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Emmanuel Coker Sep 2014
I woke up today
I can't say much of the people I slept with yesterday
Some woke with problems, while most passed away
But he gave me the grace to stay another day
I'm filled with joyful songs and words to say
Because through thick and thin he paved my way
Even though I was unworthy, he still chose to stay
I was pulled by the world and led astray
I realised this and dropped on my knees to pray
Father Lord, here I am do not drive me away
I have sinned and I know I've got my price to pay
I need your blood to cleanse me and wash this sins away
In only you I will trust for you do not betray
And in your cosy ***** i'll love to lay.

I know that Jesus 'still alive I can feel him breathing
So all I just gotta do is pray and keep believing
earnoux Sep 2014
I'm repeating
in my head
                              I'm sorry
I don't believe  
I said it enough to you.
Zai K Sep 2014
I've made a couple of "mistakes".

This past summer taught me that mistakes are nothing but lessons.

Think of it this way.
You can learn a lesson about the French Revolution at school and that'll just be an easy lesson, hard to listen to but fairly easy not so rememberable, but nonetheless a lesson.

When you give your all to someone carelessly forgetting to put yourself first learning that the problem was you because somehow you forgot to love yourself enough and remember your worth and to be a ride or die for not only him but God.....

now don't tell me that isn't a lesson.

Now any relationship you get into you remember not to wear your heart on your sleeve, you remembered not to get to carried away too fast.

You remember this because you made a mistake your paying for every day because it has now become a lesson you just can not forget.

But the cost isn't a bad thing.

Your wiser, you now remember to never forget your worth or to question yourself. You no longer forget that you are beautiful. Now again I ask are mistakes really mistakes?
cursed Sep 2014
I used to think forgiveness and forgetting are *******.

Until I know what it is like to actually forgive;
My heart was full of anger
and disappointment
and every muscle in me contracts and relax
trying to calm myself
my eyes would not stop releasing tears.
So I sat and try to think of the memories
I told myself
I remembered every memory and think of it as a phase in life
My tears left my eyes again
my heart clench at these memories
I smiled, I cried
I wrote everything that my heart could not content
I wrote everything
Until I fell asleep.
When I woke up
I stare at the living device that used to greet me with happiness
I stared at it for so long
I went insane.
I laughed, thinking of all the things he did
I forgave.

It was in my draft for a few months. I was thinking of deleting it but hey, I haven't been updating in a while so why not?
It is only I that hear your voice
oh heavenly father, so divine
and to my end I have no choice
for through my death you shall refine.

Such weight I carry on my mind
will lift when I do breathe no more
for I am weak from such unkind,
my body scourged so red and raw.

Forgive them father for they know not
of what they do to your sweet son,
they shall reap what they besot
remember then, this day is done.

The gift I leave them in my wake,
a better world as thee bequest
you pass your son for their own sake
for all too know and all too zest.

For follow me, they will and must
when life does end their mortal toil.
For if in God they place all trust
then they shall walk that final mile.

To paradise you will commit,
untainted by the scourge of sin
and at your feet then they shall sit
inside thy glory they will win.

But should they turn away from thee,
take wrong direction as they choose,
for if the blind could only see,
then they would know of what they lose.

Eternity they will then embroil
in Satan's caverns down beneath,
where one encounters with the vile.
That place, where no-one gains relief.
Twinkle Aug 2014
Today is tough
Really tough
I don't think I'll make it
But do u care Jesus.
Do u really care for me.
From the depths of my despair
I call out to Holy God.
Show yourself Lord.
I am hurting so much.
I want this to end.
Forgive me Lord.
Or i'd like to die.

Please take me away
or show me the way.

Sarah Richardson Aug 2014
Innocence scrawled on a blindfold,
"Unfair" whispered from within.
Two subjective perceptions of the objective;
Two dreams disguised as reality.
Eyes glazed over with self assurance
you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong.
and now I'm sorry.
Excuses emerge from hidden willful blindness,
Searching for the core - where misunderstanding sits;
Two mouths moving, saying nothing.
Four eyes staring at the same painting, seeing different things.
Two hearts so submerged in cement that they've forgotten to beat.

The poisonous fog clears and drips onto our worlds melting all that we've built, but instead of taking everything, it's waken us up.
You killed something in me
Something that made people look my way and smile
The very thing that made you like me

You killed it
You killed my innocence
And for that
I will not forgive you
nor myself

Ever since then
I've been trying so hard
every day
to revive it
One, two, three, CLEAR!
... and nothing

It is not an easy thing to restore

I don't even know if it's possible
But I'll keep trying
I'll keep hoping
that one day I can again
be that girl
the girl known and admired
for her innocence
because everybody always liked that person
and so did I
I miss the person I used to be. I've changed. I don't like change.
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