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Gregor Sep 2020
Your glamorous smile
Makes me feel alive
Your charming eyes
Reflecting my desires
Your long, beautiful hair
Is keeping me aware
That whenever you glimpse at me
My love pumps endlessly

The way you are talking
Makes me wondering
It’s like a sound of an angel
A wonderful creature

When you are in my presence
Every second really matters
I would never let you leave
Perhaps, i am too naive

People say its just a phase
Spending my days with amaze
But i know i want you,
And be the one who you can go to
This poem was written to a special girl i really love
The vile have their thoughts
And capes full of evil spell

Slim are your chances
To go unscathed

Use no words
Just wear your lucky charm
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Fair and bright beauty
Light feet revel with swift song
Joy blooms in her soul

New day, new haiku!
Feeling better today, haha!
I'm onto the last of the three Charities, Thalia. (Not to confused with Thalia the Muse, haha!)

Again, there isn't much on her as she is depicted with her sisters dancing.
But she does have a connection to spring. Her name, Thalia, comes from the Ancient Greek word, 'θάλλειν.' The Greek word 'thállein' means"to flourish, to be verdant - hence the connection to spring.

I also found that her name is also an adjective used to describe festivities, banquets and such.
Now that the main three Charites are done, I will be moving onto the younger ones! ^-^

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

She with cheeks so fair
Her eyes dance with merriment
Love encrowns her brows

New day, new haiku!
Still working on feeling better too.
Now for the second woman of the Charites, Euphrosyne.
There isn't much on her per say.
No particular story that stands out, just that she is depicted dancing with her sisters. And that there is a mosaic depicting her with Akratus, servant of Dionysus and demi-God of unmixed wine.
Even so, she always struck me as lovely and joyous.
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Milk maid with gold crown
Rose-tinted cheeks glow with warmth
Smiles with loving grace

New day, new haiku!
I'm feeling alot better today, thankfully!
I'm going to be working on the Charites now.
The three goddesses of beauty, grace, joy, dance and song and I'm starting with Aglaia, who was also known as Kharis, and she was the wife of Hephaestus. She brought him much joy, splendor and glory (which is what her name translates to) and bore him children after the whole Ares-Aphrodite incident.

She gave birth to four more Charites with Hephaestus which I will write about about the main three are done. The Charites are depicted as beautiful naked women , I've seen alot of art and I remember seeing an ivory story of them in a museum with some friends. They truly were gorgeous to behold.

I truly believe Aglaia is good for Hephaestus, he deserves some love and warm, and I wanted to show that in the haiku.
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Spriha Kant Jul 2020
Whirling in your charm
I crave for owning tiara
ornamented with your love.

No matter what you are ,
but a king throning on my heart.
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2020

Swathed in cloth of gold
Strokes for wolf and lions tamed
Charm him with her cups

You know what time it is! Another haiku ^-^
Thanks again for all the love and support! I saw Hekate was trending for a while, im really grateful! 🙏
Todays haiku follows another woman of myth, the Enchantress Circe, another woman I adore.
Ive read so many myths about her as well as Madeline Miller's novel, Circe (a fantastic read and adaptation of her story - her writing is impeccable. A definite recommend!)
Her role in the Odyssey I've always found somewhat charming, as charismatic as enigmatic as Hekate in a way. And I always try to be playful when conveying sensuousness also hehe!
Thanks again everyone, it truly himbles me to see people enjoying this series! 🙏💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
That calm charm exterior,
Doesn't feel the same as if it were in a Picture
If so,I wish I hadn't found better one!
kolsmusing Jun 2020
I didn't believe
that someone
could take my
heart in a beat
until I saw
a radiant smile
that left me in awe
but there's something
much more charming
than his smile
it's his laugh
I saw how his eyes glimmer
the moment he laughed
that's when I realized
I have never fallen in love
with somebody's laugh
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