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Shyanna Ashcraft Sep 2015
I've found myself lost,
Drifting around in a
Series of complex caverns,
Spinning from one dead end
To another inside the
Terrible length of tunnels
In which I've found myself.
This maze of which I can't escape,
I cannot decide which way to go
I do not know
Which way is out,
And how do I choose,
What way to cruise,
Left or right?
I cannot tell,
Wouldn't someone ring the bell?
Break this spell,
That keeps me dazed,
Unfazed inside my jail,
Which is my mind.
I'm trapped in a bind,
It is now time,
I've not gotten ready,
I'm not prepared,
My legs aren't steady,
My heart is scared.
Where do I want to go or be?
Here or there?
Phil Lindsey Sep 2015
In the labyrinth inside my mind,
Sometimes my thoughts get lost.
I search down long dark tunnels
Where old memories are tossed
Like antiques in the attic, that
I can’t bear to throw away
Saved forever just in case
I need them again some day!

And as I age these memories
Show up at the strangest times
But there is no one there to talk to
So I turn them into rhymes
And hope some day that someone
Might discover them and see
That my poems are about my life
My poems are ‘bout me!

When age finally blocks the tunnel -
I no longer can break through
And I’m trapped inside with memories
And nothing left to do
But stare out through the window
Or at the closed front door,
Know I’m still inside the labyrinth
And I wish I’d written more!
Phil Lindsey 9/14/15
Thomas EG Sep 2015
Flash flash
Surround me with your body, your soul
Let's rest here, right here
Tell me more
My lips are sealed, I swear
Only you have the power
To unlock my lips
To unlock my mind
You amaze me
You are a maze to me
I simply can not figure you out
I don't get it
I don't get you
But I still love this
I really, really do
It's casual
Perhaps not quite so mutual
But so what!
I'm happy, you're happy
We're not hurting anyone
(No one important anyway)
We try and we succeed
Well, I'd consider this a success
But that's just me
You're so ******* beautiful
I love your lips
I love your lips so much
Let's just stay here
I love here so much
Spending time with you
Spending time outside
If only we could run
Then we'd be okay
We'd both be okay
But I guess for now we shall survive
And survival is key
Let's just let go
I guess I do like you
But I know that I must love you
As a friend, above all
Only I adore your passionate lips
I mean come on
I really want you
We really need to figure this out
I need to figure you out
I will figure you out...
Yeah man alright alright

Just found this in my drafts... I was definitely drunk when I wrote it.
Zelda Aug 2015
Intelligent life floating nearly three decades towards unification
With unsuccessful progression, just stressful aggression
That is preached on the mountaintop waiting for the wild beast to unlock its secretes
When underneath lies a labyrinth of tunnels
Full of issues spinning on a cursed wheel;
On the streets, there is no silver-lining
And ethnic cleansing, is a political approach to coax society
With an insurmountable wire full of electrons
Trying to tranquilize a foundation of "modernity"
That is drenched in red Beryl molasses
Causing another martyr to die in cold blood;
Sick with a plague that runs deeper than the cyanide in our veins
What a shame that these flowers wilt away
Not even rain can break down these red dreams mixed with criminal themes
No matter how hard we try, no gust of wind is strong enough
To fight off the spiders bloated with poison
That lurk in the shadows, at a quarter to midnight
They light the cigarettes like the patient wolves
Watching the calm night from the rooftop
The moonlight magnifies their grotesque facade
Baring their teeth at a lingering silhouette cast out of paradise
Into a void where sober logic is drowned by clinking wine glasses
sage short Jul 2015
Loneliness creeps into my thoughts on a daily basis
I don't know why, considering I have
All these friends, a family, and I'm
Such a happy person
But then I think
I think hard
I realize the people I surround myself with don't make me
So I try to get rid of them
But that results in loneliness
I'm trying
Trying to find myself in this abyss
positrxnicbrain Jun 2015
With every bite with bone and skin,
The temple groaned and shook again.
His dwelling place did I neglect
To the end with bad effect.
Your soul wanders an endless maze.
AM Jun 2015
Sometimes a girl
Just cannot help
But to enter
A difficult maze
And got lost inside
Sometimes a maze
Is ******* brilliant
And caused certain
Addiction to death
Sometimes a girl
Is me
And sometimes
A difficult maze
*Is you
grim-raven May 2015
Each life contains mazes which can never be finished twice
Don't try to steal other's when you have your own skies
And if you can't fly at the sky
Remember, not all birds can fly
Different ways are being offered in each of our life
Always pick the road where you can feel comfy and high
We have our own tracks that deserve footprints on their own
In every corner, there'll be turns so it's fine to slow down the road

**All other mazes are already being explored
Who will travel in your maze if you won't?
Megan H May 2015
I'm lost in my head
It's not that hard really
With the labyrinth in my brain
A left turn sends me to disaster
Go to the right and I find insanity
Around the bend I just might find
That happiness I lost four years ago
I'm going in circles
But I don't regret getting lost.
If I'd never strayed from the straight path,
I would never have understood
The beauty and horrors of life
I would never have known risk
I would not know what it's like
To be alive.
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