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Mercury Chap Jan 2015
Do faces matter?
I don't know.

We were born,
Without a face
In this world,
And joined a big race
Race of the kind
Where the face is what we take
And show the world
What we can make.

Your beauty, your shine
Is not all you ever had
Your face is behind
The achievements you may have.

Do faces still matter?

It's not about your beauty,
It's not how you smile
It's about how you show your face,
The face on your file.

Do faces matter?
I think they do.

A unique curve of your face
Is given a unique name
A name which recognizes you,
A name which gives you fame.

But what's the gain
When we're all going to die?
Die with a name,
With your chest burning with fire
And with you, your name
Will stop to respire.

Do faces matter?
I don't think so.

Your smile matters
That's what I know
You will go and with you,
The name on everyone's lips will die.

We'll face oblivion
We'll face it, I don't know why
That's why I tell
Not to live a lie
Because all that matters
Is how your face shines
When you finally sleep
*Sleep with a smile.
We all have a unique face, a unique identity. Does it really matter? Is it much more important than our happiness? Should we let it hinder our happiness? I don't know the answer to your questions, because that's what you have to figure out. It's up to you how you want your face to be like.
NeroameeAlucard Jan 2015
I don't like Jordan's, I like Chuck Taylor's
I don't want a Maybach, I really want an impala throwback or a mustang modern day
I don't speak in slang I don't have badly done dreadlocks
I don't sing in autotune and I don't sag my pants

I play guitar, and I listen to Rock music
I prefer classic hip-hop over trap, which is an anomaly in and of  itself
I'll take Charles Wright's "Express Yourself" to azalea banks 212
I love electronic music, Daft Punk, Deadmau5, Kraftwerk, Glitch mob and I live under the sun not the moon

All of these things differ me from others, hopefully I don't come across stale,
but out of all the things I do and like, I'm an 18 year old black male...

Strange Isn't it?
Isn't it though?
Daniel Tabone Jan 2015
No more tree,
No more lights,
Don’t you agree?
We miss the nights.

The house is empty,
No more embellished,
Everything was hefty,
Still smell the meat was relished.

Can’t hear the bells,
Neither the music,
Nothing else dwells.

An empty dwelling,
That’s all the remains,
There’s no foretelling,
What where the gains.

Two sizes more,
Feel like a boar,
My **** is sore,
Need to run for.
Lisa Jan 2015
There is constant tension around the pool,
Yet the adrenalin is pumping in your veins
We are always ready for something in life - like a dramatic gunshot before a race,
However, a false start will set you back.

We are always eager at the beginning of a project, like diving into the pool, but how long can we keep this up?

The focus is on the finishing line, but there is always a sense of doubt in our minds.
You try not to compare yourself with the swimmer next to you, as your eyes glance in their direction while gasping for air.
Comparisons will be your downfall.

Often, you can see your goal in the distance, but negativity creeps in because there are always massive obstacles to get over.
You are edging forward, but tiring out at the same time in the chlorinated scented water.
Staying positive does not come easy when you are a step behind.
s Dec 2014
This is a race.
You, against yourself.
Winning is all that’s important.
Rip and tear yourself apart.
When you fall in this race, you're on your own.
No one is going to help you up.
Fast enough?
You think you know how far you can push it
then you fall.
You fall in a hole of gritty hard dirt.
That hole of dark and dreary, starts to feel like home.
You give up on ever getting out of this hole that you fell into.
Wondering if you will ever get out and continue this race.
You could try to climb.
But you know this hole well.
And you don’t want to come out.
You won’t come out.
Race, failed.
Winning isn’t even possible.
You can’t anymore..
You're done.
Jarel Allen Dec 2014
Dear american, I am a 19 year young soul in a vessel that does not belong to myself, but with my exterior, you would say is of the lesser and I understood the immediacy of you putting a target upon my head, and let me announce this to you now that I am not infuriated by this. Why must we still live in a time that as a young black man, I have to work twice as hard to live up to standards your own was never meant to climb up in order reach the bar for. As a young black man, why should I be ashamed of my own intellect, wanting to disguise it by ignorance or to impress you with the dribbling of a ball or the handling of a mic? Dear America, my great grandfather did not have a middle school education, but even in the least that does not make him "another dumb"_" rephrase, an uneducated person, for the work he knew how to do with his hands makes up for those years missed, and the hands of a man like his tells a story your own great grandfather could never tell. To this day I still look up to him, for he had class, he had knowledge, he had wisdom he had God. He had God! Dear America, I will not sell myself short of my dreams just to become another number of your system. Dear American, I wonder if one day you'll understand. The hands that I have to offer you, will not share what my grandpas had. But my brown eyes will tell you mystory. My skin brown skin will tell you our story. My presence will alert every one of you the moment I succeed, you will frown at the thought of another successful black man. Ashamed of your own son, because he let another young black boy beat his own rank. Dear America, why must you be the police of the world when you cannot face your own issues at home? Dear America, I write you this letter in hopes that it Speaks to you. Dear America, I am not afraid. Dear America, I will stand my ground. Dear America, my hands are still held high. Dear American, I wonder how I made it to the end of this poem, because I still can't breathe. Dear America, why have you put the fear in our mother's eyes allowing them to believe that if their sons do not obey you, we can be here one second and gone the next? Dear American, do you realize that this message I am unraveling is too real to go unnoticed? Dear American, do you see that my message is too hard to make up? Dear America
Just a bit of morning thoughts on stuff that is too hard for me to make up. So, open your eyes, and utilize your brain to understand what is really going on.
Madeysin Dec 2014
You could paint the grief from your heart, on your forehead. And people would suddenly close their eyes, and tell you to pull your cap down, a little lower.
K Y Dec 2014
Listen to the minority’s burden
There are more than you may see
Your idea of equality
Is quite different from what I believe
The facts are alive and well
And terribly ignored
By many common folk who can not tell
What all we’ve been fighting for
Listen to our burdens
They’ve been here all along
Since the pale folks came for us
And decided they knew where we belong
Listen to my burden
I am more than my ethnicity
But no one pays attention to my character
Thank you, oh dear society
I’m not here to do your math homework
Or be the punch line of your joke
Or be the one who is categorized
As a yellow, squinty-eyed bloke
We have countless burdens
So listen to what we say
Please stop your patterns of racist jokes and ignorance
And realize that change must begin today
KZ Dec 2014
Everything changes,
Every once in a while.
Time ticks by in different ranges,
People's personalities' become like a file.
But what shouldn't change?
No one stays the same,
Some want to seek fame,
Some want to play at Olympic games.
But I have name,
So keep that in your mind,
Until we can really find,
What's lost,
In todays time.
This poem was more about ourselves in general.yes we change, but only too seek who the real 'us' are
Graff1980 Dec 2014
I am not a slave
To your different stages
Of human classification

I am not a pale Caucasian
In a white racist nation
Even though this is a very racist

I am not gender specific
Just because I got a thick ****
I am not gay cause I like a chick flick
There are no chick flicks

I am not a perfect American
Not a patriotic idiotic citizen
Not ready to stand and salute the flag

I am not straight nor am I a ***
Not a denizen of the masculine
Or a queen of the feminine
My ****** urges do not define me
They do not confine me
To little square boxes
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