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s Willow Mar 2019
You promised infinity
only to have a stolen love.
You promised eternity
only to be gone in the wind.
Azuraine Feb 2019
Yes, you are my love . Your voice is the revelation that heals my heart and touches my soul. I survive on the magical letters of your words. I am gifted life’s air from the breath on your lips. I have become an addicted lover of the  madness of our love . I escape with you in the vast blue oceans in your eyes.I am consumed by the US of we . Yes, you are my love , and you are so much more.
Kleigh Feb 2019
I meet a star on earth
And we met like constellations
Can't describe his worth
It's hard to explain like mathematical equations
No one can be measure
'Cos he's like a galaxies' most precious

I love you all through eternity
To have infinity
To prove everlasting
In the end, I am just a dust and feel nothing

'Cos I fall too fast
That's why I crashed that harsh
Like a shooting stars
In a galaxy of broken hearts
To the man I gave my whole universe
Eli Feb 2019
Is all I am

And the words coil around me
Like twisting snakes

But I think the snakes like me
They distort to fit the shape of me like armor

Anyone who dares come near
I unleash the snakes upon

Beautiful boundaries designed by passion
They defend me eternally

They let me hold hands with infinity
I know I know. Another poem about poems? I'm just like in this poetry high right now. I'll get to other topics in my poems later.
Izzy Feb 2019
Death is an illusion:your energy will never die

Whirling in whirlpools of infinity; the parenthesis of eternity
I wrote this at 12 and it was my first poem
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2019
You need

Who doesn't lead you
Who doesn't follow you

You need
The one
Who holds you, parallel
All the way
Be sure about it

You are enough
To travel the time
Regard, how far
You have come
Genre: Observational
Theme: People crossing the way
I weave words within
an ephemeral
tapestry. a seamstress,
or a scribe of sorts.
either way you hear it;
the song remains
the same.

I understand and I do
not: a simultaneous
quantum superposition
(or superstition) for
an unutterable blazon of
infinity, encapsulated
within a granule of sand amidst
the eye of a great tempest.

I cannot claim a prophet.
no. I do not merit
such bravado.
no testament to my
works and days,
nor presumptuous air
of religiosity.

my fingers sketch out a
tempo through the
Β Β Β Β Β Β  cΒ Β 
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  rΒ Β 
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β vΒ Β 
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β eΒ Β 
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β sΒ Β 
of letters,
a form which
sings and dances
for those who cannot.

tuesday, january 8th, 2019

Β© kalica calliope
there are days i long for
the allure of philosophy.
a less personal affair,
but only to a degree.

rather than what i do.

such responsibility, to hold
another's fragile mental
stability within the palm
of my hand!

i am no healer, i do not
offer cures. no. the
gravitation i hold
is simply an

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of everything
which shall always
be nothing more than
the reverberation of my soul.

i am not a poet.
my mother tongue is not
within clever word
play or meter.

i speak the words of the
cosmic tapestry
within the singing
of the spheres.

there is a quiet history in
that celestial symphony,
an Edda of instrumental
humming all that
was and shall be.
saturday, january 5th, 2019.

Β© kalica calliope.
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