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Anthony Mayfield Jun 2018
Excuse me, Good sir
Excuse me, Kind Lady
But a piece of me is gone
Have you seen it lately?
I can't describe shape
Nor for
Nor feel
Without it I'm lost
No steering
No wheel
Perhaps you have it some
Though not quite like mine
Everyone has it
To avoid dark decline
The darkness is friendly
Now that I've lost it
I don't like it
Yet I do
Bittersweet like dark chocolate
But wait
There it goes
How it's flown so far
To catch up to it
I must collapse like a star
I guess then they'll see
I guess then they'll know
What happens when you lose
The untouched part of your soul
Hunt your soul down
Poetic T May 2018
The goddess of nature,
            she was there for every
            last heart beat stilled.

            Droplet spilt upon
                     mother earth,
              feeding an unquenchable  thirst.

Collecting every last breath,
                   she never possessed,
                   there last exhaling breath.

But the warrior of the
                 grass lands she gave respect.
                 Never was one perfection of creation.

Woven within the embrace
to bring order to a chaos  
                            that haunts the tall grass.
AW Gray May 2018
Tried to find it at the dregs of the poison,
          Only lead to momentary pain,
Searched for it flying high as a kite,
          But that only left me bored again,
Hunted down the thin, white line,
          The euphoria quickly faded away,
                              Only in love
                              Can i feel it,
                              Yet love never
                              Finds it's way
Danielle May 2018
We bared our teeth.
Tight, mocking grins.
Your expectations ours to devour.

We hunt and haunt
These distorted roads.
We wait, timeless, to consume or free you.
a man
was panther
only seamier
and familiar
allure there
his rhythm
but his
tail was
claw that
his meter
tore an
ambulance only
his soul
found while
straw was
scent vying
for more
A scent that has afield here
PoserPersona Apr 2018
Do you hear that calm, frugal breeze?
The synced patter cadence off the road?
What was once a hunt for your feast
In a time not so long ago

Over the distant horizon,
the rhythm takes your morning run
Within sight is a lonesome deer
Within scent is a stillborne fear

Exalted whispers of the ancestors:
"Exhaust it to death, predators."
Michael Briefs Apr 2018
Artemis of the wood,
sweet skill of deadly
her accurate aim and steady
finds the subtle seam,
all things.
Her swift sentry,
elegant and true,
flies with focused
The soft,
wet earth
surrounds and
her realm of the hunt.
The scent
of the fallen leaves,
cool and colorful,
my soul.
The forest hush is all that
Poem inspired by picture at
jonni inferno Mar 2017
for your calle todaye
when it did not come
i kurst'
this cold and
krewel daye

oft played
are the games
of love and lyfe
skillfullye laide
are the snares
and traps
we playe the hunter
we are the baite
be it known to alle
we are the prey

and i
knowinge the price
of painfulle lessons learned
forsooke that knowledge
which thru livinge
alle mustte earne
and thought
to safely
lure you in
mine open hearte

i kurse
this bryghte and sunnye daye
shoulde not the skye
be fulle of kloudse an' fey ?

'twoulde match my moode...

Pic Poem
added link to the pic/poem
I walk a pace in tall covers, a distance set from other brothers, waiting for a herd to feed; I crush and blow away some seed.

The grasses burnt on prior prairie, warm yet cool for day is airy, far can see I from top hill; I stand in patience very still.

Copper ochre is my skin, the brothers and I are family men, on the native hills we live and finding those called kin, we hunt today the land we’re in.

Off in distant rumbled cloud, dark foreboding getting loud, the sound we seek from running crowd, ahead of storm front watching grasses plowed.

Stoic, I, my umber eyes as mist now falling from the skies, I stand here patient chest held high, shoulders square with chin to sky, my flowing hair in breeze divides.

Land it shakes I take to knee and feel the earth, the vibrating, the rumble sound is thundering, is louder still than weather’s thunder, light she fades from skies I’m under.

  Yansa nearing, wind has told me, I wait here at clearing with spear to console me but something awful lurks around for along with rumble comes alarming sound, a growling type from a hungry hound.

Bear my brother, hawk my guide, no tree for shelter or horse to ride, my hunt now over after solemn wait for Mother Earth has sealed my fate.

Two wounded wolves approaching wily, one it limps or seems to sway as smaller animals run away, their eyes beguiling on stormy day, I prepare for fight, no time to pray.

I seat my spear, it is useless, take out knife and axe I loosen, the pair they circle long and wide, and carefully I match their stride.

  Quiet now, prairie peaceful, time seems slower, I cannot see my people; the wolves at bay they snarl near, I stone my heart against all fear. Were they hunting Yansa, like me too, I just easier prey to pursue? My younger days would see wolf for dinner as I’ve grown older so too am thinner.

  What difference makes it slow or fast but when they pounced did run in tandem? In last second my actions random, I lose my hatchet in one’s side and dive while stabbing until he’s died. Face is ******, arm got chewed, and they tricked me with a method skewed, for what seemed wounded never was true, my back turned towards her, neck in view, she took aim and rent sinew.

  A ****** mess became a horror, I swung my blade and thought I caught her; she tore my hand off and mauled my face then left me dying in a grassy place. The warmth of day is leaving body, a hunt now do I thus embody, the rumbling ground again is moving and cool of night is somewhat soothing, my killer stalks the area-round but soon she’ll eat me where I’m found.

  The rain it cooled me seeing Sister Moon, Brother Sun was dipping with Great Father Sky as Mother Night came to watch me die, my life fulfilled so now I die, Great Wolf’s passion can’t deny; to all that knew me I say goodbye.

  He who fights wolves says,  -goodbye.
Rhyming narrative about a Neolithic Native American.
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