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Zero Nine Apr 2017
My mouth tastes like fireworks
Grown with love
Enjoyed with care
Blitz blaze ignite a truth
Obviously there
Watch smoke go drifting
You, too, reach to the sky
No less a person than the news
Under the influence
Under all things
Matchsticks, boxes, food makes
Mountains in our kitchen
Rot smell, cancerous, foul
Presence in our home
Under the mountain
Insect in flesh
I'm nothing more,
Am I, than under the influence?
It's true. Which celebrities locally
Represent you? Senate, what? Political duress.
Kaitlin Olson, say something poignant
Or in dark we die, speak well, or we'll be Jersey soon
Save me with your confirmed link to God,
Illuminati confirmed
Aaron LaLux Mar 2017
Mad Man

A made man,
a mad man,
but no I’m not mad and,
I’m dreaming of scheming up a brand new grand plan,
as in,
a glad plan,
to be happy and not mad when,
people act bad as I suppose sometimes just happens,

and that’s when,
words find their way into your heart,
hatred hits the light and dissolves,
and we see the matrix coming apart,

this is the definition of The Beautiful Art that we are,
hope there’s enough diamonds in this dirt,
to make the dirt worth this much work,
the effort is worth it when we’re on the Ark.

We are the Art…

We are all art,
this is all art,
******* a kiss,
don’t waft me a ****,

oh sorry not sorry,
was that a bit retart,
or rather retarted,
did we have a rough start,
should we just restart it,

because I’m late,
a bit tardy but not hardly sorry,
because it’s better to be a day late,
than a dollar short and that word to Charlie,

but not sorry,
see we don’t care,
not even hardly,

we don’t care,
as we buzz by like shooting stars,
let them stare,
young starlet’s go numb from the fun on the heart,

I know where you’re at and can tell where you’re from,
just from the scars that you wear,
no time for small talk let’s take a tall glass and a long walk,
see the road is long but if we stay strong and get along we’ll get there,

don’t be scared of offensive truths if we have to we’ll take it there,

see there be no PC for my Bee Gees,
we’re Staying Alive staying live just to survive,
How deep is your love love,
tell me will I hit bottom if I jump in from a swan dive?

It’s Saturday Night,
and I’ve got a fever of Celsius 69,
been spending Too Much Time in Heaven,
It’s hot up here on Cloud Nine that close to the Sunshine,

see I’m,
making references to musical preferences,
Bee Gees Staying Alive,
How Deep Is Your Love Saturday Night,

but I’m probably just sounding like a mad man,
because you’re probably to young to get it they miss the reference,
so I sound like someone who believes they’re right even when they’re wrong,
but are just are too stubborn to admit it as a confession,

every mistake can be a lesson,
listen I’ll tell you what the difference is,
if you learn from a mistake,
you turn what a mistake was into what a lesson is,

you don’t learn from a mistake,
but you learn from a lesson,
see honestly it obviously seems,
that that’s the only significant difference,

tell me what the difference is,
between genius and insanity,
honestly it’s only a few million,
self made man so what can they tell me?

A made man,
a mad man,
but no I’m not mad and,
I’m dreaming of scheming up a brand new grand plan,
as in,
a glad plan,
to be happy and not mad when,
people act bad as I suppose sometimes just happens,

and that’s when,
words find their way into your heart,
hatred hits the light and dissolves,
and we see the matrix coming apart,

this is the definition of The Beautiful Art that we are,
hope there’s enough diamonds in this dirt,
to make the dirt worth this much work,
the effort is worth it when we’re on the Ark.

We are the Art…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Aaron LaLux Mar 2017
Maverick Don’t Panic

A Bad Boy,
with a good Heart,
at the tail end,
of a head start,

“Oh he’s prolific,
he’s profanic,
he’s depressed,
he’s manic,
he’s processed,
he’s organic,
he meditates and sits,
when he just can’t stand it,

and remember this is just a test so for the love of God please don’t panic,

or take anything for granted,

**** it,

I’m a good kid,
but got some bad habits,
got a good plan too,
just have to enact it,

but not the baddest,
and if they want it,
they can have it,

the map is,
my plan and,
in other words,
the Atlas is how I Nav this,

a Maverick,
like Cuban,
not Gooding no Sir.,
no Jr. a señor,
well not in age but in position,
in other words they’re minor leagues and we’re major,

a Maverick,
like Cuban,
not Gooding no Sir,
no Jr., a señor,
like Mark,
a stark,
contrast between Comcast,
in other words,
Light & Dark are different castes,
in communications at least,
ComCast Communications Caste,
same waves just different frequencies,

in the sea,
the internet catches,
big fish and small fry,
Dark Shadows and Bright Lights,


∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
No Notes...
Aaron LaLux Mar 2017
Close Enough To Sunday

