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AmberLynne Feb 2015
I had lost sight of myself,
probably more than a little,
and now I'm having to fight
to get myself back again.

It's not easy finding out
which aspects are extraneous,
and it's a terribly sad process,
cutting out parts of yourself.

But the process is necessary
to pare it down to the
true individual within.

So it's been a mad method
of drunken nights and
evenings brimming with tears
that have propelled me along.

But with each drop
of alcohol down my throat
my mind clears up a bit.
And with each drop
of a tear down my cheek
my vision is a little less blurred.

I had lost sight of myself a little,
but I'm gaining ground every day
on who I'm really meant to be.
Alexandria Lewis Feb 2015
Who am I?
No one special
I promise.
No one you need to rush out
And meet.
Just a teen trying to figure out
The very question you ask me.

Who am I?
Someone very confused
I assure you.
Someone all alone,
Someone who's learning
To be independent
By dealing with being

Who am I?
Someone you should stay away from,
Believe me.
I ruin everything I even glance at,
People wilting under my

Who am I?
I don't really know.
But I know I have
A Polluted Heart
And I'm no good
For your sunshiny ways.
Anneke Feb 2015
I want to get lost
in the moment
and the adventure.

I want to lose everything around me
to find


What is the point
of everything I have done
when it's not something
I am head over heals in love with?

I want to lose everything around me
to find


Everything is within grasp
but clenching my fist
and not letting the dream
right through my fingers
is the hardest thing in the world
to do.

I want to lose everything around me
to find


But how can I lose everything
in the wrong setting,
in the wrong circumstances,
and in the wrong way?

I want to lose everything around me
to find


It's a taste so mouthwatering
it burns,
which I can't remove
and don't want to.

I need to lose everything around me
to find
Emily Rene Feb 2015
What the eye does not see,
the heart does not grieve for
But when the truth comes out,
it will always hurt more
Blinded by love, I failed to see
how much of an ******* you were to me
Perhaps too young, too crazy, & free,
but I'll never understand why you did that to me
They say if you love somebody,
then you should set them free
As you never came back,
I think it was meant to be
I am not bitter or angry anymore,
in fact my life has been better
since you walked out the door
I thank you for the gift in which you gave to me
A very special treasure, it truly is a pleasure
I gave you a chance,
in fact I gave you so many
But you couldn't be bothered
to even spend a penny
The door was still open, but nobody came
I should have known it would still be the same
It is not my place to play God with life,
but if you don't make the effort,
you're not worth the strife
Perhaps one day you might make the call,
to make the wrongs right, & not start a fight
I hope by then it's not too late,
but I suppose I can't change fate
I would like to think we are at peace with each other
At one point in time, you were my finest lover
Some people just aren't meant to be together,
but that doesn't mean you are lonely forever
Somewhere there is someone who dreams of your smile
& finds in your presence that life is worthwhile
So when you are lonely, remember it's true,
somebody somewhere is thinking of you

*& that someone is not me
He brought out the light she lost in the dark.
Always lost and alone she was scared of that spark
Thoughts in her mind made her feel destined to be alone
Pondering if someone would save her and bring her to a place called home.
He gave her that hope; though he was soon to elope
Helping her down her dark hollow road
She felt like she had a due that was to be owed
To show him his efforts where helping her grow;
She conquered her demons and put on a show,
Slowly but surely she made her own lights
No longer was she scared like before on those dark lonely nights
Thanks to that man who gave her hope and a spark
She found a place she calls home now that her life is so stark.
Just Alice Jan 2015
Beauty meant power
The princess has a King, who lead wars and conquered kingdoms, wrapped around her fingers
A prince, who slay mighty dragons and beasts, fall onto her feet
So when did beauty become a weakness?

Beauty meant safe
Moats and towers kept her from plain sight
Dwarfs and talking animals always run for her defense
So when did beauty become a threat?

When Beauty touches unholy ground
The dead goes up their graves
At the scent of beauty, not of brain

The darkness hid their rotten flesh
Her naivety masked their stench
Because in her eyes, they’re all the same
For they call her “Beauty”.

