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Malcolm Mar 11
Oh the Innocence  
That laugh, that wild howling in the throat of youth,
Unseen fingers scramble for the last thread of light  
Here, the angels are naked,  
no wings to catch their fall.  
The river splits,  
and chaos is born  
from the lips of the unholy, the pure.  

There be our Divinity  
slips beneath the skin like rust on gold
a fractured god,  
broken in pieces,  
spilled across the morning,  
the moon forgets its name.  
Laughing in the dust,  
twisted and torn,  
a thousand whispers claw at the sky  
but none reach.  

Imagination is the distant echo—  
a door slammed shut by a thousand hands,  
and what vision is left?  
A trembling shadow.  
What light?  
What reflection?  
It’s nothing but a crack in the glass,  
and through it, you see everything and nothing  
all at once.  

Oh but thou Morality  
it’s a rotten fruit in the mouth of the blind,  
an oath spat on the ground  
before it crumbles to dust.  
What holds us here?  
Nothing but the gnashing teeth of the broken,  
screaming freedom that never comes,  
but always dances on the edge of our minds  
like a mad bird  
torn from the sky,  
its wings flapping in the void.  

Oppression is the song they sing,  
but we?  
We are the ghosts who scream in the dark,  
again and again.  
Flesh torn and reborn.  
A shout in the streets—  
but where is the end of the road?  
No path but the storm’s eye,  
no sky but the bleeding horizon.  

Shall he call it Mysticism?  
A thousand tongues, a thousand eyes—  
but no one looks.  
The trees scream their roots into the soil,  
but who hears?  
Who listens?  
A leaf flutters in the wind,  
and the world spins—  
a thousand faces in a mirror that is shattered  
but still reflects
What do you see with blinded eyes !  

Where doth Nature find its whole,  
A scream of fire in the rain.  
Flesh in the dirt,  
bones wrapped in moss.  
Everything turns,  
and everything falls.  
Chaos is the language,  
and we are the words scattered  
across a broken page.  
No order, no truth,  
only the flood of thoughts  
rushing to drown themselves
Copyright Malcolm Gladwin
March 2025
Shattered Visions
He brought the sun into the sky each day
She brought booming thunder and rain
He shimmered like gold and smelled of wine
She coward in the corner, shrouded in pain
He prayed his light would be enough
to wash her face of the grimace of disdain
Her hero in armor
Upon her, golden wings does he ordain

The clouds fall away
His glow burning like a fire
Her resistance fading, fear dissipating
His voice carries her higher

When the sun and the storm intertwine
it's as if you're seeing the face of the divine
In the depths of thought, I wander lost,  
Seeking to measure thy beauty’s cost—  
Shall I weigh thy radiant grace in silver’s gleam,  
Or count thy tresses in golden beams?  

Yet within thy eyes, the universe resides,  
A realm unknown where truth abides.  
Shall I peer into that endless depth,  
Or hear the whispers from thy cheeks, where secrets slept?  

Before me, the cosmos unfurls its face,  
But in thy form, I find the same grace.  
Shall I witness the heavens in their endless flow,  
Or gaze upon thee, where divinity doth glow?  

In thee, such secrets are revealed so free,  
As roses dance in harmony with the sea.  
Thy beauty, a mirror of the divine,  
A pose so perfect, it transcends time.
In the Eyes of the Cosmos 12/12/2024 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Kian Nov 2024

Your fingers traced the edge of my jaw,
and I could feel the galaxies ripple beneath your touch.

We exist in fragments—pieces of memories we never spoke aloud.

I think we’ve both been running too long,
chasing echoes that dissolve before they’re fully formed.

But there’s something divine in the way you linger,
like a prayer unfinished, a truth unspoken.

I let you in, just far enough to feel the pull of your ache.

We are nothing more than ghosts in each other’s veins,

but god, how real it feels

when your hand finds mine in the dark.
Michael Oct 2024
Silent street lights,
Like galaxies in fields of black
The night watchers fight
But dark fights back
Each tentative flicker of life
Here against long odds
Convinced that their strife
Is the will of the Gods
Christian Bixler Sep 2024
I see you
bursting like dolphins
from a grassy sea.

it is for the light on your leaves
I would honor you.
Silver rippling, with the breeze and the thunder.

And you among them
still, with gold on your bent
stalk. My heart goes out to you.
Linger a little longer, fairest
one. When spring comes again
I will look for you.
The unconditional love we reject from our body calls to be accepted!
I invite you to witness my apology, by sharing with you an excerpt from my book “Release | Inner Conversations To Lead Us Home” titled ‘“Apology” - Chapter “I See Truth”.