It’s all fckt up,
can’t even pretend that it’s not,
I get invited out to these events,
where everyone’s dressed up,

but I’m not,
I’m there in jeans and a t-shirt,
thanking those that are thanking me for writing these prophecies,
but really I’m not sure what all this work was or is really worth…

written about ten books,
multiple international best sellers,
#1 Poetry Book in The World,
3 times in a row for worse or for better,

but really,
what am I saying,
and really,
what are you saying,

it’s all fckt up,
and we all know it,
still we pretend it’s all good till the end,
we had a Chance we just needed to not blow it,

but we did,
we neglected the earth,
even though we all knew and know,
that that Moment of Truth will hurt,

I can’t even have a drink at a club,
without feeling guilty for the pollution we’ve caused,
even when those drinks are free and served with a smile,
because I know that smile is covering some recently retreated sores,

we’ve neglected the poor,
and caused significant scars,
on the skin of the earth,
now Musk wants to colonize Mars,

and that’s not a shot at Elon,
I trust him and his vision,
he’s a genius creation,
a creative genius that generally makes good decisions,

I’m just saying,
given the current position,
whether Elon Musk or a homeless pigeon,
we’re all fckt and that’s the fckn situation,

it’s all fckt up,
can’t even pretend that it’s not,
I get invited out to these events,
where everyone’s dressed up,

but I’m not,
I’m there in jeans and a t-shirt,
thanking those that are thanking me for writing these prophecies,
but really I’m not sure what all this work was or is really worth…

still I put in work,
verse after verse,
cliche and cliche,
the Gift & The Curse,

like somehow,
I’ll be able to write all our wrongs,
answer all the questions,
and celebrate with sounds,

make Love and make Mysteries,
with a Stranger in a Strange Town,
and I’ve been up till way too Late:30 lately,
too tired to debate or hesitate when it’s time to get down,

the sky looks so beautiful,
the clouds,
from the ground,
are everything I choose to show,

what more can we say,
let’s go,
‘cause when we've got it all the only thing we want to get is away,

want for nothing else,
it’s Close Enough to Sunday,
let’s take some time to take some time,
no need to go right now ‘cause we all go one way or another one day,


so what,
we’re fckt,

it’s all fckt up,
can’t even pretend that it’s not,
I get invited out to these events,
where everyone’s dressed up,

but I’m not,
I’m there in jeans and a t-shirt,
thanking those that are thanking me for writing these prophecies,
but really I’m not sure what all this work was or is really worth…

∆ Aaron La Lux ∆
Aaron LaLux Mar 2017
Marley Brando

So many options,
can’t say too many options,
but honestly what do you do,
when even too much is not enough,


“Were you saying something?,
I feel like I’m in a dream,
I’m asking for affirming,
because I don’t feel a thing…”,

You stare at me with those infinite eyes,
“I feel exactly the same way.”,
then you shift your gaze,
and stare off for eternity,

as that fire inside keeps burning me,

something simmering inside is burning me,

anxious and pacing,
all out of patience,
feeling like a Patient in a ******-Ward society,
yes I’m fine so please don’t bother me,
I won’t sign over royalties and no I don’t need notoriety,

I’ll leave that for the words,
and all the flabby flack from the flock of ruffle feathered haters,
waiting in the wings I fly by & leave that for the Birds,
word word word,

words are what we scribe as a Writer of The Times,
words to explain when I’m gone,

words to explain when we’re gone,
when the memories have all faded,
because unless a Tyrant burns the books,
we’ll have our history scribed onto these pages,

lopsided but liberated,
feeling like a rat in a cage,
or a canary in a coalmine,
consumed with the thought to “Just get way.”,

just get away,
I’m already gone anyways,
don’t be fooled by this shell of a body,
I’ve been through Hell so now I’m in The Hills where I party,

Heaven can wait I’m on the Guest-List anyways so I won’t have to waste time at The Gate,

ready to party,
with Jim Morrison and Bob Marley,
and Brando but no Commando,
yeah I’m talking to you Sylvester sorry,

Chaplin for certain,
Sheen well we’ll see,
Janis, Jackson, Kurt and,
Pac and it don’t stop,

does it,
what’s in,
your wallet,
Rest In Peace,
Christopher Wallace,

smoking a chalice,
on Cloud 9 with Marley Brando,
cool as an Ice Cream Sundae,
relaxing watching the world go bananas,


shout out to Gwen,
I spin around and ask,
“What is this,
I meanI know it sounds cliche,
but does any of this really exist?”,

“Oh and where’d my mind go?”,

So many options,
won’t say too many though,
but honestly what do you do,
when even too much is not enough?,


“Were you saying something?,
I feel like I’m in a dream,
I’m asking for affirming,
because I don’t feel a thing…”…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

author of 3 #1 Best Sellers,
& The Poetry Trilogy

Okay Okay Okay, this one I can't say is a True Story... ∆
Youdont Needthis Jan 2017
Deep in wood’s twig embrace
She lies beneath the leaf tessellation
Her hollow skull and hollow chest are friends with the burning winds
She is hallowed in her sloping waist
With child

She is mother bony
Woman with skinless face
She is grinless
For her jaw was stolen in ages past
Yet she is blessed with child
Her middle is heavy with boundless boy

