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Steve Page Nov 2017
Psalms 23
1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.

In the presence of my enemies...

Right there in full view,
where they can't ignore it -
You lavish your favour.
You flourish extravagance.
You banish restraint.
You shout exuberance.
At the prepared table
we feast together -
a glass sloshing,
chin dripping,
teeth staining,
finger licking,
shirt smearing,
belt loosening,
belch competing,
mouth spilling,
song inducing,
mum tutting
- right there
before my dumbfounded enemies
and in your glorious presence.

You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Self explanatory.  We have an extravagant God.
A glimmer,
A glimmer of something.

Obscured vision,
Justified by your intensity.

Your light,
Piercing the darkness.

Man made objects
Try to cause you to waver,
But nothing can stop you from the favour.

Similar objects
Cannot compare,
Nothing out there is anywhere as fair.

Should you die - the glimmer would too...
Then I would not know how to find my way out of the darkness that I have consumed.
I want to be in favour
Like a cranberry in a liquor
Like the Moon in a starry night
Like a candle when there's no light

I want to be in favour
Of someone that I am prefer
Of someone who grew a pair of wings
Flew away while I was here singing

Singing about a city of stars
Singing to the distance, too far
Although waiting sounds so lame
I just don't know who else's name

I want to be in favour
Not to be loved, that's for sure
Not to hold hands, not to see eyes
But I can't help, you're in my favour
timeless Nov 2016
If you hate me
You like me
       Both are
In my favour
If you like me
I'm in your heart
If you hate me
I'm in your mind.
Hate , like,me,both,mind,you,favour
Crimsyy Sep 2016
"Do me a favour;
*do something else".

Do me a favour;
mind for yourself.

Do me a favour;
stop pretending you care,
Do me a favour;
do not "be there"

Do me a favour;
just let me fall,
Do me a favour;
don't even call,
Do me a favour;
don't speak at all

Eradicating you might be too kind,
Perhaps ****** might be too kind.
Don't ask; I was stinking mad.
Thomas EG Aug 2016
They follow you inside
Searching for a favour
You offer, mindlessly
They accept, gratefully

You hand it over and
They posess great thanks
To the extent of expressing
Their words in a poem

They produce a journal
Which prods you to smile
You took them for an artist
But never for a poet

Your face lights up
As they tell you more
Life touches you like that
Until next drunken time
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
Their path so smooth.
Their destination so near;
But I tread path much crude.
My destination so unclear.

'Why God is so cruel';
They pity looking at me.
But poor they, I pity them.
Wish to lend my eyes to see.

O God! I am so grateful to you;
For your favour on me.
Sweetness of water is known;
But to only a man thirsty.
The Artists ideology
their insight and vision.
Love their biology
see their division.

Lines of colour,
flowing and forming,
seemingly fuller
haphazard and warming.

The Critic explores
the artist, their passion
to find what they strive for.
Their ideals and fashion.

But some critics talk waste
when they try to show
what is our taste
as if we don't know.
August 2011
Twinkle Aug 2014
Strange are your ways Oh world!
You ask me what do I stand to gain
When I help strangers on their way
Pause to give my time
Spend so much of it in selfless care

What do I stand to gain?

When I make your burdens mine
Think you'll need my help
And lend my shoulder to lean

What do I stand to gain?

When I work for you and your pain
I see beyond your need
To what my help can mean

What do I stand to gain?

When you stretch out your hand
And look my way
Knowing maybe somewhere
Someone will open their heart in true care

What do I stand to gain?

When I love so deep
Knowing time and again that it will hurt
You may care not a dime
And you may never return the time

What do I stand to gain?

I smile and reply
I stand to gain nothing
Cause if I did want anything in return
My hand I would not extend
A self serving attitude is not mine
Don't try to reason, cause you won't find
I choose to love freely and openly
It's for you to decide
You want to use me or love me
To each one his own
I have chosen this path
To be free from expectations
Hurt not and you will not be hurt
You decide what's for you to do.

On the other hand cannot stop what I do
For the only thought that governs me
Is Someone some where is aching just like me
When I need it so badly I know what I see
And then unconsciously I reach out
Thinking I am stretching into infinity
You see this life is a full circle
And one day it'll come back to me
So I am doing myself a favor, actually :-)
This is a strange write, because it was inspired by a casual insensitive remark by someone about why I help someone, when I have nothing to gain from it.  I found it so stupid and strange....but then I realized..maybe I need to explain.

— The End —