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Kitts Apr 2015
I am
not a
true racist...
I am
a culturist...
I do
not like
Even though
that culture
is my
Kitts Apr 2015
My Mother called my Grandmother a  "***** Gypsy" a long time ago
I never knew what it meant until I gave that part of my heritage a go

The Romani left India about 1,500 years ago, traveling, running ever since
The White people of the Medieval Ages hated them, at their very presence they took offense...

In some areas of Europe it was a common practice to mutilate the woman, **** and stolen kisses
And they branded the men with hot pokers... Who can understand this?

They were forbidden to speak in their native tongue
Yet their songs of joy and laughter are still sung
My heart breaks for the Gypsies For my Grandmother was one...
JAM Apr 2015
I once was racing.
Then I realized I was just
Racing with myself.
Solaces Apr 2015
I'll tell you my dreams....
That of which will tell you where we are..
It was all a lie..
For millions of years we lived with a lie..
But the beginning was truly an ongoing situation..
It was mainly due to the fact that we were all dying..
Our race was dying..
It wasn't till we found the perfect place among the stars..
Our people constructed magnificent vessels that could traverse the stars..
The plan was simple..
Start all over....
With no memory of who we were..
There was a chance that we could possibly become extinct due to the fact that we may not be able to survive on the new planet..
But we found a way..
And we also found a way back to technology..
We found ways to get probes and satellites off the planet..
And then we finally made the leap off ourselves to this planets moon..
Now we want to venture toward Mars..
And when we finally get people on Mars they will discover the truth..
On what we did to our old Planet..
And the revenge it wants to take upon us...
Its when we finally return home, That home will not welcome us at all..
Charlie Apr 2015
He cannot fly
He cannot hop
He cannot run at all
But you should see,
The way he goes,
Slowly up the wall.

He cannot skip,
Or race about.
He has one way to go,
And as I watched him,
I must say,
He's good at going slow.
never leave hope its never the last time
Sally A Bayan Apr 2015
(fourteen lines)

Every day, we start our usual pace
unaware, how we follow, get ourselves into the race
going fast... becoming faster
sliding up and down, like a roller coaster.
It could be on one fine or not so ordinary day
on an unknown place along the way
we fall....get lost.....we stray
To find our way back, we retrace
But when speed becomes intolerable, or unbearable
we then pack up...we conclude, "today is unmanageable."
We inhale...exhale...settle.........make up our minds,
say, "tomorrow is another day..." we leave the past behind.
We walk anew as the day begins...keep up with the pace
try to do better... to stay within the race...


Copyright March 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

***when will we ever slow down?  Any chance we get
let us find some be silent
to be alone...just thinking..listening....reflecting
lenten season...or any season...**
MV Blake Mar 2015
The children, dark and light,

Skipped through the sands,

Laughter amongst the stars,

Running gently hand in hand.

The first built a castle,

Using sand for the walls.

He declared himself king

Of his star-peppered hall.

The other thought hard

And then with a cry

Kicked over the castle,

And roared to the sky.

Now I am the king,

The other declared;

Now fall on your knees

And try to look scared.

The first stood straight up

And waved with his fist,

The castle is mine,

He spat, growled and hissed.

The other looked down

And saw his mistake,

And for a moment was sad

At what was to break.

A war broke forth,

A fight in the sands.

The children still fight,

No more hand in hand.
Grace Jordan Mar 2015
My mother questions, “Why aren’t we equal?”
As she paints my walls with white
She wonders why my colorful friends don’t get as lucky as me
But she also wonders about the financial aid the government says we don’t need
I bang on her white walls and insist we’re well off
But she still asks why
And I can’t say “you! It’s because of people like you that my friends need a dollar or two”
Because of the way she plays hypocrite
Condemning welfare and the impoverished while asking why she doesn’t get any
Confirming the stereotype that most people aren’t innately racist
It’s just their own thoughtlessness that causes the disconnect
And it’s not just my mother, it’s all my people, me too
My friend once asked, “Why is Kierra so into social justice?”
Maybe because the history of our ancestors was carried on the backs of her people
Maybe because even today my people say we’re so good, so equal, so righteous
When we still look at a black man and assume the white is better
We don’t mean it but my assumptive mind insists that Kierra always needs a hand
When what is really needed is a strict hand to the side of my head
Jostle that rude assumption out of my head
She is her own person, not a broken house left on stilts
And assuming she is broken is worse than anything I can think of
So it’s a double edged sword because races need to work together to fix this atrocity
But we must also give each their freedom to grow and equalize equally
I will never understand the plight of one a different race
But I understand plight, from my gender and my mental state
My mother always told me treat everyone fairly
She always said to treat everyone right
But here she keeps on going
Painting my walls with white
For those who say “I’m not black” you’re right.
For calling myself black limits me.
It limits my destiny to that of a slave;
To a fate of being judged by my skin,
Trapped by every ***** stereotype

To call myself black is to deny the rest of me.
It denies the Cherokee that flows through my veins.
It denies the Irish proud and strong.
It denies the other nations that have made me.
It denies my ancestry.

So for those who say I am not black you’re right.
For what is black?
Is it the descendants of slaves?
Tired and broken. Or is it those of African descent
Or is it more modern
Is it the mother who raises children alone?
Is it the father who is never home?
Is it the children who know not where they belong?
Is it those who grow up in the projects losing hope?

If this is what black is I reject it!
I am more than black.
I am more than the slave in chain.
I am more than the Cherokee proud and free.
I am more than Irish strong and brave.
For to accept any of these is to limit me to its destiny.

I am a human made by God
Made in his image and likeness.
African, Irish and Cherokee it is what helped make me,
But they do not bind me to their destinies.
So those who say I am not black you are right;
I am more than black. I am a child of the king.
And he has written my true destiny.
One of my oldest poems that I feel still rings true
Dr Zik Mar 2015
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Have a bath in time
Sing a song in rhyme

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Don't act like a fool
Follow the good rule

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Greet! Greet! Every one
Everywhere it's fun!

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
You are healthy or sick!
do well earn a tick

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
With smiling face
Learn by heart, its base

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
If you right then face
be steady win race!

Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
Ton, tick, tick, ton, tick
children's poem
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