A boy fated
To be *******
To be lord of the shattered lands and even their scattered men
Destined to be crowned in fragments of skulls and silky fabric reds
He shall mate with fire
Be father of arson spawn
His face will be carved in Mammon’s silver toys

He will never be forgotten by any of history’s tedious scribes
Yet first he must be born

Now the winds are chanting
They push at her pudgy waist
They are chanting for the birth of the emperor ******* king
They desire the tyrant
They are the slaves of God
For they are catalysts that mold the shapes of futures’ lords
They will sing triumphant
When he is pushed through dusty hips
They will congratulate their oldest and most silent friend  

He is birthed with great force
The spit of cadaverous womb
Crying shrieks in the forest
No one living to clean him

By spirits’ force he is taught
To eat the last of mother’s skin
To grow to be the friend of the whispering burning winds

He shall grow into great beast
With strength to wield the lance
He will enter the kingdoms of men
Appearing as a wild God

While he is shaping his role
His mother will often laugh
Ever since he left her
Her body was never again the same
Aaron LaLux Dec 2016
The City of Demonios

“Why are some people waiters,
and some people are waited on,
why are some people Haters,
and some people hated on?”

I was awaited on,
before they knew they were waiting,
pinch from dreams or so it seems,
because it appears the people are awaking,

I’ve awaken,
in some sort of dreaming,
and I’m trying to not let them get me,
but it seems they get everyone eventually,

preyed on by hungry demons,
Fallen Angels that haven’t found peace,
from the city of Los Angeles,
to the beaches in the East,

a feast,
I offer up my body for Death,
see only through the death of the physical,
can the Soul truly ascend,

do not fear the Reaper,
let’s make them all Believers,

I see her,
like a nightmarish dream,
I love Her I hate her I have to have her,
she stares in my eyes and makes the Silence scream,

isn’t that a painting,
a dream,
isn’t that just waiting,

let’s not,
let our,
hopes only be hopes,

all of this,
before Death ties His rope,

around your neck,
please let me free,
we need liberation,

but for now,
I’ll just take a glass of water,
I’m parched it’s a desert out here,
and I’m wondering if the trouble’s worth the bother,

please a glass of water.”,
I turn to you after ordering a glass,
and say “Isn’t it ironic.”,

“Why are some people waiters,
and some people are waited on,
why are some people Haters,
and some people hated on?”…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Hello from the other side...
Aaron LaLux Nov 2016
We are RIGHT ON THE BRINK! The new book is #2 worldwide right now, competing with RM Drake and Jonny Cash. It's tough competition, but together I know we can get the book to #1, honestly, it's just a matter of a few more sales. The very next purchase could put us to the top. Please, if you haven't gotten a copy now is the time, no delays :-) I know I'm pushing this book a lot but that's because I put a lot of Time & Energy into it and I'm excited to share it with the world. I am not profiting off the sales either, EVERY dollar goes directly to EarthJustice, a Non-Profit NGO that helps protect our planet. We are all a part of this planetary Evolution, so let's work together. If you are in, share this post, then purchase a copy of the new book, and most importantly, write a review in your native language. We have 48 hours to hit #1 and make a statement, so let's do it. Also, if you repost/buy/review, please let me know you did so that I can thank you personally and can support whatever project you're working on as well. Thank you SO much, I honestly have so much Love for you! Anyways, enough typing. Strength & Guidance ∆ here's the link:
Aaron LaLux Aug 2016

Accusations of Illuminati,
I call those compliments,
honestly how we act so cool,
when it’s constantly all intense,

please tell me where Honest went,

can we please make Kindness cool again,
when Charity is as cherished as the greed of those who are only pho free,

for real,
do you get me?

What I’m saying is those that only have fake freedom,
often find desires that they pursue even when they do not need them,

and her,
as you were,
as it is,
as this blurs,
our world spins…

Everyone’s off their axis,
got water on our atlas,
have excess but still don’t have access,
if you even have to ask this then you need more practice,

backstage without a backstage pass at,
show’s with your idol’s idol,
the God no other name needed,
we thrive in a mode fit for survival,


your Soul is young but your bodies getting old,
so soon you’ll say goodbye to both Time and Space,
though we are not separated by our virtues at death,
our souls still exist even when our bodies have left this place,

and I pray,
that if God is real then the Eye is always upon us,
and I pray,
that we’ll get though this with grace if we’ll just be honest,

accusations of Illuminati,
I call those compliments,
honestly how we act so cool,
when it’s constantly all intense,

please tell me where Honest went,

can we please make Kindness cool again,
when Charity is as cherished as the greed of those who are only pho free,

for real,
do you get me?

What I’m saying is those that only have fake freedom,
often find desires that they pursue even when they do not need them,

and her,
as you were,
as it is,
as this blurs,
our world spins…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Aaron LaLux Aug 2016
And it's absolutely FREE to download... 100%. ∆

#jayz #thewall #experimental #amazing #hiphoppetry #illuminati #pyramids #hollywood #conspiracy #thetruth #loveletter #allfacts
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