Demands imposed on you
Expectations trashed over you

All the years I projected
All my anger onto you

Thank you for holding it
Without reciprocating it

Suppressing your sexuality
Vilifying your ****** pleasures

Imposing punishments
For every desire revealed

Shamed you with guilt
For every sin committed

I’m sorry

The cuts inflicted on you
The hits and slaps
The ****** abuse
The verbal manipulation

Held you hostage
For your survival was only
Granted in suffering

Hostility was made the norm
A punching bag I made of you

I’m sorry

I made you the enemy
Used you as a battle ground
For endless wars

Crushed your enjoyment of life
You didn’t deserve this

I’m sorry

For imprisoning you
Depriving you of all your rights
My freedom was only granted
Upon your suppression
Withholding you from expression

Suffocating you
******* life out of you
Intoxicating you with fear
Injecting you with toxic love

I’m sorry

I emptied you
And fed you with voids

Confining you in a box of labels
Shaming you for being disobedient
Trashing you for not conforming

Name calling
Bullying you

I’m sorry

For every pimple I labeled as ugly
For every mark I marked as dirt

For every stretch mark
I cursed with anger
For every curve
I labeled a disgrace
For every pleasure
I tagged as filth

I shamed you every day
Every second of the day
I bathed you with guilt

Covered you with layers of masks
Endless veils of contours
Spent fortunes to cover you
Inflicted so much pain
To change you

I’m sorry
I didn’t know better

For now I see only
Wrinkles of light
Curves of joy

Freckles of love
Pimples of stars
Hair of divine feathers
******* bursts of love

You are a piece of art
The sanctuary of creation

A miracle in existence
You are love in physical form

A divine vessel

Forgive me
I didn’t love you
As you love me

I didn’t love you
As our creator loved us

Thank you for being here - By NwK
'Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts.’ - Deepak Chopra

If you ever doubted whether you experienced unconditional love, I would like to humbly say ‘yes you have’. This unconditional love has always been extended to us. Yet too often we are blind to see it, numb to feel it, disconnected to hear it and too consumed by physical obsessions to receive it - We therefore reject to accept it.

Our body is a physical manifestation of love and it is fuelled by an active stream of unconditional energy flow of love.

In every moment of the day, our body is constantly exerting energy and effort to fulfil our needs, commands, demands and instructions. While simultaneously, being forced to listen to our every thought. Even when it stops, it is out of love to gain our attention rather than giving up on us. This is a form of unconditional love, yet we reject to acknowledge its voice by constantly projecting our thoughts on it. The ‘thoughts’ if ever dared to be spoken out loud, will in no doubt be defined by all of us, as ‘Bully Behaviour’.

Just like your brain, the body doesn’t know the difference between a true or false thought. The body listens to every train of thought, stores it as memory and eventually responds to the thought as if, it is true. If we are to agree that our body believes every word our thoughts speak then surely I owe my body a sincere apology.

The body will fulfil your demands once you ask for its forgiveness by acknowledging the weight of the thoughts you have placed on it.  To be open to accept the body is unconditional love extended to us, we must first ask for its forgiveness. In this act we bring awareness to our false thoughts we projected on our body, elevate our relationship with our bodies and reciprocate the unconditional love between mind and body.
Lyla Sep 2024
I want to strip away
the pedestrian, the cellophane veil
obscuring your Divinity
to reveal you in all your
to revel in you and all your
T R Wingfield Mar 2024
Why anyone,
who has seen the eyes of divinity
would ever think that they should leave
whatever space or place or mindset where
they found it, to deny intrepidly that,
without a doubt,
they sincerely believe
that they
saw nothing
out of the ordinary;
no mysterious magic miracle
meant to mean something
to the eyes of wonder
worn by children,
full of mystic revelry;
That there
in this world
with mind unmarred
nothing surreal occurred;
no mysterious light was seen
which no one else could see:
and (hold on)
dismiss that which is in his view of the world which he verily sees,
…and just … look away…
is strange to me.

Why would someone want to leave
the presence and the peace
of creation for some dream?

What motivation could there be to dismiss reality
…for some make believe world…  
that, in which, magic things - do not - exist?

I certainly cannot believe they’d look away intentionally…
Not me!
Composed on or around 1/10/24
Some final thoughts of an addicted mind on communing with god through drug induced means… a last desperate effort by a mind seized to justify its toxic, self-destructive inclination by making it metaphysical. It was deceived.

The devil in the room
Wants to know if you can see him
Doesn’t believe that you can see
Wants you to see
Doesn’t care if you believe
Man Dec 2023
"Life is cheap,"
Said strong to weak.
"Wrong is right,"
Spoke rich to meek.
"Do none, hear none - nor speak, or see."
Evil said to divinity.
And we wonder why, when then
We do speak, that
No one seems to be listening.
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