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Allyssa Oct 2020
Soft sweet lips,
Honey dew words,
Sugar kisses,
Warm embraces.
It was the unexpected dance,
The glances,
The smiles.
It was getting stuck in the rain,
Locked out of the house,
Laughing until we couldn’t breathe.
I was little drunk,
You didn’t mind.
We giggled like children in the dark,
Watching the raindrops on the windshield,
In that ever so warm car.
I can tell this is going to be a rabbit hole
annh Sep 2020
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“Struck is the hour from its ivory tower,
At sixes and sevens, the stars in their heavens,

As minute hands dance at twilight's advance,
To the cadence of time, the archangel’s chime;

Listen closely for me at a quarter to thee,
‘Twixt the tick and the tock of grandpapa’s clock,

Unquicken thine pace, for run is the race,
Hear the pendulum lock, ziccoty, diccoty, dock.

‘There was a sudden stillness like the gap between ticks on a clock, but the next tick never coming.’
- Sadie Jones, The Outcast
Pockets Aug 2020
There’s mold in the attic
Next to the instillation and between the ears
so many people wanna condemn this place
Yet they have never lived here
They didn’t see it when it was new and beautiful
Before the outside world formed cracks in its foundation
Before years of storms leaked in and rotted memories
All the world sees is foreclosed eyes
That’s why they are so blind
Always trying to tear us down
Instead of building us back up
Then they wonder why we put locks on are doors
And plywood over the windows
They only wanna see something new
Even if its not there own
Some people houses look just like mine
Some peoples minds are abandoned homes
Karijinbba Aug 2020
And so many dreams
do not breathe
in the face of a harsh reality
or drowning in the shock silence
of a lovely once upon a time
ancient scripted surprice.

Playing old sad unkind songs
can't help much either
Only loves songs pry open
the gold lack, gold key mystery.
Spilling ones gold heart out
loud and clear is point key.

Understanding others
and self is fundamental
fireworks delight;
winning trust,
Your gold key lover mine
opens my gold lock.
By: Karijinbba
Copy Rights
Revised 08-2020-
No more sad songs please play some nice music let the music play I want to dance the night away untill this misery subsides
the blade burn of gaps.
liakey Aug 2020
i opened the door,
yet another time,
welcoming you back into my life.

such warmth at first;
you provided me with light on the darkest nights.

days pass, weeks become months;
the warmth of the summer fades away,
overtaken by coldness now, so i beg you to stay.

weak and pathetic, yet again, i’m nothing to you;
not that i really care;
i find comfort in the familiarity of this barren place, too.

i’d do anything to keep you from leaving;
i don’t understand why you come back,
if this is how it always ends up being..?

begging for immunity,
i’m granted none.
yet again infected,
i close my eyes so i don’t have to watch as you run.

stuck here, far from home;
in this place you left me..

i’m all alone.

i have no choice:
i slammed the door, one final time;
changed the locks; anything to keep you from ever stopping by;
so help me god, grant me the strength, to put back together this mess that remains inside.
Safana Aug 2020
You can
Lock me down
You will never
Locked my
Heart up,
I'm infected
To love and trace,
That light
Striking the lines
of horizon,
Covering earth
You can
Lock me down
You will never
And ever
Lock my faith
near or wide
at kind or at wild

i will find
after near or long time
that you are the gift

you will be the right
choose ,finally i decide
and the only sign

showing at right sight
i can not ever lock
my eye

you are my diamond
i searched downed at lowest
and i may suffer to get

my dearest brilliant
the search for one who carried good heart and kind is worth to suffer more hurt
There was a time
When a boy lived
In a home of keys
He had a key for every situation
One day, a man approached
Asking him, how do I live with my wife
The boy searches for a key
He finds a flower crested one
And says, this shall placate your wife
Let me warn you, however
At the full moon
The key disappears
And so does its magic
The man goes back
Tells his wife
Look at this beautiful ornate thing
The wife says this is perfect
For now we can be the best of lovers
The husband delighted with his purchase
Waits for the full moon
Wondering why a key
With such lasting happiness
Should have temporary power
The full moon approaches
The wife is always toying with the key
This worries the husband
But, he allays his concerns
Thinking, his wife will not mind a bit
For now, let him enjoy her company
And he had been getting plump lately
When the full moon arrives
The wife seems pale
The husband now understands
That it was the key to her heart
Now the magic had died
With it came sorrow
As the key vanished
She locked away her joys
Forever, in her heart
The flower never blossomed again
A short story in the form of a fable. I hope you enjoy my creative side.
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