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Kyra Samson Mar 2020
You have a purpose
You have a creator that longs for you to know him
You have a voice that god longs for you to use
You have authority
That gods waiting to show you
You have a protector
That will break the impossible for you with his power
You have a father that will never stop loving you

Did you know your life already has a plan?
You were never meant to figure out who you are on your own
You were never meant to feel all alone
God knows before you even ask
But he’s waiting for the prayer to work on your behalf
Some of you may feel like a mistake
But that is the biggest lie
God wants me to break

You are precious beyond your imagination
You are gods planned out beautiful beloved  creation
You are worth far more than what others say
You are royalty in the highest place
You have never been called to fit in
You are suppose to release your unique sound from within
You have a purpose
Jesus is your survival
his spirit in you
Is revival

You have a purpose
And god wants to give you a life
That makes your heart soar through the sky
you may be on the ground but you have always been called to fly
There’s a never time where you’ve been out of his sight
You see he’s kept you in the shadow of his wings
You’ve always been this hidden light
Bhill Mar 2020
we are surrounded by cluttered thinking
is it surprising
we need to light the torches of our minds
burn through the misinterpretation
flush out the decoy that has represented itself as truth
find a passage
think facts
rescue our purpose

Brian Hill - 2020 # 62
Find your passage and rescue it..
Poetic T Feb 2020
I was the tree in your forest,
          but you threw a match

on the undergrowth of my insecurities.

Never letting me grow, a potential

           to flourish, grow upwards,

But you burnt me down,
           every emotion was tinder's

I was ash below your feet,
              but when one is burnt

down to many times.

One becomes more resilient to
           the flames that are lit on purpose.

Unyielding you lit to many matches,
         and the last time one stood tall.

Untouched by your demoralization,
             and i grew past you

and now my forest is blossoming
         i grew ever stronger

now that your words burnt out.
tryhard Feb 2020
you have always loved color
now it seems you're watching paint dry
stuck in a timeless position
unable to find out the why

it seems you've been painting forever
you look down at your hands and see
stains upon stains of latex and acrylics
but wonder why the canvas is empty

you search far and wide for a muse
anything for a drop of inspiration
just when you think you have found it
you discover it's under distortion

you haven't folded away your easel
so maybe you need to consider
you can get yourself a new palette
this painting can still be painted over
an art-inspired poem dedicated to kuya kirk. we can all feel lost sometimes. i hope you find your place soon. :)
Liz Feb 2020
What is sleep?
All I ever do at night is think
The thoughts moleste my mind
And there's no air left to breathe
Am I even loved?
Is it worth it still to be?

What am I even doing here?
I don't know my purpose
There's always someone loved more
Is this even worth it?
Is it worth it to struggle to socialize
With people who cant see
With people who don't care individually about me?

They say they do but everyone loves someone else more
Arnauld Jarvis Feb 2020
As I observe my memories behind me
I see fate gave me no hints
As to where shall I find meaning at all
Purpose was beheld deep inside me
A sensation pulsing zest above them all
But pain paints life with inexorable ink
And when my tears are mixed with blood
Melting and pouring into my chest I finally find my heart
Then purpose buds and breathes
And I know what I ought to do
After the final everlasting blink
I can live with purpose
I can use my mind and will
Each action made with power
Makes me centered, calm, and still

When I live with purpose
I can navigate my life
Increasing love and happiness
And minimizing strife

As I live with purpose
I prosper in all I do
My purpose brings me strength
To ever begin anew
This is Prosperity Poem 65 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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Daan Feb 2020
I, on and off, catch myself asking why
and hushing my worries by guessing: 'just try',
which fails to answer the question so wry,
what are we doing and does someone know why?

People have told me to just go along,
whatever happens, the bad makes you strong.
Others compared, saying: 'you have it sweeter
than most who are born and early on greet her.

Many have said:
'please, just go to bed'.
But that's where I cry:
'Thoughts, please, tell me why!'.

I reckon to crack on ain't no full-time solution,
there's many more worries, like death or pollution.
And sometimes my guess is: 'it's goals I should seek,
to chase after change, even just for a week.'

The passing of time, more delightful when doing,
asides the asks loved and the asks worth their booing.
It may easily be, it differs for many
or for some we don't know, there isn't even any.

Now when the asking is on,
I need it less gone.
When the asking is not,
I'm amused by the thought:
I'm probably doing
something worthwile.
And the 'no question, no bluing'
alone makes me smile.

Even if blurry, it all has it's aim,
there's just no instructions to life's little game.
Sometimes you ask: 'How do I live up?'
sometimes you reply.
They both have a purpose, so please do not give up
on asking the why.
There's ups and downs,
purpose and frowns.
My personal solution/long term goal is loving,
showing love and making others happy in whatever
way I can.

But it certainly is not particularly bad or good to question that sometimes.
Things don't have to be wholly bad or good.

Now and then, that's easily forgotten.
Poet X Dec 2019
I’ve tried to deny it forever
I didn’t want to believe that I could fall
that I could feel love
towards anyone or anything
but I’ve done it this time,
I’ve fallen for the one person I shouldn’t have.
My heart has been beating again
This time with a purpose.
It’s purpose,
To bleed
To beat
For you.
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