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Martin Narrod Nov 2015
I keep her clothing in the bed,
Fresh wet daggers of this concupiscent World. That is the standard. Don't you Hear it?
I watch the lamps and blankets singe
Cigarettes and Heineken
Nevermind, With the Lights Out
Everything is 'About A Girl',
And faking for no one.
'm too fuxked to know the difference
Stress is a knot that kills the young
I don't care about the other's wasting Their time isn't my business.

My sick is so short sighted. It carries a Black lighter inside its Gareth Pugh jeans.
Ann Demeulemeester top, Rick Owens Boots, an Obscur coat, Rad Hourani shirt
Henrik Vibskov socks, an MB999 tee.
Color is language for the body to read.
Inertia and energy protect me. I am the Opposite of a black hole. This vessel governs its own space, but I don't attempt To understand anything or any one thing.

This lizard brain keeps its ward and Wielding the almighty power of its Nightness, cosy's up near the Community of Death, Magic, and Numinous winter dirges, huffing Parfumes from her death-covered clothes.
Death clothes party Nightness licentious lust infinite love the west prose Chicago martinnarrod LOOTD
prompty Nov 2015
when day is done
the sons of metalurgy
will return home -
dusk upon their shoulder
and a sharp eye
looking for trouble.

but time flows ever onward
and many more twilights
will show.

the search will feel ancient
and the chest of memories
will weight a lifetime.

she and the moon glare in the distance:
how many dreams it will take
to walk the one and only road?
Ethan Solouki Jul 2013

When A Flower Gets Enough Light, It Opens Up

This Is Where All The Beauty Begins.

That Beauty, Is Usually

Short Lived.

When Enough Light Is Consumed

& The Flower Has Sacrificed Itself To Nature

There is Nothing Left to do but Perish the Salvaged Soul.

Infinite Cycle of the Universe found everywhere in Life.
Angie S Oct 2015
You are a starchild, born from
the heavenly bodies and all
their celestial love affairs; You
twinkled among the stars and
owned the universe with them,
and yet you came down to
Earth and instead took over
my heart. And you say you
don't remember any of that as
we lay under the planets, but
when I look into your eyes I
see a galaxy. You shine with
a supernatural sort of radiance
that I can't believe to be earthly
and I am awful at science but
when you speak to me, astronomy
makes sense. The universe makes
sense. And you say that, just as
birds and clouds and humans
die, stars eventually die out too.
Our time is short but, darling, we
are infinite. We've become our own
universe. We threw away our mortal
selves when we realized this and
embraced this fleeting moment we
have together; stories never die and
neither will ours. And you say you
want to take me to your place,
among the asteroids and nightlights.
Yesterday I would have said, "No,
I'm afraid of the dark" but mapping
the unknowns of outer space with you,
surely we will become constellations.
And besides, I already am in heaven;
after all, that is what love is, isn't it?
am i good at writing love poems? do you think i could woo someone with my stellar metaphors?
(forgive my punnery)
RyanMJenkins Oct 2015
You are my sunshine
As well as my moonshine
With this gaze, intoxicated
so full of love that it can only be translated when demonstrated.
Fascinated by the waves of patience
To you, I'm yours truly dedicated.
Syncopated stains will not extinguish the flames, for we soar hand in hand after leaps of faith.
In each other we've made a safe place.
Putting the om in home lifts the expression on my face, leaving every trace of what was for that sweet, now taste.  
We aid each other
to chase what we crave.  
Exercising limitlessness
Our souls have already been saved.  
Happy that we took a chance to be brave.  
A moment in time is all it took to see your grace.  Crossing paths at last to live in harmony at our own pace

I work for us, not just the monetary means,
That gentleman we encountered had it right last year in New Orleans
Now you lay, head already in dreams.
My Sun and my moon, I still feel your bright beams.  
I have no worries, because we make an unbreakable team.
I'll nuzzle you soon and always be the shoulder on which you can lean.  
The kisses are coming,
just you wait and see.
Thank you for all the times you fixed me up some tea,
and reminded me to breathe.
I now have enough stillness to take on life with ease.
Let's continue to wondrously grow together,
and show time our eternity~

I love you Meghan <3
MsAmendable Oct 2015
Today, I looked up, And saw
a tiny stain in the shape of a bird
Pressed to my ceiling.
How ironic, I thought
That such a moment of freedom
endlessly trapped,
Is still so free for the bird.
I was looking at videos of black holes and how someone on the edge of one appears to stop moving (like a pause button) to any observers, but to the person it is just a moment passing before they move on. But in that one moment, they will live forever.

I would want to travel with you
In a region of the universe
Where you and I
get lost in spacetime
than to arrive at a certain place
of infinite madness and beauty.

I'd like to imagine that stars flicker as we go by
creating paths
creating constellations
as stellar as we feel

Drift lightyears away towards the cosmos
to create an infinite you and I

We were the past.
We are the present.
We will be the future.

We are what we are as we make of ourselves.

I will travel the infinite worlds with you.
I will travel time just to be with you
To make a stretch into infinity

It's October 21st 2015

It is in the *NOW
Nameless Oct 2015
Just, Why?
I over analyze simple things, hoping for a better or worse outcome…
I look for answers, where there are none.
If the universe in infinite, why do we find so many things… A great discovery?
When we haven’t even scratched the surface!
I’m on the wrong side of the universe.
So, when will others learn that up isn’t up and down isn’t down?
     My mind is so vast.
But I am young, to an untrained eye.
I’m a writer, artist, and a poet…
I have lived and died so many times.
I’m a kid.
But I feel as if I’ve lived for thousands of years-

                                                                 So many lives!
Milo Clover Aug 2015
Mozart changes the color
of eyes from deep blue
to see green.
Work with me and I'll
summon up everyone's
artificial ancient animals.

Sleek thin machines
whizz with mechanism
pumping out more and more
machines to make machines
to make metals
for more machines.
Shine chrome greased
and spinning while
white coated retrievers
pace exactly random,
occasionally checking
their clip boards.
Machines whizz on,
we could tune a cello
with their perfect hum.
We could tune a tuning fork
with their perfect hum.
Machines for materials
for machines that melt
and remold old machines
to new.  Born machines.
Wet black discs
slide clean downward
only to spiral
upward again.

Clarinet to oboe,
slurred crescendo
back down in again.

Then forward:
and left music
back down in again.

"Where's our end?"
and back down in again.

"I see the top!"
and back down in again.

"Talk to me, please!"
and back down in again.

"Throw me a float!"
and back down in again.

And sink, and sink
back down in again
back down in again
back down in again
despair reigns when, through music, the poet attempts to reconcile the vaporous nature of Self with the menacing permanence of matter
sanch kay Sep 2015
they say everything ends.
shall we prove them *wrong?
i love you.
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