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aurora Jul 2015
i am trying
trying to be better than the person
i used to be

i am trying
trying not to isolate myself
from everyone but him

i am trying
trying to include you with us
but you react negatively

i am trying
trying not to go back to who i was
but life is so much easier
with just one problem in your life

i am trying
maxine Jul 2015
When I was 5 I started to put sharpie or pen on my nails to make them black.
And I even recall on one instance where I put mascara in my hair to give myself black streaks.
I now want black stiletto nails, and I know that many others have them, or even just paint their fingernails black.
And it makes me think, black is such a beautiful colour and yet we put down and make fun of the people of that colour.
They can't change it, and they shouldn't have to feel that they must.
Being another colour than white shouldn't be a day to day burden or task.
It should make you feel beautiful and blessed.
But not everyone sees it that way.
It's a shame really, you see so many superb black men and women that stand out in this day and age and community.
And it has been that way for centuries.
Giving us all music to move to and lose ourselves in, books to read (perhaps more than once), movies to watch and adore, and many other things.
And yet people don't realize, they're just HUMAN.
Not having a choice of what pigmentation their skin is.
Being beaten unmercifully, and some being prosecuted not from their actions but because people have come to terms that all of that colour perform the same cruel acts.
It's not fair and I refuse to live in a society that is so mean and brutal.
Be nice to people regardless of their skin, the look or feel of it.
Be helpful to those in need regardless if others wouldn't because they have different views than you.
I'm not saying this little collection of words will change the world.
But I'm letting it be known that I myself will not be spiteful towards others that have not been to me.
Just because their skin may shout out because it is darker than others, it doesn't make them less of a person.
You don't want people to be put in boxes and yet you categories them, making them feel small and wrong.
We have come such a long way, not just for this subject but for others.
But I want my voice to be heard and my opinion to be stated.
And for others to not be so crass and quick to judge.
People are people, and deserve to be treated like it.
I don't care if this trends or not, or only gets 50 views, what I do care about is this topic/issue.
I hope you read this through, and I'm not expecting all of you to agree with me... just listen to me.
Because poets write to be heard.
Thank you.
You're girlfriend material, but not for me
You are sweet and gentle as could be, but don't you see?
Everything we build will not last long
Because you're younger
And life would make me leave you behind,
And that's not fair to you at all.
So I'm breaking the pain before it could possibly even start,
I care about you and your feelings inside your heart
I'm not trying to play games and lie to you
About a girl that likes me but is too young but I still think she's one of the greatest :)
Hannah Jul 2015
It's odd how we have
No problem saying
I love you
To those we only consider
Strictly just friends
But find it hard to say
I love you
To those we really truly love
And just don't have the courage
To say it
Chirayu Writer Jul 2015
Don't laugh on others...
Just small experience had today....

I was with my elder brother we are going to the shop..near by shop there was tanking of drinking water were we can fill water for there was a boy came to fill water ...he looks young....he looks  as worker in construction side..his clothes  were ***** by sand and cement... I was thrusting so I told to big brother let's go and drink water so me and  bro went to drink.....the boy filled the water in  big container or Can kind of bottle....while he was carrying first tab container of bottle his leg was slipped in mud of water.. Everyone standing over there laughing on him...then he came to take second container of water then that boy have talk too me and said that there were laughing on me because my legs slipped in the water of mud..and he have not speak by action because he was dumb.. Then I told don't be sad by them because some people can laugh on other there are blind by there heart and work.....just born to laugh on other...

        Its is easiest to laugh on other,than on yourself.....

Why god have made hardworking person to struggle he was dumb....anyways friends help ever...and hurt never ...make this world better by you.....thank you ....
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
And so you're stood here
feeling the Exclusion

Cause now you're the Problem

When once you were the Solution
Deep Times
Chirayu Writer Jul 2015

Time is one of the most important role in life..
Time always bring you the positive and negative thought.
Time will not wait for,try to utilize the time..
Time will also give you  chance to find the facts about the people of society..
Time always give you the second chance to prove yourself..prove for yourself not for the society..
Chirayu Writer Jul 2015
Hesitation is the First step of Nervousness..
Nervousness is the Second step of lack of confidence..
Lack of confidence is the Third step of Fearness
Fearness is the fourth step of darkness...
Darkness is the last step to complete life in the hell.....

