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Haley Apr 2019
I had a friend say to me
"I'm too weak"
"I try so hard
to get stronger"
"But I can't"
She was referring to something
athletic wise, yes.
But when she said it
I immediately connected
with the statements
No, not athletically
But, emotionally.
I am weak emotionally
I try so hard to fix it
But I can't
Of course I didn't say this
I let her speak
But the quote can connect
With a lot of us out there.
And next time you hear something like that
Turn it into
"Im weak right now"
"But, I'm getting stronger"
"I will eventually
be the strength I need
and want
to be."
Ingram Mar 2019
I have sat in a pit of despair.
I have stood with feelings of no repair.
I have walked with both eyes closed.
I have ran in fear of vulnerabilities being exposed.
I now sit with a light in the distance.
I now stand with a slight hope of resistance.
I now walk a hard road to recovery.
I now run looking forward to this new discovery.
I will sit without a dark thought of probation.
I will stand with a strong foundation.
I will walk with a grin on my face.
I will run and not give up this race.
The past does not define you.
Henriette Mar 2019
They say hearts like this will break more often.
The kind of heart
That are well-natured,
but also a storm.

these kinds of hearts will break more often,
fights more often,
cries more often,
But will always stands up.
hehe sorry for all the misktaken grammars i can't sleep but yet i can't think
Taanika Shankar Feb 2019
Since her childhood, she dreamed,
That her life would be more that it seemed;

That she wouldn’t just be another somebody,
Was something she would show to everybody;

Silently, she worked, not caring for recognition,
Past the occasional breakdown, she continued on her mission;

She wanted to be different,
To leave in this world her dent;

She was determined to rise,
Who could hold her down?

Some told her she couldn’t do it,
She told herself, especially to them, I’ll prove it;

Momentary lapses that lasted for days,
And loss of heart, she did face;

But she was determined to rise,
Who can hold her down?

Days turned into months, which turned into years,
Now, words of encouragement are what she hears;

She held on to her dream like it was her life,
But truth be told, it was no comparison;

Then one day, a stranger recognised her face,
In the tower she was building for herself, she was now far from the base;

Another day came where a stranger called her name loudly,
A name that had come to be associated with what she had worked on so proudly;

She was determined to rise,
And that dream, she made her life;

She was determined to rise,
Who could have held her down?
Jennifer West Feb 2019
I won't be quiet
When you stifle my voice

I won't lay down
When you walk all over me

I won't be give up
When you crush my soul

I won't let you
Get me
Elizabeth Herzog Jan 2019
1 day,
He'll come back.
1 week,
Maybe he's on a trip?
1 year,
He'll visit someday.
2 years,
I'll visit someday.
3 years,
We'll visit in our dreams one night.
4 years,
I won't give up on you, Daddy Dearest.
Sundiegoguy Nov 2018
Lately, I keep wishing to go back to when
Before the old me went missing
I’m afraid to live because falling is not pretty,
Now, I am wasting borrowed time not living.
And I don’t know when I will feel cleansed again
To say the least, I’ve been feeling broken for a long time

Living as I do is not living.
I want to come out and do it all
But I am scared,
Scared I wasn't strong before,
Scared I won't be strong today.

As I said bye to my dying self,
I promised to never feel this way again.
To never betray myself again.
To never cry tears for this again.
Because I deserve so much more than what I got back

I don't know how to let go of my past
For I lived 18 happy years by myself.
And I don't know who the new me will be,
But will living with pain be part my new life?
Or will my pain come to an end too?  

It's a long way to fall
An even longer one to climb back up.
And when our fault finishes us,
We will be given life again
To carry on,
In this journey without destination.

Can't wait till my bones move again
Can't wait till my eyes see again
Can't wait till my heart pumps blood again
Can't wait till my soul feels happiness again
2015. Part 2 of my Suicide Hike Collection. The story picks up where Suicide Hike left off. Enjoy. Comments, Likes, Opinions welcomed.
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