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Ruthie Oct 2014
Forgetting to be careful.
The most reckless thing I've done.
Forgetting to have mercy.
On this heart of stone.
You smashed right through the surface,
Unsealing all the cracks.
This heartache, like no other.
When are you coming back?
Shelly Woods Oct 2014
You can see the ugly words that hurt;
or you can see the pain that lies underneath.
The perception will be your reality;
but your perception is your choice.
Daniel Hunt Oct 2014
Being sorry can be very hard when we're overwhelmed with pride,
But sometimes our pride must take a fall before we lose out,
And when we have to say sorry we should mean it from our soul, A meaningless sorry is like a broken promise to the heart.

And it only hurts more in the end, bringing bitter resentment,
And leading to the loss of a love that should be eternal,
Bringing us back down to earth from the fairytale world of our mind,
With a pain that is maddening, physical and sometimes critical.

My heart is weeping tears of blood for the pain that I've caused you,
And it's crying out my apologies to your mind,
Pleading for your forgiveness for my unfortunate outbursts,
I never meant, in a million years, to be so unkind.

I have made mistakes in the past but never as serious as this,
And I know I will only have myself to blame if you leave,
And that scares me more than I've ever been scared in my life,
For you're my true motivation, the only real thing in which I believe.

Everything else is just a fantasy to my egotistical ideals,
It's always been me, me, me for far too long,
And lately I haven't given even a passing thought to your concerns,
I let them all fly past me, but now I know I was wrong.

You were reaching out to me in your time of uncertainty and sorrow,
While all I cared about was me and what was mine,
And as I watch you pack your bags with tears streaming down my cheeks,
Too late, I feel all your angst and pain.

And all that's left for me to do is say sorry in a sincere way,
With an apology that comes from deep inside my soul,
It's all I have left to offer for your love and your loyalty,
It's just a pity that my own loyalty, I couldn't hold.

Now all I have left of you are the memories of the goodness I have lost,
And that loss brings a sadness every time I think of your name,
And my heart yearns to be able to turn back the hands of time,
To correct the mistakes I've made and start again.

So please take time to think about what I've said, as it comes from the heart,
Take time and try to forgive me my failure to deliver,
And if you can't, then cast me out of your life never to return,
And I will hang my head in shame....... forever.
A way to say I'm sorry.
skyblueandblack Oct 2014
She dusted you off her shoulder
something she noticed out of the corner of her eye,
a nuisance flake that looked like a blurried boulder,
brushed off without so much as a goodbye.

but love remains..

He sends you a text message
or calls you on the phone;
his promises were a hollow pledge,
he hangs up, and you’re alone.

but Love remains..

You feel your spirit start to wither
and you realize you must forgive her.
You feel your soul dying from within
and you realize you must forgive him.

And Love remains
even when he leaves,
that’s how you can love again.
Love remains
even after she leaves,
that’s why you can love again

He gave you his heart
tied with a pretty bow,
you opened it and found a box of pain.
She gave you her heart
delicately placed in folds of silk and satin,
you opened it and found a box of rain.

Yet Love remains
even when he leaves
that’s how you can love again.
Love remains
even after she leaves
that’s why you can love again

Deep within all the pain,
time passes..
and Love remains.
pushthepulldoor Oct 2014
I know I shouldn't turn to you for anything,
but my dear I need to ask these of you.
You are a garden.
Please, please
Don’t liter it with self doubt and cigarettes.
Do these things for yourself, at my request.
Do not settle for someone who doesn't deserve you.
Love yourself, first.
Love whole heartedly.
Remember how much you matter.
Realize how loved you are.
Recognize your brilliant mind.
Use it and go to school.
Learn, learn, learn.
Be brave no matter how scary it is.
Don’t lose faith in people.
Learn to distance yourself.
Learn to grow toward something.
Eat a vegetable once in a while.
Hydration is key.
Develop a healthy sleeping pattern.
Learn to talk to others about your problems.
Don’t bottle everything up.
Learn to ask for and accept help when you need it.
Don’t be reckless.
Think before you act.
Think before you speak.
Don’t brood.
Count the stars when you get sad.
Take time to center yourself.
Learn to accept when you're wrong.
Take pride in your accomplishments
even if no one tells you how proud they are,
remember I am always proud of you
even from 2000 miles away.
Get as far away from the toxic place you call home as possible.
Avoid confrontations.
Don’t ever drink and drive.
Eat less fast food.
Give your all into everything you do.
Take every failure as a lesson to do better in the future,
Don’t ever get into hard drugs.
Spend time outside.
Stop being so picky with your food.
Try new things.
Respect your mother.
Forgive your father.
Forgive yourself.
Forgive me for leaving you there.
Please as an old lover and a friend I beg these of you.
I never meant to leave you there.
I am so sorry.
I love you so much, still.
I never meant to leave you like that.
Please forgive me.
Please love yourself.
Please love again.
Please move on from me with ease.
I am having a more difficult time doing that even though
I was the one who ran away from it all.
Please be brave for me.
marïama Oct 2014
forgive me but the pain I feel is inexplicable
i don't even think you would understand
forgive me if when I'm gone you'll miss the way my fingers
traced lines on your skin
forgive me if when I'm gone you'll miss the way my lips made you feel
I wish I could describe
but it's difficult to describe depression to someone who’s never been there
because it’s not sadness, I know sadness. but this..
it’s that cold absence of feeling—that really hollowed-out feeling
but with you, I was the person I wanted to be
please forgive me if when I'm gone you'll miss the sound of my voice
but I promise soon you will forget the sound of my voice and the feel of my touch
as I did yours
I drank my way out of every memory and I pretended nothing hurt until it didn't
so forgive me
perhaps we'll meet again when I'm better for you
Five Fingers Oct 2014
And i will spend my entire life making excuses
for you
My whole life telling people you were
All my days convincing myself
you had your reasons
And my every minute saying
"its okay"

Whatever it takes me to finally forgive
and remind myself once more that
this is the price i must pay
to have you in my life

it;s worth it
it's worth it
take a shot
just swallow it down once more.
after all the lies, you know ill just forgive you again and pretend like nothing happened. Just like every time aye..
skyblueandblack Oct 2014
I can no longer bear
to look into your lying eyes;
there is such  deep sadness
when love dies

I can no longer bear
to be held in your cheating arms;
the beautiful hands that once held mine
have lost all their charm

I can no longer bear
to hold a place in your misleading heart;
my heart once held you in such high graces
but you pierced it with a fickle dart

I gave you all I had
and I suffered all the pain;
You took it all for granted
It was all for your gain

All this time you deceived me,
letting you was my mistake.
And somehow I forgive you,
for my own sake

Now when I say my final goodbye
suddenly you want to apologize;
you want to be my ‘everything’
but I no longer choose to agonize..

..over you.
Ellie Geneve Oct 2014
A cut down tree. You carve the pieces that I cannot see. Are blisters clear? Or is it just in me? Forgiven is what shall remain, and free is what I shall be.
Read the italicized words alone. Through forgiveness, we find freedom.
skyblueandblack Sep 2014
One day,
I will tire of waiting for you
to love me ~

You will lean back
and fall
finding I am not there to support you

You will turn around
and see the nothingness I have become
having given my all to you

Forgive Me.
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