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Personal awakening, incurable
Reaching beyond everything
here on Earth, a permanent suffering.
For those undergoing the process
and for them who aren’t.
Aaron LaLux Nov 2017
Tourists touring temples taking #selfies,
body’s there but souls not,
like Techno Ghosts back from the future,
not here to save the world just here to take a few shots,

but my body is my only temple,
and true enlightenment comes from the absence of Self,
so selfies seem silly to me,
in the same way as trying to wear pants 2 sizes to big without a belt,

or I guess a better analogy would be,
trying to wear a heavy belt without a buckle,
and that thought’s deep better yet heavy,
like Axel Rose those thoughts are heavy metal,

which makes sense especially if you’re an alchemist,
and believe what the Kyballion says about how everything’s metal,

yeah that’s heavy,
heavy as Heavy Metal rock,
being played by the US Army,
in Baghdad with the volume all the way up,

all the while spraying heavy metals,
in order to weigh down moral,
but what does any of this have to do with #selfies you ask,
well listen and I’ll tell you,

narcissist egos created this mess,
force used to push an agenda,
because when we’re too focused on our “selfs”,
we lose sight of the big picture,

like taking #selfies at temples,
and not seeing the beauty around you,
like drowning out the sounds of nature,
with the playlist on your iTunes,

it’s all kinda ironic isn’t it,
it’s tough having morals when complicit in any empire,
so I try and escape to exotic landscapes,
like Malagasy rainforests or Tibetan Temples,

but when I get there I find,
to my disappointing surprise,
a bunch of tourists on their phones,
only remotely living their lives…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Isaac Spencer Oct 2017
I've been like this since-
I don't know when it began,
The rain falls down around me,
And the sun won't lift a hand,

I've struggled against myself,
I'm my own best enemy,
I hit so hard and strick so deep,
I know how to make me bleed,

In a fight against yourself,
No matter who wins, you lose,
But I'll fight myself tonight,
Cause if I die, at least I choose-
Aaron LaLux Oct 2017
My mind is mine,
at least I think it is,
but my body honestly,
I’m not so sure,

see I left home,
a runaway,
and most of my past,
is totally blurred,

sometimes I look at my hands,
and think they’re not mine,
sometimes I see my parents,
and think they’re not mine,

and I feel trapped in here,
like a Ghost in a shell,
and the only way I know to get these messages to you,
is through these letters I spell,

like a message in a bottle,
sent by First Class Mail,
letters messages bottles,
it’s all adding up as far as I can tell,

and I’d explain it all,
but I don’t want to get too specific,
it’s not that I’m scared I’m just not sure,
which side I’m on and to which alliance I’ve enlisted,

so I continue to just write in code,
to spell sentences with these letters,
ABC’s are my 1’s and 0’s,
because I program Emotionalist,

and that’s Emotionalist,
not Emotionless,
there’s a difference,
please make a note of it,

here we go again,
for worse or for better,

they made me a weapon,
but not the kind that kills,
they taught me how to destroy,
by teaching me how to build,

see whenever I feel anxious,
and people tell me to chill,
I tell my self to behave,
because it’s just the Ghost in my shell,

see my mind is mine,
at least I think it is,
but my body honestly,
I’m not so sure…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Aaron LaLux Oct 2017
We are the Hopeful Romantics,
the Indigo Children,
the Wild Lovers with Untamed Souls,
the Colorfully Raging Light,
against the Monotoned Emotionless Masses.

Unconditional Love.

Aaron LaLux Oct 2017
Got that Celebrity Life,
got that “He’s Too Real” type of vibe,
got that you want to have him forever,
but you can’t because it’s “Hi” and “Bye”,

that he moves too quickly like a Gypsy,
that life’s too good somebody pinch me,
that you see him but don’t really know him,
like I’ve heard the name seen the face but who is he,


no time for the drainers,
I’ll ball until on the wall of the Hall of Famers,
if Life’s a Game then I’m all in,
Life to me is what a game is to a Gamer,

tunnel vision,
writing books about all of this,
split decisions,

split screens and wet dreams,
getting rings I get things,
a champion at being a champion,
into inventing things that are inspiring,

even my sadness makes me happy,
can’t bring me down,
and I can’t fully pronounce this city,
but when I’m with my local friends this is my town,

this is our town,
we are local heroes,
make a lot give a lot,
so what yeah I’m a ******,

but so is everybody else that’s anybody,
the freaks come out at night and I’m a night owl,
if you know the Mysteries of Life,
then you already know me well,

developed such a relationship,
that strangers act like they know me,
but I guess that’s what happens,
when you’re an underground celebrity,

a celebrity to celebrities,
anybody that’s somebody should know me,
connected to a higher power,
not Austin Powers all real more like Jay Z,

got that Celebrity Life,
got that “He’s Too Real” type of vibe,
got that you want to have him forever,
but you can’t because it’s “Hi” and “Bye”…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Aaron LaLux Oct 2017
Woke up,
at Lake Balaton,
wrote up,
some words like Babylon,
or rather,
a rant on like the Tower of Babel,
chant down,
Babylon we build up and gather,

or rather,
we collect then scatter,
collect the thoughts,
then write them in patterns,

sort of,
like what prose is,
bitter sweet,
like what a rose is,

smells good,
but has thorns,
stormy seas,
but calm shores,


at a resort on a vineyard,
overlooking Lake Balaton,
with a girl who is gorgeous,
that let’s her ball of yarn unravel some,

she says she’s my “substitute,
in other words a replacement,
for the other girl I was going to bring,
with me on this 24 hour vacation,

and at first this sounds like an insult to her,
like she’s just here because the other one couldn’t make it,
but really if she can so easily replace the first girl,
then that means that the first girl was actually basic,

and was easily replaced with,
the new one,
see the first is so last night,
and this new one is so new dawn,

