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Poolza Feb 2019
I want to know
what it's like
to have friends

I want to know
what it's like
to eat

I want to know
what it's like
to feel

I want to know
what it's like
to be loved

I want to know
what it's like
to be human
Abigail Rose Jan 2019
I’m so for you my
heart turns at quandaries like
thoughts of your eyelash
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
is a book.
The problem is,
I don't think
that others
can read
newpoetica Jan 2019
before i knew it was all too good to be true,
i genuinely cared so much for you.
you put all this trust into a person,
but they let you walk away while they're there *******' and cursin'.
see, the thing is that we all want to see the person's best,
even though their hurtful words never give you a rest.
we want to see these people grow,
so that one day their love for us will maybe someday show.
that though, isn't love at all,
it's your eyes that are covered by a shawl.
it is good to have hope in the face of the worse,
but that viewpoint is also a curse.
truth be told, toxicity isn't always easy to leave,
this is a thought that's worth to conceive.
before i knew it was too good to be true,
i genuinely cared so much for you.
I've been slacking on my poetry recently ever since school started up again. On the bright side, that means I'm not dealing with that many family problems or issues because I'm too busy to care. Also I have a crap ton of homework due to AP US History and AP Psychology, so wish me luck on that stuff. Haha.
Alexis K Jan 2019
Sometimes I wonder
If this world is just a blunder
If one day
We'll all be escorted away

Sometimes I hope
That's there's somewhere better
We will all stay
Till the world's been cleansed with soap

Sometimes I desire
For this world to die.
So that we can rebuild
Without all the smoke and fire

It's not just the people
But the buildings they make
That break our beautiful world down
Until it's all fake.
Anonymous Writer Jan 2019
His sneezes threaten her peace

He quivers in every problem she faces

Twinflames, two bodies one soul
Ever experienced it?
How is the relation now?
Bek Blanchard Nov 2015
My mind transfixed on this perplexing enigma
Left, right, up, down,down
Six colors spinning around
Yesterday i almost had it solved
But the ******* green square just wouldn't line up
I almost surrendered; frustrated by the puzzle
Which has always given me so much trouble
But for some reason i can't put it aside
Addicted to getting all the colors in line
I know there's an algorithm, but my mind's not mathematical
Day by day becoming exceedingly problematical
I won't give up...
Anya Dec 2018
The taste of tension, like water, plain but there
Invisible, but felt
A faint undercurrent, a barely detectable wave

Physically, fine, well most of us
But mentally, a little shaky
Slightly off
Not easily detectable

Our lips graced by bald faced sugary sweet smiles
Don't look at the mouth, look at the eyes
Where the truth screams out at you
If, you can detect it

His antics, a little over the top
Her quirks, just slightly more enhanced
But even then,
You can't truly know what's going on behind the curtain
Unless you forcefully lift
That could possibly damage it
Nylee Dec 2018
Which algorithm is going to understand me
understand sentiment behind what I do
It is coded for catching the patterns
For them we are just there
to generate the data to process
What insights will they create
about me when I'm just the outlier
they will remove me to get cleaner results
Generalise the problem
that it won't cater to me
technology is not the slave
they make us dance to their tune
We change, as much as they advance
Develop worse habits
change our routines
from when we were in the more happier place
to a place which comes with waves of sadness.
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