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Kunal Kar Dec 2015
Old photographs tell a tale,
Of a smiling face turned afraid.
The kid wanted to be a man,
And now when I am,
I look upon it as a foolish mistake.

For the race has started,
From the very teenage part.
Asked to work harder, a prey for the earnest,
A journey without a destination,
How am I supposed to win if this race never ends?
I must let this go,
And rest to take a breath,
Realise what I've been skipping,
The colours of this wonderful flora,
The sounds of birds echoing as a wave.
Arvind Krish Dec 2015
Felt like running away yesterday
but there was a bridge to cross
but there was demon on the way.
he asked me about life
I told him,
"Come with me, I'll show you.
He followed me.

Then the roads diverged to two
There came a nymph
She wanted to know about life
I said,
"Follow me".

I had to cross a river
In the boat there was a fairy.
She didnt know about life.
I asked her to come with me.

Yes, I passed all mountains, tredges, deserts and forests
came with me
A mermaid, troll, centaur, serpant
all those who didnt know Life
and tired after a long run
the asked,
"You didnt give us the answer"

I just said
"cant you see
This is life
Its just running away"

burning with rage
They tore my throat
and as the blood gushed out
I was still thinking
"Am I not right?
but I had finished my race
and won my reward.
JR Rhine Nov 2015
Privilege: written on my skin
I swear I'm on your side
Though I lock my doors when you pass by.
Try to ignore what's within
The enraged masses to whom I spoke
Though I'm guilty of what's battered down their throats.
Get me by the *****
The phallicist marvelously displayed in power
Squeeze out every drop of lust; watch me shrivel and cower.
Place me within these walls
Walking along your glass ceiling as I dream
Fondling your ******* on behalf of the company.
I'm no passerby
Though I weave you on the street like a fleeting ghost
I serve like you're a growth and I'm the lucky host.
It's a **** good lie
To myself; believe I'm not guilty too
Of all the hate and greed that's crippling you.
As a middle class, Christian, heterosexual, American, white male, My privilege sickens me, as is the deep satisfaction in my comfort sickening. But what can I do about it? I supposed the first step is to acknowledge it in depth and breadth.
American girls
Japanese girls
Brazilian girls
Maltese girls
Russian girls
Swedish girls
German girls

What's not to like? Races are like ice cream flavors, we all got different shades but we're on the same cone.
All of us have Sins we must atone
For our ancestors and are earlier lives
I just want to spread peace and pretend like our countries didn't fight wars in the past
Don't get me wrong, i won't forget history
But i don't plan on repeating it

Unity is like cotton candy, and i'm going to eat all of it. Everyone deserves that soft feeling inside their bones.
All races are equal. Period.
Michael Kreitman Nov 2015
When I was a child, I was told the story of my Grandfathers mother she was a refugee from mother Russia.
He told me that we were no longer considered white that is a luxury.
And we have become subhuman in most places.
We were either locked behind iron walls to be kept in or out.

He told me how they sacked and burned our villages.
Then they proceeded to chase us on horseback, with swords pointed too the distant future.

She was led to the nearest boat, headed towards The Land Of Opportunity.

At the island she was locked away for Tuberculose and possibly Lice
When leaving she refused to put an X for her name for obvious reasons.
So she signed ****.

Years later I found out, she had opened a pawn shop down south.
In what now is the forth most segregated area in the states.
She sat outside with a shotgun in a rocking chair and windows barred.
when there King died.

Sadly, the last thing remembered by my Papa's mother including my family is a fist fight.
In Santa Barbra.
I saw the look of panic and pain on her despondent face.
At this point that look was a common occurrence in my day to day life.
Hence, the reason I wasn't allowed at the funeral.
I was locked away at another rehabilitation center.
For crimes I had of course never committed

Since then I have not laid any tulips or morning prayers.
aniket nikhade Nov 2015
Once you participate in a race, if not anything else, you know one thing for sure.
Your own calibre.
It's then you realize and understand you need to make an active participation in every race from here onwards.

Your first experience teaches you a lot, since what follows later is an active participation from your side.

Over a period of time everything of which you are part starts changing
Now it's time to look for a better future
Always keep in mind that a secured future cannot be achieved if efforts are not been made
An uncertain future not only remains uncertain, but also keeps the present on hold.