Their ***** nails dug to her flawless cheek
Making scars that could never heal
The lips that once called her “Beauty” burned like coals on her flesh
They grip her hair and drag her around, leaving a trail of ******’s blood

As the moon become hidden by clouds
The dead just left her on the ground
She screamed for help yet no one came
Because her face just wasn’t the same

For every rustling of the trees
And every blow of the wind
The fear inside her grew
That the dead will be back
But as the days passed by
They never did

Because she was no longer “Beauty”
And she was no longer wanted
She had no power
She was weak
She was unarmed
But she was no longer beautiful
She was safe
I wrote this after reading Don't Make Me Beautiful. It's a story of a beautiful girl who was abused because of her beauty.
Feel Jan 2015
my eyelids closed resembling a lazy curtain,
i drew a deep breath going into a lost world.
the journey was long; the abyss so deep,
so dark, so lonely.
and i was determined that i will find you,
in the midst of these shadows.
but i was more convinced that if i find you,
i will be just as lost.

seven years has passed,
i still have no idea where i am,
and then i realised,
i may have found you,
seven years ago.
Sombro Jan 2015
When life is like a river
A **** is all I feel
Stuck inside the flow of people
As they trickle past.

So few have left me wanting
So many have set me free
And I floated downstream with them a while
Until my roots found the mud again.

It's on occasion when I will see
A diamond droplet hidden in the water
Who turns to me,
Smashes into my stem

And I am diamond
I am air
They lift me with them
And we fly together in the sunblessed sky

Not many stop
And say hello
But only the best
May do so, I know.
A thought on life and people who are brave enough to become important to you. It takes a really special person to add to other people's lives without being asked for.
apintofwords Dec 2014
I went hiking up a mountain,
I couldn't tell you where it was, I was hopelessly lost,
My compass was broken, my backpack was heavy and my legs were tired of walking,
I couldn't stop for fear that I would never find my way backwards or forwards,
I couldn't stop, the fear of suspended animation was too great,
Then I saw a man, sitting at the edge of a cliff,
I couldn't decide if he was lost or if he was just suicidal.
I was taught not to talk to strangers,
Be a good girl, don't tell everyone everything, keep your secrets, keep your pain, always smile, don't let them see who you really are.
I ventured a timid hello, and he turned around and smiled like he'd known me forever.
I couldn't help but smile back and put my backpack down for a little while,
My shoulders were aching from all the weight I was carrying,
We didn't talk much, we just sat there, staring ahead, each lost in their own thoughts,
I couldn't tell you how long we sat there.
My watch was broken you see and time seemed like it didn't matter,
I had no hope of ever going back to where I'd come from,
I had no way of knowing if I'd ever find my destination,
The fear was back and as I stood up to leave, he didn't stop me,
But, just looked at me with kindness and asked me to leave my backpack behind,
'It's too heavy a burden for you to carry', he said, 'you don't need it where you're going.'
'Where am I going?', I asked
'You'll know when you get there', he replied before turning away,
So I left my backpack behind and I walked on,
Faith was all I had and for the moment that was enough.
Crystal Erickson Dec 2014
In the glass of my memory sail my chaotic emotions
The ice all between them glistening, the moonbeams of my imagination
Reflect from the faceted rubies embedded within.
I again re-encounter the ecstasy of desire when I touch you.
Such encounters murdering all remnants of dreams
For finally I am ****** wholly into the fantastic reality of you
The joyful, mind numbing, gut heaving, love I feel
My ragged fingers set against an unreachable door
I am powerless to close against you
ever present beyond your love, flooding my veins and filling my soul
My life finally taking wing
Laughter, and fear, all emotions a collective illusion within me
You exceed the threshold of my existence
surrounding and sustaining me eternally
We belong forever solely to one another
Our dawn spent scavenging for each other like rats,
To be born in the afternoon, bald eagles
soaring the days away like gods
Now our lives entwined, no longer passing parallel to each other.

© Crystal Erickson  12/14/07
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