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Stormy Bailey May 2015
seeping out of me and running rivers down my face,
like the rain as it collects together and weaves its path through the land.
Pain that forces its way through you to show the people around you that you hurt.
Choked sobs that make people ask questions,
“What's wrong?"
"Who hurt you?”
No one.
No one hurt me and No one is still hurting me.
No one is tearing deep into my heart and ripping it to pieces,
shattering it like fragile glass and wiping my tears with the shards.
No one is hollowing me out,
making me feel hopeless and alone.
Because no matter how many people come to me to tell me they care and will always be my friend No one stands in the shadows waiting to hurt me again.
its washing over me as I sleep,
alone in a bed that wishes someone was there to bring warmth.
It causes me to shiver as I look into the eyes of someone I know will never warm me like I want, will never hold me close and whisper they love me.
It shoots through my veins in the form of adrenaline,
as hope rises in my chest like the sun only to be suffocated by the cold when someone turns away from me to find someone prettier.
No one stands to the side to welcome me back into its arms because it knows I will always be alone.
No one hurts me because No one cares enough to take a chance at us.
Even as the day ends and I climb back into bed with the cold waiting to surround me again I know that the next day will be the same.
And when people ask me who hurt me and why I cry I will always have the same answer.
No one hurt me.
Because No one is the only one there.
Hanna Kelley Feb 2015
Soft dirt surrounds me like a heavy quilt
The grass and flowers above my head wilt
Why does nobody love me or even care?
They spit on my grave with no pain to bare
Suzy Hazelwood Dec 2014
The old woman who lives next door
she asked of you today
she guessed you’d gone
she knows our world has broken

She heard our voices raised
the slam of the door when you left
and me
wailing in the hall at this ****** hollow life

You thought she was mad
an old *****
self obsessed
with flea ridden cats
that’s because you never took the time
to discover the woman

She told me
he left forty years today
without a word
slammed the door
just like you
and she waited
waited in the company of her cats
waited...for him

Cats are her love
she cares for them
and in return they adore her

Isn’t love what matters
even if it’s only a cat
who loves you?

If every person you’d ever known
turned the other way
wouldn’t you also be grateful
for the love of a cat?
Trying not to cry
Upset stomach
Getting sick
Everyone *****
No one cares
Close your heart
Does it exists?
Maybe sometimes
Sometimes not
Just close your eyes
Pretend you aren't here
They wont see your tears
Alexis A Sep 2014
What's the point
People die
People lie
People cry
But no-one ever gives a ****
I feel sick with disgust. I cry, but no-one is noticing my pain. Is there even a point?
antxthesis Aug 2014
Note to self :
Nobody likes you and
Nobody cares.
They're just satisfying their curiosity,
By saying they do.
Lani Foronda Jul 2014
I'm floating
Floating on a little river
Down to who-knows-where.
Direction and time is something
Unheard of
In a place like this.
Time could be tick-tocking away
And I could care less.
The current's taking me wherever it pleases,
And I'm in no mood to argue today.
It's just the river and me-
Enjoying the sunlight and summer breeze.
It's nice finally nice not having a care.
There's no burden
Or heavy weight dragging me down
On this little river of mine.
July 07, 2013
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