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wyle tan Nov 2016
God cares for sparrows,
flowers for a day that fade away.
Will He not care more for you,
His forever child?
(To comfort a friend. 11 November 2016)
Alienpoet Oct 2016
I am not the answer
To your prayers
But a man who cares
Is worth more than any acquaintance's blank stare
It's worth more than the fakery of an acquired smile
Than any piece of clothing diamond studded
Than all the tea in China cup you can drink
I am worth more than an expensive meal
A steal compared to people who rip you to shreds behind your back
A anti depressant without taking a pill
A person who will care for you when you are ill
and yet I am judged like a book with a cover that doesn't stand out
You won't even pick me up off the shelf
My life has high mountain highs
and precipice lows
and still you won't ask how's my day been
Cause your caught up in your own life
We've got two ears to listen to one mouth
That's an equation worth remembering
As my tears go south down my face
As I get lost in life's rat race
and lose my heart
like so many have before
So please knock on my door
Give me a bell
We all exist in our fragile shells.
Your Name Here Jun 2016
Why create me?
Do you love me or hate me.
Whats the purpose?
I feel fckng worthless.
Why so serious?
This addiction has me feeling delirious.
Im at the end
Cant comprehend
I'm a fake
I pretend to be a man
Just a phony
Spec of dust
Grain of sand.
But yet....
I understand.
Prenup, Smeenup
I don't plan staying stagnant with it
But I don't care if my partner makes more than me
As long as I have dreams and aspirations and I'm putting in the work, so who cares?
I am a lover who's never known love
A dreamer who cant fall asleep and
a human that cares to much.
even with this do you still think I'm enough?
Jenny Nov 2015
The candlelight flings funny shapeless shadows on the wall
And when I put the candle out the queer moon shadows fall
The sun casts shadows on the lawn when there are trees around
Like strips of blackness painted on the green and shiny ground...
And in the country when a cloud obscures the blazing sun-across the golden fields of corn the dancing shadows run
And so it seems in daily life the shadows come and go
We cannot have the light with out the shadow,this we know.
And so when cares depress you and you cannot see a gleam
Remember shadows are not quite as dark as they may seem.
Steph Dionisio Nov 2015
She craves for your smile and the look in your eyes,
while you think of someone and your head full of whys.
She hears the throb of your heart despite of great distance,
while you choose to keep silent and hide your presence.
She's quietly telling you that she listens and cares,
while you seek for someone's sweet stares.
She patiently waits for the time you will talk,
while you choose to give no words and just walk.
And she knows you will never notice the whisper of her heart,
not only because you are North and she is South—
it is because in you heart, she'll never have a part.

*Steph Dionisio, November 13, 2015
Fucking tired Oct 2015
Lost in a spider's maze
a mind set ablaze
lost in a ocean of self hatred
slowly dying with no wish to live

but see that light?
it's coming for you
there's someone waiting for you
someone who needs you
someone who will miss you
someone who will cry every night your gone -
physically or mentally
who would never forget
or any memory made with you
someone who would perish without you
Don't forget someone cares
someone always cares
trust me I know
she cares, someone cares
Thinking of turning this into a song not sure though I would have to edit a bit and this would be the chorus of the song hmmmmm....
Nikita Jul 2015
Sick of being the ugly friend
Sick of being the friend noone cares about
Sick of being the friend that has to try because noone else makes an effort
Sick of trying to help but being taken for granted
Sick of being the friend that always walks on the grass
Sick of being the friend thats last to get invited
Sick of being the friend that gets mad fun of constantly
Sick of being the friend that gets chosen last
Sick of being the friend that gets walked all over

Sick of being
Talked over
Pushed away

Because I can only take so much
Soon I wont even be your friend at all

But I guess you wouldnt even notice
Nikita Jun 2015
"Noone cares unless your pretty or dying"
Well even then, people turn away from the dying.
Even then, pretty people are abused, used and thrown away.

The truth is
That noone cares unless theres something in it for them.
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