I’m on,
a level seldom reached,
like a secret state of enlightenment,
the type that’s so sacred it’s rarely preached,

oh there he goes again with that Illuminati talk,

has nothing to do with this,
the new one is on the balcony dancing,
in the sunshine’s rays she’s beautiful,

the old one is gone now,
has no place in my life at all,
except for on the shelve of Past Memories,
that hangs on the Mind Museum’s wall,


I had had an intense dream about the old one,
I’d dreamt about her Illuminati tattoo,
and we’d made love some of the best love made over,
as if I was Adam and she was the Forbidden Fruit,


what’s the truth,
what’s perspective,
what’s the proof,
than any of this ever existed,

what are we doing here,
and how much longer will we be,
why are so many slaves to their own projected fears,
while so few are liberated with love and set truly free?

And this all comes to me like a never ending dream,
as I write this words which come to me in a conscious stream,
as my new love dances outside on this resort’s balcony,
overlooking Lake Balaton which is so big it looks more like the Caspian Sea,


I woke up,
at Lake Balaton,
wrote up,
some words like Babylon,
or rather,
a rant on like the Tower of Babel,
chant down,
Babylon we build up and gather,

or rather,
we collect then scatter,
collect the thoughts,
then write them in patterns…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

author of the largest collection of poetry in the world.
Aaron LaLux Jul 2017

My 1300th poem,
was ‘Diamond Triangles’,
didn’t even plan that,
now I see why they say I’m Illuminati,

33 triangles tattooed to my body,

in room #1301 now,
13th floor of the hotel,
13th floor room #1,
it’s always on for real,

no off switch,
so no we don’t switch,
on the offense we don’t snitch,
our defense airtight got the game sewed & stitched,

tight as our lips are because loose lips still sink cruise ships,

all in no pretend all real for real 100% legit,
I’m ready if you’re ready come on let’s get it,

let’s go now,
the time has never been better,
let’s pow wow & wow how,
this weather as in this reign has never been wetter,

or greater,
compliments to the Haters,
because you haven’t made it till they hate it,
so I’m grateful for the confirmation from the Haters,

we’re here to Rock The Nation,
shout out to RocNation,
shout out to Jay Z see we’re all Gods,
all it took was a combination of carpe diem & patience,

a combination between futuristic technologies & wisdom from The Ancients,

know the difference,
between patience & hesitation,
I thank my Dad for teaching me that,
see he taught me a lot of those “what not to do” lessons,

learned what not to do through his actions,
so I could prevent them & not grow up like him,
& that’s not to say I don’t love him because I do,
& that's mentioned to clarify that I didn’t write this just to spite him,

kinda like,
why I wear these diamonds,
which isn’t to show off no nah,
I wear them because diamonds are enlightening,

just look at the way they catch the light,
see real diamonds are a sure thing,
just like these words I write,
on the luckiest floor in this whole building floor #13,

writing my 1300th poem,
was ‘Diamond Triangles’,
didn’t even plan that,
now I see why they say I’m Illuminati,

33 triangles tattooed to my body,

in room #1301 now,
13th floor of the hotel,
13th floor room #1,
it’s always on for real,

especially when it’s Strange :30,
& it’s Strange :30 again,
so I guess it’s time to sign off,
with a goodnight & a Thee End...

from '777' available worldwide on Amazon

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Aaron LaLux Jul 2017
The City of Demonios

“Why are some people waiters,
while others are waited on,
why are some people Haters,
while others are hated on?”

I was awaited on,
before they knew they were waiting,
snatched from my cradle pinched from my dreams,
or so it seems because it appears the people are awaking,

I’ve awaken,
in some sort of dream awakening,
and I’m trying to not let Them get to me,
but it seems They get to everyone eventually,

preyed on by hungry Demons,
Fallen Angels that haven’t found peace,
from the hills in The City of Los Angeles,
to the beaches in Long Island in the East,

and this indigestion from lost intentions is getting intense,
so we throw up everything from inside the Belly of the Beast,

a feast,
I offer up my body for Death,
like they do on Himalayan mountain peaks,
when they offer eagles the bodies of the dead,

see only through the death of the physical,
can the Soul truly ascend,

do not fear the Reaper,
hey friend,
let’s make them all Believers.

I see her,
like a nightmarish dream,
I love Her I hate her I don’t want her I have  to have her,
she quietly stares in my eyes loudly and makes the Silence scream,

isn’t that a painting?

A dream,
isn’t that an awakening?

Let’s not,
let our,
hopes only be hopes,

all of this,
before Death ties His rope,

around our necks,
bringing about suffocation,
please let us be free,
we all need some liberation,

but for now,
I’ll just take a glass of water,
I’m parched it’s a desert out here,
and I’m wondering if this trouble’s worth the bother,

please a glass of water.”,
I order a glass of water after saying all of this,
then turn to you and say “Isn’t it ironic?”,

“Why are some people waiters,
while others are waited on,
why are some people Haters,
while others are hated on?”…

No answers only questions,
ah well stay calm and carry on…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

from 777: Alphas & Numerics
available worldwide 7/7/17
Zero Nine Apr 2017
My lover ***** the blood of a rose
The thorns push in her, stab
Break off leave open
marks at the stem
Her back makes a decent ashtray
For tapping blunts and butts
My lover bites the throat of a world
Wrapped up in patchouli sheets
Made of daily applied fine mist
In a bottle or jar, still curiosity we
Still haven't seen her home but she's
Seen violent light spearing the thick
Smoke through and then the dreams
That pour out into our living room
Reflected from my lenses from the
Floor face down *** up
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