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Devin Lawrence Apr 2016
Whether the rain pours,
hail falls,
and mud seeps inside my shoes,
I always walk.

Whether there's a better,
easier way
to reach where I'm trying to go,
I always walk.

Whether there are hands extended
or faceless shame,
ever since the age of three
I always walk.

Whether you care,
whether the wind is at my back,
I've never been carried,
I always walk.

Even when my mother cries,
even if my father dies,
if my children are my own,
they will walk
close behind.

Whether love
or pollen
pollutes the air
and my red eyes can no longer see,
I will always walk.

Whether the song I sing
is one that you know,
or one that you don't care to hear,
I always walk.

Cars go rushing by,
people pass in silence.
Like the potholes you swerve to avoid,
I persist.

I fell once;
I crawled and begged for a hand,
but I was held down and convinced
I would never walk again.

Then I stood;
On that day,
with vindication in the breath I exhaled,
I swore to always walk -
and even God took note.
ashley Mar 2016
Sometimes I feel just fine and I remember that time heals everything and other times my hands start shaking so bad I can hardly hold my cigarettes or myself up and it feels like I'm going to ***** but I don't even have the strength to get up and crawl to the bathroom. I can smell you in the air but you're not here. It's like every part of my body is wondering where you are wondering why it can't feel you and why my heart isn't beating the way it used to and I try to remember time heals everything, but the more time that passes the more I ache to hear your voice and smell your skin.
Holey Feb 2016
This where I lie
All because I tried
Which will be on my mind
Till the day you die
I await your fall
And get ready to crawl
Into your vengeful dreams
I sit here and wait
For the upcoming date
Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock.
And it never came.
Rose Davis Jan 2016
I call myself a bell-flower,
as you cannot hear my tremulous chime
and I am decorated in purple and blue blossoms
on the only home that holds me tight
though I still want to crawl out of it
and grow up in someone else’s
Tammy Pruett May 2015
she writes beauty on her world everyday
Hoping for bliss along the way.
    A simple smile will free her soul...
For a moment of rock and roll...
   Then back into her hole
She must crawl...
    Questioning, was it really worth it all ?
For ultimately it truly is....
     She would never have missed all of this :)
Jayanta Mar 2015
Now deadline entrapped!
Deadline to safe life
Deadline to take food
Deadline to drink water
Deadline to  breathe air!
Now dead line entrapped!
Deadline to recharge vitality
Deadline to recharge vanity
Deadline to recharge - cover-up felony!
Now deadline entrapped!  
Deadline to makeover
Deadline to sprawl
Deadline to crawl
Deadline to growl
Deadline to  haul!
Now deadline entrapped!
Deadline to  behold toxicity
Deadline to amuse atrocity
Deadline to submit buoyancy
Deadline to ****** and welcome grief I
It is the deadline for post modern reformation!
Kurt LaVacque Mar 2015
Next to nowhere
She lays
Still bitten with the rage
Of the still torn pages inside
The left look behind
She saw 12
Hundreds in gathering to see a masterpiece
To see a great feast take place
Inside the belly of the beast we embrace
We brace for
10 until later our velvet skin was torn
It was not a book she was reading
Life admits it to be true
Things only seem
as they seem to you
As they are
As we are
8 left
We read from the dead to find the meaning of life
Still hidden from
Foreign to the match tip burns
Rage to the night
Rage to all the ends of the strings tied to the ropes we bleed from
Free fall to the once forgotten song
We sing
We breathe in again
Within minutes of each other
The numbers fall
6 legs on this chair
Holding each one
Carefully in the air
Not the slightest ripple
From even the slow moving and inconvenient
We all crawl as one
A notebook drawn by the sun
With the letters as colors and pages as numbers
We will all learn to see when it's raining
We will learn to be forgiven
For what has happened
4 steps to the partially broken door hinge
Lay Waste to the less fortunate
For I have come without a hood to cover my ears
Up the elevator we climb
To the tip of the mountain we press
This is not a test
2 questions unanswered
We must learn to run before we crawl
the voices say
To follow your heart
From every beat
And from every start
There will be a finish
A tapered trip to an answer well lived to be heard
Hear all what you want to see like
And say all that you wish to breathe like
CM93 Feb 2015
Crawl into my heart
There Will be No place more safe
To stay
As long as you'd like
I'll keep it warm.. For you to hide
Jaimi M Jan 2015
Crawl across
this bed love,
and greet me with
your sweetest kiss.
I don't need a
million things
to bring a smile
to my lips,
just give me you
and I'll be content.
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