What is thought upon is not the aim, but also the efforts that need to be made.
Always keep in mind take one step at a time while climbing the ladder, then it does not matter how long the ladder is.
The only thing that matters and also will make a difference is when you fall off the ladder.
At that point in time you will have to decide for yourself whether you want to climb again.

It’s not a mistake or an error, something which is done intentionally when you fall off the ladder, since mistakes happen.
Better learn from those mistakes and keep going
A moment in time will come when you will realize and understand how everything started
That will be the great moment in time, since that moment will be important
Till then keep going.

It’s success that everyone wants, but there is a price for everything, which you pay, including the success that you want.
Success comes at a price.

Better understand the outside world carefully and then act according to your own experience.
Once a step it taken, there is no point in looking back
Agreed it’s now or never, but only for those who know what they have been through in the past.

Once decided upon something, stick to the same
Understand and realize one thing for sure, time and tide waits for no one
Always be truthful and honest to yourself, even when you are making all the efforts.
Efforts never go wasted when the right direction is sought.

Compromise and negotiation is part of the game
What’s important to remember is mending your ways for short terms gains, something which remains unacceptable.

Act wisely, but be sure that there is no shortcut to success.

So it’s the passion and desire in you, inside you
The willingness to take the risk and go out for something of which you are absolutely sure.

The never give up attitude in life will make everything clear in mind
Once decided and everything is set and settled in mind, then from that point onwards proceed towards your aim.

Finally all that matters is success.
So don’t waste a single moment in time of your life and act according to what you have planned.
Definitely a moment in time will come when you will gain success and then the world will be at your feet.
Till that point in time comes keep going.
Taz Nov 2015
We cried because this love can't ever be
We tried our best but it was all for naught
This shade is all her folks would ever see
Despite the fact that I was what she sought

So as it all began to fall apart
Three words came to my mind, and so I spoke
And as those words spilt out so did my heart
And so without her catch, It fell and broke

Her hug that blinds us from the tears that swell
No matter what this love was doomed to fail
We tried our best but simply could not quell
And so we left both feeling small and frail

It's sad that love's still destined by it's shade.
Alone, it's only wish had been forbade.
Hey, this is my first attempt at writing a poem.
It's based on a past love.
B Venkatesh Nov 2015
life is a race,
without seeing our face,
running behind money,
to taste the honey,
money comes and goes,
with too many vows,
Happiness is the goal,
for some it is a foul,
end of the day you forget who you are
to think you regret what you do

Life is a race,
Missing &

Life is a race,
What you brought
What you earned
What you lost
What you had
Will be Zero even if u r a Hero.

Life is a Race,
Think too much
Feel so much
Forget who you are and
Live for others

Life is a Race
Journey with one way ticket
Birth is confirmed
Death is Reserved with
the day unknown

Life is a Race,
Do something
To be happy and
Others to be with u
On the day of Departure.

Life is a RACE......
Wrote this by Inspiration - RT
Mi raza (my race)
Judge by a nation by my skin and roots but not by my capabilities.
Judged as a common criminal
But never as a helping hand.
Judged as a poor man for wearing the same clothes every day when I go to work.
Judged as a man that will only drop out of school and depend on welfare.
But the thing they don't know.
I was raised by a mother that had to put both pants to get by.
Become an older brother and a father to my own brothers to give them that love.
That I graduated high school in one of the best schools in the country.
That I'm going to college to become a teacher to educate and inspire that it don't matter what's your race or skin all it matters is your beliefs your dreams and your urge to succeed. I may be Brown and proud. But we're all one heart (solo un corazón) we all should love and bond not fight over who's the dominate race. Who has the bigger guns or the most beautiful woman. We are only one  (solo una raza)
ciannie Oct 2015
and you have irises
whose colours shall bleed
and mix in genes
trickling into your children
morphed into flesh and bone from
***** and blood
and skin colours clash and blend
to form their coverage
but it will have to get tougher
tough skin
if they want to stop harsh words
from sinking in
words launch from tongues of people who forget
that they are part of a colour pallet
this world is a messy, disorganized dance
and colours run and blend
and each is beautiful
and no one is superior
generations of ink and paint and chalk travelled the world
blossomed into culture
different climates, different patterns
same scientific formula
so these people need to stop
with only thinking of themselves
and realise that we are all under one ruling
breathe the same elements
and there is no room for a higher shelf
and our duty to each other is
to always give our help
no matter what
give help where it's needed, regardless of differences
we're all human. we all need it.
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