archaic.
Reyna is queen in Filipino. Many different ways to spell queen like reina in Spanish, or reine in french.
Despoiling means- other words plundering or steal or violently remove valuable or attractive possessions from; plunder.
Henceforth-means from this time on or from that time on.
Harlot if you don't know means- noun ...archaic for.
a ******* or promiscuous woman.
chronograph- is an accurate time keeping instrument...
beau monde in french means...-noun: beau monde; plural noun: beaux mondes .. Meaning.fashionable society.
Erelong- is archaic for soon.
Feasting table- meaning in bible talks of Christ joining with his bride ( the church) his believers at a feasting table in heaven .. Enjoying another...
When I say the beau monde that had Satan's barcoded label... They will be the rich men ( elite men) who control the world now. As their God is money fame and power and riches.. How the barcoded label ( RFID chip) tracking device of the Antichrist ( already created ready to be used by 2017,as said by bilderbergs ( secret society, henry Kissinger spokesman, ex defense minister) stuff you can find all online in Obama's health care act he passed and his supreme Court... The barcoded label these elite, high worldly men take, will be their bad decision making. And thus allegiance to Satan. Not God. Not Christ...
Loveless Jan 2016
Her life begins from ashes
From the ashes she rise
The same ashes she becomes
When she dies
More powerful
Stronger and wise
To sail for forever
In every skies
A mythical beast
Born out of fire
To keep burning always
She aspire
She flies high
She looks like a bird
The mighty beast
That some think is absurd
Flaming always
In yellow and red shades
Her blaze is eternal
It never fades
Only those ones can see her
Who believe
Magic she have
Even in tears she grieve
Bodies and souls
And every wound they heal
Her flame so hot
It melts even steel
She looks for someone
To enlighten and warm
But not to burn
In her firestorm
She is a bit dark
And a lot mysterious
She is powerful
And so delirious
She is exquisite
And so observant
Give us hope
Her heat so fervent
Her freedom and her flight
No cage can restrain
She is the Phoenix
And she would always rise again
Reborn and rising

Sometimes you've to die inside in order to reborn wiser and stronger
Jeffrey Oliviero Jan 2016
When the old me died
I never cried
If you're wondering why
Because I was the guy
That murdered him
Before anyone on Earth
had heard of him
Knocked his head clean off
Yes sir, I turtled him
While waiting on vultures
and buzzards to start circling
I updated my app
To run the latest version
It's working and to be honest
It was totally worth it
Lizley Jan 2016

as forbidding as the mask you wear
to hide the unfaithful face,
the treachery
and the pretense

the aversions,
an ire
the price you pay for a well-played game
of poisoning hearts,

not hiding under my bed,
but obverse, bearing deadly fangs

your venom might have killed this body
but see,
you're just a monster Hydra
whilst I've got the Phoenix in me
© Lizley (Maria Flordeliz Yamog)
You can crush every piece of me, but my strength is immortal. I will  be reborn, stronger, in every death I die, over and over again.
Mazen Edlibi Jan 2016
when I had fallen in love fiercely...
when I hurt my heart deeply...
when I wrote my words profoundly...
when I stood for my feelings proudly...
I was seen as....
"The Un-Permitted Burden"
I'm happy with such Label....
I'm Happy that I was
I'm insightful...
I'm still Alive...I'm not Sad...
Poetic T Nov 2015
I was fearful of death claiming my breath

                   As my every motive was opened in thought,

  Light faded and all was gestured to nothingness

      I was evanescent that flicker of singularity

But in that blink I was reborn in purest form

                   All was not forgotten just forged anew.

Reincarnated in a celestial aura cleansed or mortal thoughts.
This is a follow up on this poem below  using the  6words and the title incorporating all into a newer piece.
Dawn of Lighten Nov 2015
Moved by the guiding hands of the wind,
While avoiding the living room box's trend.

Although fixate with this generation's iPad,
Or impulse to explore the Xbox's dungeon,
And glimpse the pages of the Forbe, the Facebook, and the likes.

Make time to be in the moment of solace,
A time to dream to explore ideals,
Like floating in nebula avoiding the all powerful black hole.

Navigating the void of the sense of inner torment,
Or charting the boundries of the next voyages of personal task.

One does need to depart from disparity of news,
Or lose sense of humanity by deprived reality TV,
For satirical movies like Idiocracy prophesied seem realized.

One does need to regroup in personal cocoon,
Meld by the silent melodies of beating chest,
Like metronome syncing the keys of the piano to Bach,
While breathing upon the horizon of rebirth,
And find your enshrouded foggy path by beacon of self enlightenment.
There are times a pure silence, and solitude seem necessary to clear filth of the worldly garbages! While enjoying the sweet scent of air, lounging in a coffee shop or book stores, and sip on a true Cuban coffee!   Honestly espresso has nothing on a proper Cuban coffee!
Shawn Callahan Oct 2015
I wanted more for you
than I wanted for myself.
But you showed me
You didn't care
and I wasn't enough.

Daily routine was your happiness
and me pretending I was happy.
Never did I think my love for you
Would **** me in the end.

But I died. I didn't care
Lost in an unfamiliar world.
Left alone figuring my way through.
So many drunk nights. So many mistakes.

Morals down the drain.
Cold tile floors my comfort at night
But warmer than your words.

One week passed. Then two.
Born again in
Whiskey and Joints.

Week three was better
Week four was a realization.
Thank you!
For your breakup-text
Thank you for letting me go.

I would have stayed,
Even though I was unhappy.
I would have done anything
To put you first.
Unlike you did for me.

Thank you for choosing yourself
and letting me discover what happiness is.
Week five has proven progress.
I'm first.

You wanted more for yourself
Than I was willing to give
and I show you now
that I always cared
But now I never will again.
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