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Rizza Allia Apr 2020
All things will pass away
The pain, bitterness will fade away
As the darkness passed and when the sun shines to bring light again. 🌻
There is hope. Declare, this too shall pass.
Zack Ripley Nov 2019
I'm standing here alone tonight
As I watch these cars pass like my life.
They're moving on but I'm still here
Staring at the bottom of another empty beer
I don't want to give in.
I don't want to give up.
But wanting something just isn't enough.
You say you'll help
So I'm ready to fight.
Maybe now my darkness can be beat by your light.
I want to thank you my friend
For teaching me that it's okay to be me
I want to thank you my friend for not giving up when I had so little hope.
You've done more for me than you'll ever know
So I wrote this so I can finally show how much it means that you're in my life.
I was in a deep dark place with no way out
Then you came running when you heard me shout.
Now I'm ready to live all of the days ahead.
That's why I want to thank you for being my friend.
Zack Ripley Oct 2019
When will you give your heart a chance to soar?
What's it gonna take for you to believe you deserve more?
I know this is a theme I've explored before
That when people push you down, you don't have to stay on the floor.
But you still don't believe me, so I'll keep saying it until you feel it in your core.
You are not a product of your environment
You can change the score
The first step is to find happiness.
Then, it's time to start opening doors.
It'll take some time.
So make sure to bring a friend.
Don't give up, I'll see you at the end.
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
Every day, you feel like you're dying inside
trying to ignore the pain gifted by a world that can be so unkind. You look in the mirror and try to like what you see.
But the ones who broke your heart
won't let you see how beautiful you are.
If you feel alone and scared to trust the ones that love you
because you feel like they won't understand,
it's easy to push love away
when you feel like you're the only one who knows your heart
and you're the only one who can.
But please, don't give up on love.
Don't give up on your heart.
Forget about the ones who couldn't see your beautiful soul right from the start.
Don't give up on your dreams
and someday you'll find
this crazy life can be so much better than it seems.
So don't give up on love.
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
It's hard to live
But easy to die.
It's hard to love
But still we try.
It's hard to believe
That things can get better.
But life can change
As quick as the weather.
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
Gray skies, no sun.
All work, No fun.
That's not okay.
If you have passions,
And your parents say
"Don't waste your time.
You'll never make a living that way."
Please don't walk away.
Because in a world
Of so much stress and so much fear,
Balance is crucial to your health.
Even more so when you get closer
To your older years.
And when you have doubts,
And you feel like no one believes in you,
And you don't even believe in yourself, know that I believe in you.
I really do.
Brendann Mar 2020
To say I tried would be false
the urge was too great
my will
too weak
As I fight the wall that keeps me from my future
the coldness fills my lungs
and at that moment I realize the inevitable
The people I love fill my brain
replacing the blood that was once there
My mind drifts to a place of warmth and air
as my body drifts to the bottom of the frozen lake
Free Verse
Shashi Dec 2019
The flames would rise
And burn you
Like the shadows of the sun

Through the sleepless Nights
Like some never ending tale

And the Days so heavy
That every single dream
crushed underneath

A little ashes
If you look around
Still left
half burnt, half demolished

Do not hesitate
To pick them up
And continue walking.
To Moving on and to not giving up.
Mrs Anybody Nov 2019
do you know that feeling?

the feeling where your throat aches
because it is tightening?

the feeling where your neck hurts
because you start to stiffen?

the feeling where you can't speak
because your throat's to dry and tight?

the feeling where your eyes burn
because you hold back your tears?

don't do that to youself.
don't hold back your emotions.

you're allowed to cry.
you're allowed to feel emotions.

because what makes us human
are feelings and weaknesses.
don't let society turn you into a robot.

feel everything.
the pain, the happiness, really everything.

and then do your thing.
no matter what "your thing" is.
do it.
stronger, than ever before.
i don't know, who needs to hear this.
But remember it.
For yourself.
Fearless Sep 2019
Afraid to be happy in my answered prayer
afraid to have too much hope, do I dare?
We're always waiting for the other shoe
to drop on our head, like liquid bird poo
things are changing, or dare I believe?
or do I get scared and just run off and leave
4 times in one week, "Miracle" was heard
It shocked me each time that I heard the word
It churned up my hope and lifted my eyes
I sat and I waited, staring up at the skies
then down from above with a message for me
my prayers started to be answered in ways I could see!
Praise God for His love and His endless care
I'm so thankful to Him for answering my prayer
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