So friends say bye and say never get well soon to this words in your life......thank you...

Michael DeVoe Feb 2010
The weight of the world can be found
In the circles under my eyes
I spend my nights awake
Worried about the wrongs everyone else is suffering
I imagine what it would be like to be someone else
For so long I start writing rap songs harder than DMX
And I'm from the suburbs where no one comes out of adversity
Because there is no adversity
There is success
Or there is suicide
I worry for the future of ex lovers
Not just mine everybody's
Will they ever wake up from their depression
Will they love again
Will they smile tomorrow
I stay up worrying so late
My mundane work day is my only place to write
Or sleep, but I choose writing
Because I'm like the rest of my in-between-generations generation
We don't expect to live past thirty-five
So when I die the only thing my mom will have of me
Are these words I write
And I'd rather them be a bit more
Then love poems to girls who wouldn't remember meeting me
I want to write about important things
I want the things that make midnight
The start of my day
To be the things that make my pen run dry during it
I worry about hobo cities
Full of veterans, drug addicts, and bachelor degrees
And sometimes all three at the same time
I want to learn how to crochet
So I can make a blanket for every baby
Going home with a loving mom
Too poor to turn on the heater
This isn't a poem full of metaphors or similes
This is just true stories
From people who can't sugar coat their truths
Because sometimes you just can't get the blood out of the carpets
And your kids grow up playing hot wheels
On the stain their mom left when she left
Sometimes thirty-five to life is a *** deal
And it ends your life
Sometimes thirty-five to life is an excuse to get one
And sometimes thirty-five to life is the only thing keeping you alive
Because three square meals a day
Is a luxury you've never been afforded
I built a wailing wall in my house
And I have yet to put a prayer in it for myself
Not because I'm self righteous
Or perfect
But because I haven't gotten around to it
I just know there are so many others
Who could use the extra prayer more than I could
The way I figure it if no one prays for me
And I don't pray for myself
That should lighten the load a bit
And I've put in so many prayers for other people
The wall might just fall through the floor
And land in the living room of the lady who wears sunglasses
She wears them day and night, outdoors and in
I worry about her the most
More than AIDS ridden starving kids in Africa
More than Tsunami Victims
More than broken limbs and missing babies in Haiti
I worry about the lady who wears sunglasses
Because she knows no other form of love
Than the kind he gives her
And the closest she's ever felt to real love
Was the day he bought her those new sunglasses
To cover the bruises he gave her
The circles under my eyes get darker and darker
With every passing hour
And that's not a metaphor
You can see it if you turn on the lights
And the world is getting darker and darker
With every wrong that is suffered
And that is a metaphor
But that doesn't make it a lie
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon
Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe
kassie robinson Jun 2015
"I love you , but you made me!" You say as you slap her across her beautiful face.

All the had "done" was speak to an old friend.

She speaks her mind or speaks at all and you beat her when you are alone.
She wants to leave you but every time she stands you shove her further down then before.
the reason she started that dreaded habit, and instead of holding her when she's is in pain you beat a once strong and unharmed girl.

You tell her you love her
The only love you have for her is that you love to BEAT her when she is herself.

She gives younger everything.
She makes you her king.
And what does she get in return ?
Your fist on her once unmarked body.

She has to cover herself because of the marks you leave on her.

But she's not just your punching bag she's your *** slave too, huh?
In your mind you can have her bruised body whenever you say.
When she tells you no you call her mean , horrid, demeaning names.

But you love her , after all the things you've done
how DARE you use the word we hold to the most high regard
She is smart , beautiful , sweet , caring , loving , bubbly , and outgoing
And you crushed every once of respect she had for herself and her opinion on how she deserves to be treated.

But she's gone now she left you FOREVER.
because love NEVER existed here .
Like the poem I have writes before I'm taking you into my past. Yes happened to me. I just want to say , yet again , stand up . do not be some abusive ******* (excuse that) puppet. If he can't love the beautiful female you are he doesn't deserve you at all. Please please please I beg of you , of you are in an abusive relationship leave please. NO ONE deserves to be treated like that ever . if u need help with it message me I would be honored to help , and I will NEVER tell a soul I swear it.
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