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Courtney Taylor Jan 2015
I can't seem to feel my body anymore;
I try so hard to feel the warmth of your voice
saying my name,
because it sounds so familiar
but something doesn't seem right
something is off.
Maybe it's because when you say my name
it isn't out of love
It's out of anger.
You talking to me is no longer warm, but a bitter coldness I can't seem to get away from.
The type of coldness that makes my body feel so fragile
so fragile that I could break at any given moment.
I've tried so hard to feel the warmth of your voice saying my name
But I can't seem to feel my body anymore.
Courtney Gaura Dec 2014
Heart stuttering
Hands shaking
Vision blurring
My prince dying
My fate ending
Life flashing
In the eyes of the tested
But in your soul so full of color
I have been bested
By your Valor
Knighted fools
That failed
In lasting
In what life in tailed
Joanna Jan 2015
Can you tell me how it feels to stand after you fall?
How to regain your strength after losing a brawl?
Show me that failing is simply growing better,
& show me through actions and not simply letters.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Victoria Nov 2014
Lesson learned;

Don't, fall in love
Walk in ,head high, heart open and strong,  ready to let go of past hurt and able to move forward and grow up

Falling in love causes cuts and bruises
Tripping over the same mistakes
Tumbling into  similar situations

Although the cuts and bruises  heal
They hurt

Lesson learned
NitaAnn Oct 2014
I am struggling
Struggling to understand
Understand the whys of my life
Why I was sexually abused
For the first 10 years of my life.
Why I still struggle to have
Healthy, normal relationships.
Why I long for human touch
But still recoil when touched.
Why I cannot find peace.
Why physically my body is failing me.
Why, Why, Why??

Everyday is a struggle
Some days are worse than others
But it is always a **struggle.
I am tired of the struggling. I am tired of the continuous ups and downs, Where is the relief? Where is the end?
elizabeth Oct 2014
I have been shining,
but the eyes of our society
have adjusted too well
to fluorescent lighting
for them to notice
Makenzie Marie Oct 2014
That’s all I am
in this open empty state.
And exhausted.
                                  So fricking tired.
     And the glass feels half empty.
Though the sky is so full;
I can’t help but feel alone.
Because no matter how much love
is handed to me
for my benefit,
for their gain,
it’s nothing real.
There’s nothing gained
only lost.
One more broken piece
of myself
handed away.
               One more wasted day.
And wasteful.
But hopeful, at least.
      Am I even     progressing?
Or am I moving
to the crap that used to be…?
I can hold myself up,
but after so long
my strength goes slack.
     because I know what I lack.
I feel so dang alone
          and can any of us
                    ­                       make it alone?
Sydney Marie Sep 2014
You turn left and right,  
you're on the right path you know it too.
Your feet know it.
You try to ignore all the sensations and vibes that you know come all at once like the wind. It happens less then a few times but those are the times that that left and right seem so beyond impossible to follow.


to ignore it.

to shove it farther down into you.

to blame it on something else.

to inflict it.

You try and nothing works.
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