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JS May 2017
My heart is taken
By no one
that was so mistaken

It should be forever
Story like compound lever

My heart is taken
By you
every morning reawaken

Now I say whatever
Not happy end altogether
Aroody Apr 2017
Break in frustration,  
Cry and grieve,  
Drown in your tears,  
Unless you believe,  

" That body dies and soul exists! "

Love of a husband,
Sacrifice of a wife,  
Support of a brother,  
A sister who meant life ,

Source of their good ,
Was from the soul,
Their selfless love,  
From the heart,

Body was merely a tool,  
A tool to convey an eternal love,  

May their souls rest in peace!!
As they did and will forever live
Mane Omsy Feb 2017
Like we shared our hearts together
Another day, I will be with you
Do you mind if I stay here?
Your presence nourishes my happiness
My dear
Jellyfish Nov 2016
Last night I cried myself to sleep...
But tonight I'm filled with warmth
and hope to dream of you once more.
You always make me feel better, thank you.
eleanor prince Jul 2016
I'm sad
my friend

you tried
we tried
we cried

you fought
we fought
for naught

craven creature
and won

I'm sorry
so sorry

how can sun
be gone
yet birds sing

don't they see
can't they tell

it is but stars
an afterglow
all is naught

life has passed
your ailing breath

from darkness sown
by drug cartels

on breaking will
of *** plant babes
sourced for fame

stealthy greed
seduces most
millions sought

want you
and me
they're undeterred

their filly reach
a blinding hate
of freedom's rights

leave humans be
as infants wail
and white coats play

mere blinded dupes
pay dues required
in hallowed halls

and now you're
yes, dead

not anywhere
you've left us

from dirt to dirt
and ash to ash
and so it ends

somehow we must
decide to breathe
when you cannot

I hold you still
in memory's dream
my brother sweet

though in my arms
the grief burns

writhe impotent
in essence true
we're nil

no flow of tears
will soothe you now
they've ceased

the dreaded C
has had its day
too bad

too bad
our useless words

a spinning wheel
pathetic croaks
on fade porch

perhaps if we...
I should have said...
why didn't I...

and so it goes

tortured mind
unwilling thrusts
accept the truth

grim reaper came
and now he's

another love
will soon be

why you dear friend
Lord, please
not you

the rivers dam
there are no streams
that be enough

remorse it screams
why not the swines
the great unwashed

why was it you
the good
- why case you would like to click on here you will see the image that accompanies this poem - thank you

Breakella Dec 2015
You will never come home for the holidays or any other day
celey Jul 2015
she passed by time,
he said
and in that moment
i realized
i wanted
wanted wanted
to pass by time as well
hopefully as gracefully
as she did
Your lips tasted like Winters kiss to me- you were chilling and enthralling.
This much I remember.
So as I stand and watch you kiss her- breathe life into her bones, I can't help but wonder if all of man kind got it wrong- believing that only women give life?

Perhaps men give it too- this much has to be true because how else can I feel the sting of your lips against mine standing a room across from you. In the taste of your lips and pressure of your hips I lost myself and is that not life in itself? or have all of our age old ideals confined that feeling of infinity into lust?

I used to stare at the leaves on trees- watching as they blew in the wind kissing each other ceaselessly- and envy that level of intimacy, until your lips gave beauty meaning , i understood it for the first time ever on the couch when my parents finally left us alone.

So now as I stand and watch. Watch as you kiss her lips-as if wishing to find the flavour of mine somewhere in that feigned passion and despite all these years having passed I can't help but feel my heart ache in my chest. I can't help but wish you were breathing life into my now dormant bones.

Your lips were a pssing season, one unlike any other and just a little bit of magic. Just enough to breathe life into me when I used to believe life was breathing and now I believe it means loving.
Sara Jones Jun 2015
We thought he'd never see sunrise,
Now sunrise is all he sees.
Up in heaven with our other passed loved ones,
He's smiling cheek to cheek.

With the angels singing hymns,
And he glancing down,
I'm sure he wants to say:
*"It's alright, I'm okay now."
My Uncle David Kinchen, 62, died at 1:30am the morning of Saturday, May 30th, 2015 from Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes). He had GVHD (body attacks stem cells from a stem cell transplant) in his liver. His liver gave out and he passed away peacefully.
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