It is only I that hear your voice
oh heavenly father, so divine
and to my end I have no choice
for through my death you shall refine.
Such weight I carry on my mind
will lift when I do breathe no more
for I am weak from such unkind,
my body scourged so red and raw.
Forgive them father for they know not
of what they do to your sweet son,
they shall reap what they besot
remember then, this day is done.
The gift I leave them in my wake,
a better world as thee bequest
you pass your son for their own sake
for all too know and all too zest.
For follow me, they will and must
when life does end their mortal toil.
For if in God they place all trust
then they shall walk that final mile.
To paradise you will commit,
untainted by the scourge of sin
and at your feet then they shall sit
inside thy glory they will win.
But should they turn away from thee,
take wrong direction as they choose,
for if the blind could only see,
then they would know of what they lose.
Eternity they will then embroil
in Satan's caverns down beneath,
where one encounters with the vile.
That place, where no-one gains relief.