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Jessica Feb 2018
What is freedom?
The feeling of being free
From the fear?

What is freedom?
The ablity to reach out
And someone reaches in return?

What is freedom?
The thirst for the sky?
And it dosent come
From sucide?
Polaris Feb 2018
A question people ask all the time,
A true sincerity without a remedy.

Generations have asked before,
Yet the answer they seek requires more.

More as a person, more so than, an endless search to be better than.

A true question who's answer is worth more than gold, a true answer that's never been sold.

One with a passion and hunger for power, of which makes one desperate, more so by the hour.

Is this conquest really worth it's treasure? A search that could last longer than forever.

All for what? A simple truth, one that wastes away their youth.

Come on! Stop dodging my lines! Why isn't that hard to find!

That's what they say, they always do, though none ever consider the best why for you.

Don't listen, keep pushing, ignore the pain. But don't push too hard for your mind will be sane.

Sanity, clarity, light through the tunnel, but limited perspectives like looking through a funnel.

Ask this my brothers, sisters, friends. Would you be happy for sure in the end?

Thus do not hinder from your treacherous path, unless the answer is worth it to ask.
Ivan Brooks Sr Feb 2018
Every day I walked past the graveyard
on my way to the supermarket.
I had a premonition that those laying there
were watching me or wondering,
who is he, what is he doing in our place?
Meanwhile, I too had multiple questions
of my own ''who are they, what happened
to them during their times?
Do they know
that the world has become a global village
and we going LIVE nowadays,
courtesy of the internet?
As I continued my journey to or from home
each day thinking of those people,
who once walked this earth before us, wondering
what their lives were back then.
Back when there was no FB
or social network to supplement
their times and enhance the social propinquity those days.


The road by the graveyard gives me a new perspective on my mortality...
matthew Feb 2018
How many bullets will it take?
How much blood will be shed?
How many more lives will be taken,
before any action is taken?

When will we learn?
As a country,
When will we fight?
When is enough,

Protect kids,
Not guns.
jewel Feb 2018
Have you ever held someone for the last time?

But not physically.

Have you held the thoughts, the memories, the love, the pain, the vulnerabilities, the pictures, the songs, the texts and secrets of someone for the very last time..?

I have.

Have you ever told a lie that held some truth?

But not completely mean it.

Have you ever told someone that you're okay, when you're depressed, miserable, and completely torn apart. But yet in some twisted, and sick way you are okay. Because unhappiness is all you've ever known...?

I have.

Have you ever broken someones heart?

But didn't regret it.

Have you ever put your heart on the line for someone you value above and over anyone and anything in this world, but broke your own heart in the process because what was best for them, wasn't best for you..?

I have.

Have you ever wanted to just not feel anymore?

But you're in love with pain.

Have you ever just wanted to take a bottle of pills, or walk out in front of a moving car just because, life is too hard. You don't want to be alive anymore but yet, in all the chaos, you find peace in your misery because out of everything that never stays. Out of everything that changes and altars, it's always been there for you. To wrap you up in a blanket of depression and tuck a pillow of anxiety under your head. While singing a song of your worst fears as you close your eyes and drift into a second reality filled with the monsters in your head.

I have.

Have you ever fallen in love..?

But not in reality.

Have you ever fallen in love with the imagination of something that you know you'll never reach, touch, hold, find, or ever see. Have you ever fallen in love with the pictures the demons in your head paint? Have you ever written down how you feel into a million tiny words then set fire to them and watch them go up in smoke much like your efforts, and possibly entire life..?

I have.
Just my thoughts.
Savannah Muller Feb 2018
When will I learn it is not who you are?
It is who you should be.
When will I learn it's not what I get?
It's what I give.
When will I learn it's not when you do something?
It's how well you will do it.
When will I learn that I am not perfect but I must not fail.
When will I learn?
It's not all about me but about you too.
all these things are a lesson in life.
some of them are good some are bad.
But what you will chose will have the same question every time you get mixed up in life.
Not just When will I learn?
but when can I do it?
How can I do it?
and can I do it?
i think i have done a great job. These are fantastic ways to drive you life. comment on what you think below. these are all just questions need to be answered and done
Oskar Erikson Feb 2018
is spending more time
waiting than moving,

If so:

is spending more time
remembering than making,
Danial John Feb 2018
There's a demon in my house.
Nobody knows the route it took to be... but there are theories.

Some believe that it fills the gaps in broken families,
Others that its welcomed in by misfortune and tragedy.

And I?
I think it has been here all along.

At first, its hard to notice the demon is even there.
Once where  joy resided, only a  dull ache is felt.
But before long it spreads until one is beside it.
Next to the demon.
The world begins to fade into a illusionary grey haze.


Infact, by the time you realize its been living with you... in you... its been days.
Your chest is as hollow as the now empty packs and bottles
that you think may solve this sorrow.

But you're wrong.

Once it is let in,
this demon named depression.
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