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James A May 2018
Time to see
Seconds to breathe
Time to grow
Walk the path home
There's only one me
So time to be
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2018
The together is not what hurts
It is the alone and the apart
This relationship is so painful
But to me it is beautiful; art

Your breath the wind in my sails
They are flimsy; I'm easily moved
Happily impressed and proud
Of the few things you improved

I expect too much it seems
I watch you attempt to be what I need
I wish I was satisfied
But I feel like we cannot succed
This was written 12-13-13 the day after my ex's birthday right after we first got together. I guess things really didn't change that much over the course of our relationship after all, just the way I reacted to them. You can love someone with all you have but it won't make a relationship work, it takes more than just love, it takes effort.
ShowYouLove Apr 2018
He is with us in our hearts and in our lives;
He is not so far away.
Reach out to him in your very breath,
Reach out and hold him in your hands.
He is with us always
To the end of the age and beyond.
He is with us always
We are never truly alone.
He has a place in my heart,
He is here in my soul,
He is the music around me,
He is the spirit that moves me.
He came down from Heaven to live as man;
He came as a human so we might understand
How much he loves us loves you and me.
He is with us at home, at work, at play,
He is beside us each and every day.
This Holy Room and He Is With Us were written during Adoration at St. Isidore in Bloomingdale. I went there on a whim one afternoon. The church was supposed to be closed, but I got lucky and I was let in to pray. It was so cool!!
Furey Apr 2018
I close my eyes
Taking a deep breath
Why am I here again?
Is there something important
For me to do?
Was there ever?
My body is always sore
Everyday it hurts
Why do I keep going?
I wait for my body to give up
For my time to stop
For the days to finally end
I’ve said I’m fine
But never really was
I’ve dreamt of places far away
But never really got there
Those places I want to go
To disappear
And call them home
Help me
An echoing voice in my head
A convincing smile
This is my lie
A lie no one has ever seen through
They never will
The voice responds
Help me
Another smile
Why can no one hear
No one hears
No one
trf Apr 2018
Seventeen years, our lives were spent,
cleaning *** stains to pay your rent,
hiking miles as humid summer sweats,
held you in my arms, till last breath.

The soil grows doggy bones,
heaven knows what earth has sewn,
eleven A.M. I had to let you go,
now pushing daisies, you're not alone.

Hush puppy, for now  
I'll join you someday, somehow
In the morning, I'll have a grin
 Tonight these tears trace down my chin

As a canine Abby, your years were long,
one-one-nine, till we rang the gong,
enduring length is now a sad sad song,
but you're strength helps me carry on.

Puppy grub, dark walks in the rain,
lucky love doesn't die in vane,
as I pulled up to scratched window panes,
my bad day turned alone to fame.

Hush puppy, for now
I'll join you someday, somehow
 In the morning, I'll have a grin
 Tonight these tears trace down my chin
I wore a black suit and tie to an appointment with the veterinary clinic today. After feeding my dog her favorite meal, Chik-Fil-et, I told my mama to leave the room to myself, Abby, the doctor and a shot of pentobarbital. I cried in the parking lot afterwords until a security guard knocked on my car's window. I told him I just left the funeral of my best friend. He said I'm sorry, but you are parked in a resident's spot. I told him to *******.
Alice Wilde Apr 2018
My mind plants a seed
In the thought of happiness.
I smile,
Even if just for a moment
I remember what the
Slick taste of honey or
Curling breath
Spreading concave against
My collar bone
Feels like.
Was I drunk when I wrote the first draft of this... maybe
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
my heart is loose
I can feel it
against my ribs

having nothing
to cling to

that you're gone

it drifts

like a tumbleweed
the desert's sandy floor


not completely

a slight breeze
all it needs

to crack
fall apart


I hold my breath
zb Apr 2018
it's one in the morning
and i have so many emotions
swelling in the space between
my lungs

the space where
i imagine my soul

i don't know
why, but i feel
i know
that my soul is a tangible
expanding, moving
trapped in my ribcage
my fragile bones are
a birdcage for
the paper bird that is my soul

it really does feel
like it can fly
like now
the darkest hour of the night
or when
i let certain songs
permeate my skin
and sink into my bones

my soul is an *****
visceral, necessary
for my very survival.
a comforting weight
in the space between my lungs
when i lose my grip
or my breath
i can feel it, always there
it grounds me.
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