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"It is not my agenda that matters; it is God's."
- **XL
Michael Ryan Apr 2015
A broken heart is a dropped mirror against the bathroom floor
each shard scattering across the linoleum,
fragments reflecting the hidden parts
to something they thought they knew, oh so well.

The lining around the toilet really needs some hands on work--
behind it the sand dunes of the Arabian Desert.
Clumped up hair trying to mimic the humps of camels,
and a lone razor blade as frayed as
a lost wandered amongst the sand.

Wooden panels enriched with the holes of last times termites--
corners splayed with the webbings,
of those **** daddy long legs,
and a pincher bug trudging their way to a hole in the corner.

Picking up the pieces, was something to learn from.
This common room they thought they knew, oh so well,
actually had a hidden world just beneath their view.
Maybe the heart broke just like the mirror,
to open the mind to all the other things near by.
I wrote this poem for Sara Kay, since I saw that she was upset about something, due to most likely relationship/family things/maybe work.
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Are firsts important?

I think that they are.

They mark a moment of courage

A moment of faith

A change

An experience that can shape

Your whole world view

You know I waited till 22

To change my mind

On being alone

Only to find

I would have waited

22 years more

Not to discover

What being alone

In that sense

Actually meant

And that's the truth of a bad day

But just how important are firsts really?

Firsts do not mean best necessarily

Firsts form a starting point

And once you start you may as well carry on

They're A foundation to build upon

A lesson to learn from

You know I waited till 22

To take risks, to raise the stakes

That meant I would make mistakes

Only to find

I wish I hadn't waited 22 years

When I saw how much progress can be generated

When you face your fears

All of which I wouldn't have discovered

*If I had continued to run away
And though I have my days of disdain, where I feel I've done nothing but backtrack, purely for the gains made I don't think I'd take those choices back. I showed such courage and for that I deserve to regain the confidence I now lack.
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Comfort* lies

            In the moment you realise

                            That you are **irreplaceable
Dr Seuss - " you are you, this is truer than true. There is no one Alive, who is youer than you"

We should all have a lil more faith in ourselves and our importance for being here.

As long as you realise this in yourself, you won't need others to
petrichories Feb 2015
when people tell you that you are 'important' they do not mean important to the entirety of space and time and existence and everything that has ever been and ever will be. because we both know well enough that the sun will rise without your eyes to admire it. the oceans will grow and recede without your weary feet to marvel at how it makes you feel young again. the bones in the ground will continue to decay without you to contemplate the beauty of life or mourn its passing. the stars wouldn't die and the flowers wouldn't wilt and life would go on as if you had never graced it.
what they mean is; you are important to their own existence. the sunrise would mean nothing to them without your eyes holding it captive alongside theirs. the ocean could retreat into a crack in the ground or flood the earth and they would not care if you were not here to weep for it. the bones in the ground would decay but it would feel like theirs were doing just that. the stars in their sky would disappear and the flowers would wilt at just one glance and their life would never be the same again.
so next time someone tells you this and you make haste to deny it because of how the big bad world will spin on and the planets will laugh at your insignificance, stop and realise what they are telling you and try to think about it the next time you want to vanish for the rest of eternity.
My mind works in short bursts,

I fight with words, my enemy

the abundance of them.

Who am I?

A poet of magnanimous importance (ignorance) !
HerrAichach Nov 2014
I turn to approach anywhere for a person who could be my friend. A close friend.
I am surrounded by acquaintances. I am blind. I cannot feel the presence of a friend, no-one to lend.
I plead with a tender sense of hope in my eye, I crave to change myself for others to accept me. I want someone to scream with me.
Scream,scream and scream until I feel their presence.
Scream, scream and scream until I feel of some value.
Repost if you can relate
AmberLynne Oct 2014
Most words get casually tossed into the air,
gently carried away by their impermanence,
lack of true depth or meaning.
This is the majority of conversation.

Some words stumble out unwillingly,
forced out over tongue and through teeth.
These words are harder to coerce into being,
yet too heavy to be kept inside.  

And then there are words flung out innocently,
born of a benevolent background
or intending no substantial meaning at all.
But the implied connotation is hurtful nonetheless.

Or the words haphazardly spit out
in a weakened moment of anger,
and the regret runs deeper than the thought
put behind the decision to hurl them around

These are the words that settle into minds,
the ones that flop out and lie there,
panting from the exertion of the pain caused,  
intentional or not.

Be wary of the words you bring into existence.
MeganW Oct 2014
What I have learned in school is that society places your education at a higher value than your physical and mental health
Do you know, we are all made of stardust.
and let me remind you,
we are the same constellations Tycho Brahe saw
and we are blind and the light is millions years old
and we watch the past lying there on the grass
and you kissed me but it was only my mere dream.

Do you know, we are not equations of maths.
and let me tell you,
now that you know more,we are only important to each other
and we'll be a forgotten memory to the stars
and in a parallel universe my dreams are true
and my soul shivers with your touch.
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