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willow martz Dec 2014
tick / tock
around the clock

run run
run little one

3.. 4..
always running
towards the sun.

tomorrow, wednesday, thursday,

5.. 6..
you passed your graduation,
your wedding,
your son.

never stopping,
only looking
the human race,

**now its at an end.
what do you remember from your life? you keep rushing and one day youll be on your death bed.
Viewtifulink Dec 2014
Dreams of being
free literally.....

Not this *******
they breed, equality
planted with momentary
seeds at a time things may
seem beautiful but were destined
to lose our leaves

Buses and water fountains
don't mean **** to me, You
throw my brothers on tv for
for what God gave us naturally
to mostly benefit you so that
don't mean **** to me

something my people aren't
use to seeing so you use
it to introduce a new form
of slavery.....

We bring
in the money
you own the
teams,I've never heard of
an owner being the
highlight of these kids
dreams.... Never witnessed
you be the reason for an arena's
sold out seating we serve as your
entertainment blinded by your
"rare" pocket feeding

unsegregated schooling.....
yet were granted those who's
declared least capable of
teaching..... I've encountered
way to many classroom instructors
who were incapable of

English, math and reading
subjects taught for our daily
needing yet every GYM instructor
perfect now tell me that's not
strategically planned breeding

Neighborhoods overcrowded
flooded with options for poor
consuming..... Neighborhoods over
crowded swarming with destructive
solutions for financial bleeding's
place two rabbits in a cage with
enough food for one feeding and
sooner or later you'll witness a
presentation of how survival earned
it's meaning

I love everybody,
never favored a particular
flesh concealing but it's proven
everyday day those who mimic
my complexion are constantly
victims of horrible dealings  


© 2014 viewtifulink

R . I . P trayvon martin
                mike brown  
               Eric garner And anyone else who has
been a victim to a hate crime
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
you ask me what it's like to be black
and i'll tell you it's a warm soulful fulfilling feeling
like a pair of new Chucks on the hot pavement jumping scotch on a busy summer day
eating cool iced pops and not ever being afraid
and smelling the warm carmel cake cooling on the stove
and the togetherness on a Sunday evening in grandmama's home

but you ask me what it's like to be black
in america
and i'll fall silent of conversation
because as you see history repeats itself
i don't understand why there is still need for explanation
in deep adversaries and hateful unappreciation
here we stand to be questioned by an authoritative negation

and ignorant folk,
why do you ask me such things?
why are you people mad?
why is it about race?

and i'll ask you, why does the caged bird sing?
is he not entitled to his song or his wings?

as green as the earth and as blue as the sky
i will only explain to an ear willing to listen
to a being with a sound heart and a firm mind
because as God as my witness we were created as equal

and for that given right we must die?

i will sit back and in turn ask you why;
i bet you couldn't say
and maybe we will all learn the answer some day
so join me in prayer will you?
join me as i pray:

to the children of Chicago
who can't go out to play
to the sons and fathers of
Missouri and Florida and New York
who will never again see the light of day
to the mother's pain that may fade
but won't ever go away
to the hateful people and their hateful words and their hateful ways
God won't You heal their pain?

they're so ******* us, Lord
now we're ******* ourselves
and on our knees we have fallen
needing guidance and help
because it isn't about being privilged
or living for the light we're consumed in

being black in america is no longer about being accepted as black

it's about being accepted as human.
(C) Maxwell 2014
James Alexander Dec 2014
If I could buy time I would save my last dime
To when it comes to when I'm dying
And tell the world as I was lying
The world can change
Just offer some change
To the poor on the street The hearts and the brains
Stereotypes are the death of humanity and if such continues caviar eating blacks and less fortunate whites and non scholastic Asians will begin to lose insanity
All it took was a hood on
Skittles and music
6 shots
3 minutes
Pronounced dead
No ambulance
Mothers mourning
Her sons are gone too soon.
Wiped from the earth
All because of my colour black.
We all mourning and protesting.
We all kneel and raise our hands up to the sky
Pleading for justice
Begging Don't shoot!!
He was killed by a man whose job is to protect and serve
But failed to serve due to my colour black.
Now the media are tearing our community apart
All because of my skin colour.
I am no animal,  I am human . Why must we bury our children?  What have they don't wrong?
They say racism doesn't exist
But how many black boys and men must die
In order for us to accept that racism still exist!
We are all human
As if being human is an error
an excuse for a trigger.
No mother deserves to bury her joy. We deserve to be respected the same. We are all equal in God's eye.
Black lives matter.
Dedicated to Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin and all the innocent black youths that die. You'll always be remembered.
NeroameeAlucard Nov 2014
Is Justice Really Blind?
Or can she truly see
My skin tone, my ***** hair
what makes me.. really me?

Is the fact that I'm black
Is my every single action an act
of violence or hatred for my fellow man
or can that statement I retract?

Can I fit outside
a created stereotype
can I be myself and remember my roots
can my race and the world, call a truce

My skin may be different but my organs the same
I didn't pick my ancestry, so choice isn't too blame
Can I turn back time... can I change my race
just do in this world I can have a chance.. a better place?
Tark Wain Nov 2014
Please keep your protests peaceful.
Please keep your lives separate,
Feel free to make them equal.
Please remember that although you believe you are the same as me,
That you will always be three fifths.
Please forget about slavery,  
Shame on us for being so upfront.
Please make your way towards the free seat at the back of the bus.
Please drink from your specified fountain.
Please marry your own.
Please work twice as hard to receive half as much.
By all means fight for what you believe is right but,
Please keep your protests peaceful.
Megan H Nov 2014
Constantly running a race
That involves everyone
Indescribable and painful obstacles
That we must overcome.
Hurrying as fast as possible
To get to an unknown destination;
Places we only hear about
Places we've never seen.
People have fallen behind me
Lost in this race,
And it's only a matter of time
Before I trip,
And get trampled by millions.
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