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Adelina Marie Sep 2014
my hair was done
my outfit looked great
my jewelry was in place and
my lips were painted.

but i didn't paint my nails

it didn't dawn on me until you pulled
up to the driveway and i had
been anxiously staring at my hands
that i had forgotten something
i didn't think i looked perfect
like i had previously
the doubt sat in the back of
my mind as i kissed you hello,
hoping you wouldn't notice that
the color of my nails were
chipped, fading, and
various shades of dull.
as the day went on, you still
held my hand with the
grip you had before, you
still looked into my eyes as if
they were galaxies unfolding
in your line of vision, you
still played with my fingers and
kissed the back of my hand, and you
still kissed me till my
painted lips were smeared.
i laughed at the end of the day and
but i didn't paint my nails.
it didn't matter to you.
you probably never noticed.
This is in reference to all the time us girls (and some guys) spend getting ready for a special someone or even just to go out. Not everyone cares about every little thing we do to make ourselves look "perfect". Stop worrying about the little things you forgot to do. Because guess what? They probably never noticed.
Christopher Lowe Sep 2014
In my mind I have fallen quite far
quite further than my mind once thought
So like Alice into
                                                       I go
Chasing what was once my shadow
But now it seems to have become my ghost
And how it haunts me these days
Laughing as it taunts me in endless shame
Yet hopelessly I
Not becoming any closer
Just further away
Always just close enough
But to far away from

What Matters?
Sometimes we chase after the things we want and often find ourselves the furthest from what actually matters.
Jordan Harris Jun 2014
She embodies a
yellow-backed salamander,
only violet.
My first ever haiku; just havin' a bit o' fun here friends!
Jasmine smiles Apr 2014
You changed the colors of your hair
We don't care
You got an A on your test
We don't care

You got a new car
We don't care
You recieved a promotion
We don't care

You ate at that new resturaunt
We don't care
You bought new dress to flaunt
We don't care

Children are starving
Madmen are are carving
Up women they grabbed of the streets
Say goodbye to our heartbeats

Soldiers are dying
Innocent people are crying
we can try to fight starvation
But we are headed to damnation

but you don't care
It has nothing to do with you
just keep breathing your clean air
You have more important things to do
Marly Mar 2014
he calls her an enigma
like she is something he will never bother to try to understand
the thing about people is that we assign labels because we can't be bothered to delve deeper into the minds of others.
R Saba Jan 2014
i'm always trying to describe
the wrong things, aren't i?
describing your voice
when it's the words that matter
outlining your face
when it's the smile that really shatters
upon my eyes
trying to write this feeling down
when it's the reasons that are really
important to me
and i guess that's when i realize
i've been avoiding penning this fear
afraid of the reasons, of the causes
that led me here
and this feeling?
it's nothing more than a consequence
or so i tell myself
as i step carefully over
the dark puddles
and onto the hard cement, looking
for the yellow lines
that will tell me where to go
left or right?
right or wrong?
i've been describing the wrong things
i know that now, and i have
each scene played out
in black and white
while the real meaning is lost
in the spaces between the letters
and the missing punctuation
gathers itself into the sky
spelling out the word i am afraid of
gotta love poetry

— The End —