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Bridget Ewing Feb 2017
Wobbly knifes, nervous on
diner tables
How are you?
I wish I didn't know why
you are not here
exploring foreign floors
together where our feet meet
sinking into waiting steps
the hum's amplitude increases
as I fade out
to a state of mind
framed around you
built upon your grounds

Blurry eyed under hotel covers
where a man on a mission
scales fences that block
building backs.
This unanticipated destination
where have we found ourselves
by getting lost?
aniket nikhade Feb 2017
A few things in mind,
few important.

A few things planned,
few defind,
decided upon other few

In the meantime also discussed upon something that is important, which needs to be kept in mind.

What remained in mind after doing all this is the importance of time,
really finally it’s time that is important.

Time is important regardless of the fact that most of the time everything needs to be done on time
Experience is gained when efforts are made in the right direction, however, expertise follows later on again explaining the fact that time is important.
Jayanta Feb 2017
Wind flow in the direction
As pressure directed it!
Water flows in the direction
As gravitation directed it!
We follow the direction
As inner voice directed!
Jason Weihl Jan 2017
So I sit here on the brink of my chance,
waiting for the right time to fall.
Somehow we knew at the first glance,
but we both truly knew nothing at all.
We seem to embrace opportunity from afar,
but I vow not to wait for the world to change me.
I will follow my own true star.
Who is it that chooses who to be?
No one wants to be the shadow of a man,
or to only leave mere footprints in the sand.
For the mark will be washed away with time,
along with the shadows that have robbed me blind.
It is time for me to take that leap.
I am tired of living life asleep.
For I know it is I who decides my own fate.
We control what we create.
Now my true star is shining bright,
so I will follow it into the night.
This is an adaptation of what was originally a sonnet that I have changed into a poetic monologue for a short film that I plan to produce.
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Plans are subjected to change
Ways of doing and getting things done change
The world is a fast changing place
A strong resolve that something certain will get worked out keeps everything in the present in it's proper shape.

Everything will be in it's place
Everything will get worked out while in present with regards to an uncertain future
Everything in present will find it's way in the right direction,
if intentions are in place,
only if they don't change while in present for short term gains, which cannot be termed as a secured future.
Arjun Raj Nov 2016
What happens when an open space, once a canvas to your thoughts,
turn into a dingy cabin, where you are chained to a chair with no lumbar support
and a program is chipped into your brain to decode client briefs, one after the other,
however idiotic they might be,
only to churn out results that will please a super boss,
who has done the same, for n number of years more than you,
so that the numbers that are not on your side, look irrelevant, coz
the money that you are making for the company is very relevant, to them, their family
and the rest of mankind, but you?
You quit.
No, wait
You’ve got EMI’s to pay.
Holly Nicole Nov 2016
I tread along this road, directionless
My compass broken, I can’t tell true North.
More likely South I go, affectionless
And in to time I march along henceforth.
So taking to the mountains in retreat,
I try to run away from things untold
For with no way of knowing when I’ll meet
This future that, until now, can’t unfold
I try to keep presumptions out of thought.
I try to keep my mind at ease and rest…
But if I could have spoilers to the plot
Perhaps these things would motivate the best.
I tread along this road, directionless
My heart and soul I feel are just a mess.
Anna Jones Oct 2016
You present to me
The moment
In open hands
Blessed are those
Who start
With a grateful heart

Exploring the emptiness
Deep inside
Unravelling the layers
Like ribbons
So we may surface
Not as new beings
But like an empty box
Be revealed
For the content of our character

Words can cut so easily
Hard to believe
Easy to be deceived
By all the shiny pieces

Yet as the record
Of our life
Reaches its end
If we can stand
Let go of fear
We can realise
Our truest gift
Is being here

Making each moment count
Not trying to change
Simply finding peace
With here and now
That's when the voice from deep within
Will rise
And cut through
All our deceptions and lies

So at the end of this life
We can say with firm understanding
Our love carried us in the darkest night
To what's true
After wading through the deepest tarmac
We walked to the light;
We found you.
STLR Oct 2016
Anonymously attacking ..with verbal illustrations...

Just for the demonstration...telecasting to different nations

A smudge of could never taste nor even a finger lick

Devouring every word...empowering ever letters do flips.

For every action is to superb

the satisfaction of using magic within an urn..They say that this art is dead...I am one to not concur...

For everything has a bound from another am place on this earth surface

Should I join in the deconstruction? Or arm in the reconstruction...

I think everyone serves a function, duty, or calling...

It feels like I'm yawning...I guess I'm falling asleep to my withering dreams...that's appalling...

Blurred by the duties of's causing diminishing scenes...of smooth winds, salty sands and water as clear as can been...

I am a fuse from elite...I simply refuse to repeat

I will not abuse then reuse, I will simply choose to be me...

I was asked....left or right? I replied you want to know the reason why?

Because whenever I aim for a goal I reach for the sky....

that's every past the sky's limits or any stereotypical border of complication...I won't repeat but will commence with...what's around and what is destined.
Jim Marchel Oct 2016
"...You're my direction when I'm lost, but I'm never alone with the love that we've grown.

How incredible is this view? Its not the beautiful scenery, it's the beautiful you."
When I'm lost and don't know which way to go, I remember I'm always found in you.
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