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I don't want to flood this site,
But I think it's worth mentioning,
That overnight,
I went from needing,
299 poets,
To only needing,

I've loved everything I've received,
And I am forever grateful.
Once the poem is done,
I will take down these updates.
So they don't sit around,
They'll be replaced, by a master piece.
Thank you all for your interest in this, I promise the minute this project is finished I will take all these non-poems down.
Feel free to submit more than one line as well, after all the only thing I said is I need 300 poets.
If you would like to participate, write up a line for the poem and email it to me at Make sure to include your name or pen name in the email that way I can credit you. I will arrange the lines in a way that makes sense to read.
Thanks guys.
Name of the poem is pending if you guys have ideas let me know, please forward this to anyone who you'd think would be interested, I want to make this a real thing.
Jeremy Betts Sep 2024
She advertised everything I wanted
Upon purchase it was nothing I needed
If only there was more time allotted
The warning signs could've been heeded
With the foundation now rotted
I'm reseated all alone and resented
Not fully unexpected,
But fully defeated
Deflated and almost deleted
Then the process gets repeated

Jeremy Betts Aug 2024
What's gotten into me?
Well, it's spite silly
Despite a lack of a vacancy
Much needed for what's actually important to me

Heidi Franke Jun 2024
Whatever I didn't give you

that you needed
. .   I
am sorrowful for.

I thought I was limitless
    in my charity and resources.

It is obvious
to be so.

It was all I had.
Feeling helpless and lost
Heidi Franke Nov 2023
It started when people stopped bathing
Or showering.

Every day before they went to work or after their 5 mile run.  People just stopped stepping into their tubs
Or showers
To turn the faucet handles that activated
Cold and hot water to fall from the plumbing.

They gradually
Lost interest in hygiene. Personal cleanliness was ghosted.

Everything else mattered to them,  until it didn't.  Getting their kids to school on time mattered, finishing the work project by deadline mattered, visiting relatives in Montana mattered, driving to the store for groceries mattered, until it didn't. Simply ceasing soap and water on flesh.

They just stopped bathing. It's not that they were afraid of water. If near the ocean they would still run and swim in the waves,
Or jump into the pool at the Hilton. No they weren't afraid of water.
It was something else
So slow
And insidious that it was hardly noticed at first.

The domesticated animals picked up on the phenomena first.
They became anxious. They scurried, tried vocalizing. They sensed a lack of intention from their care givers. They sensed a lack of worthiness inside of their humans. The animals began to wonder about their own well being.
What was their future?

Once you start with a variation from normal,  from routine,  from tradition,  the pendulum swings.
The people didn't realize what was happening. Then it slowly dawned on them over time.
They didn't feel needed.
But kept it a secret. The secret necrosed from the inside
Out. They forgot that connecting to one another
Was vital to survival. Their silence could be deadly.
An idea came to mind how in depression one stops caring about certain things. What if everyone did?
Broken Pieces Oct 2021
I really needed you
I thought you wanted me too
But you just ripped yourself away
Should've known you wouldn't stay

We were supposed to be perfect
But you went treated me like an object
Why is everything I do not right
Why do you always steal my light.

I saved up this love to save me
And I was happy but you couldn't let it be...
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2021
If given the chance would you ask for me back?
Each tear I've shed would you help me uncry?
The bad moments erased like an amnesiac
Reverse time to before you said goodbye

You'd be a better man than you were
I would be better too
Stop you from walking out the door
Would not give you a reason to
I wish life was like a movie I could rewind and pause when I liked
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, this is what life is supposed to feel like;-)

my slate so clean at best
that the last of the week made my retinas unshrink
on some quest

mad world out there I declare a leftover deal
push the past off the shields and embrace the real

with my jewels on ice
devils rolled on their dice

all through-and-through grateful
to the ultimate graceful

pardon me not
I am supposed me with a but

not giving luck a kick
just let flow on a brick

now in my wings I am highlighted galore
I love the painful me on the flying soar

                                                          ­                 -------ravenfeels
correct me if i'm wrong
but i cannot be corrected
sorry but i'm not actually sorry
i cannot help being right
do not correct me
Bobby Dodds Nov 2020
Let me start out by saying-
that I have absolutely nothing to say
Now maybe that should be a bad thing and,
don't get me wrong it most definitely is for poetry.
not for everything else.
I don't have anything to say anymore
because I've said it all, all I want to, Needed to say.
and I can't seem to want to write because my writing is supposed to help me think and organize clumps of words

into lines

and lines
into stanzas
and stanzas into-


but its gone,
I asked myself where the magic went
and the only conclusion is
that the magic wasn't there to start,
my emotions were.
my fuel fracked and burned up
because the poetry helped me live.

and now I don't know how to live without it.
I'm addicted and can't even make my own cravings
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