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dravenstorm Sep 2015
The Saddest Part
Is That I Messed Up

But You Just
Didn't Have To Leave!
Why Couldn't You Just Stay!
Sara Beth Cannon Sep 2015
Words are such peculiar things.
They can be a balm to invisible wounds.
Or the very weapon that inflicted them.
If only you could take them back.
And with them the hurt.
Things would be so different.
Maybe these words will reach you.

I'm sorry,
For what it's worth.

But words are just words,
Without the feelings behind them.
And unfortunately my feelings,
Have no words.
To the sweet boy who can't get a read on me:

I'm sorry.

I will use you up and leave you dry...
and I think you would like to use me up too.

The problem with that is,
there's so very little left of me to use up.

So kiss me,
and try not to see the tears,
try not to taste the bitterness,
and I promise I won’t tell you his name.
September 3, 2015
I thought I could put you in a box
I was wrong
I thought I could work you out like math
I was wrong

I thought this was what you'd say
You said something else
I thought you were one way
You were another

But it was the same about me

I tried to put myself in a box
I tried to work myself out like math
But I'm more than that,
And I can't figure it out

I thought I was supposed to say this
But I should have said something else
I thought I was one way
But I was another

I tell myself that I don't know you
But I don't know me

And that is much worse.
dravenstorm Aug 2015
Is It Me?
Am I The Reason
People Always
pooki3pooki3 Aug 2015
You say I'm never there for you
I'm distant, aloof
But honey I've never fallen so dangerously
As I have for you
I know your heart is covered in scars
And distance won't heal your wounds
But I never gave up on us
On what we could be
You're jaded and not sure we're worth
The frustration you feel
But I beg you not to say goodbye
When our love is far from it's end
Maybe I'm just scared we see things differently
That I invented what I wanted to see
But I've only felt the burn of heartbreak once before
And I'd sell my life away
On the faith that if you leave
I won't be the only one left with painful memories
Wondering how we ******* up what should have been
Caroline K Aug 2015
We are the universe, can't you see
that we only create black holes
and matters of dark energy?

Star-crossed lovers
that gave ourselves
false hope and reassuring words
to feed off of.

We are the stars working
against our own relationship.
Foolishly tripping over our own feet.
While scaring our own wrists,
old practices of middle school days.
Bad habits to partake in.
(Shouldn't we have learned this already?)

Addicts trying to quit
but it's difficult
to see clearly when our skin touches.

Tasting you again is poison
and I know this
because you still haven't
learned to listen,
and I haven't
grown out of being a stubborn *****.

The august rain will fall
marking the end of summer
and the leaves will change colors.

And you and I burning stars,
will fade in the ever changing night sky.
Tabi G Jul 2015
i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry
i didnt mean to make you sad
oh god, im a bad friend

i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry
i didnt mean to talk too loud
i didnt mean to startle you
i didnt mean to take up too much space
i didnt mean
i didnt mean
i didnt mean
i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry
Tabi G Jul 2015
I think you send me little hearts on Skype because it makes me smile
And I think you think making me smile
Will keep a razor off my thighs and pills out of my throat
But I don't think you realize
I might do it anyway

Not to sound ungrateful
Because I appreciate the sentiment
But I feel like I'm dying anyway

And smiling wont stop that
And smiling wont bring my apathy back
“Why would you want apathy?” you ask
I live in a home where every eye contact
Makes it look like you're talking back
And when you talk back
You get your possessions taken from you
One by one

And that wouldn't be a problem
If I didn't miss the little hearts on Skype.
Lily Jul 2015
I'm sorry for the lonely,
I'm sorry for the mad.
I'm sorry for the poor,
For the things they ever want.

I'm sorry for the hungry,
I'm sorry for the bad.
I'm sorry for the rich,
Never contented of what they had.

I'm sorry for the fool,
I'm sorry for that lad,
For that girl who trusted him
For his gift of broken heart

I'm sorry for the world.
I'm sorry for those blood,
I'm sorry for these sins,
Oh please forgive me God.

© **Leigh Herondale
Impromptu eh
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