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Have you ever missed someone so much?
That you play their favorite song on loop.
This love is really something you can never undo,
The melody of the song, it lingers through
Etching our memories to the air;
Memories of us hand in hand in the same road…
I open my eyes and you are no longer there.

I play your favorite song to remember you
Every note and word pulls me closer
I feel you so near to me for a moment ;
but then I open my eyes and
the silence reminds me you are gone!

I see the reflection of us;
When we were so lost in the melody
Hands in each other’s, spinning slow
Running, dancing, so breathless with joy
never thinking we’d have to go.

I know you are not here, but your smell;
It still lingers in the air,
in this song, in every sigh
Time can never take your memories from me, my love,
You live in these songs that make me cry.

A thing called love- you used to say
Nothing is so sharper than goodbye…
I know you are gone and may be you’ll never be back…
But I’ll always always keep you near…
in this song in my heart that will never die.
Bardo Mar 4
The bees of Brazil
Their there still
Still the bees
And still the Brazil.

But should they grow ill
The bees of Brazil
Should they grow ill
They'd no longer fulfill
They'd all just be nil.

There'd be no more hunny
It wouldn't be funny
There'd be no more money
It wouldn't be too sunny... anymore.

But today - anyway
They still take their fill
The bees of Brazil
They go where they will
... Until
Bit of a nonsense poem or else an environmental classic LoL
It's a beautiful ***,
But wouldn't it benefit from some green?
I reckon you better start prepping that soil,
Because we're going to plant a tea tree!
Imagine how wonderful that would be,
Blossoming white flowers, a warm cup and bees.

Oh, imagine a garden full of bumble bees!
Buzzing about the perfect petals,
Pouring pollen into the breeze.
If only we had a garden,
We could sit and lunch,
Pastry, cheese, and the sweet drink from our tree!
Darling, while your out buying seed,
Would you grab a few more pots?
I'd put up a bird feeder and watch the come and go.
Arcassin B Dec 2024
By Arcassin B

Your melanin keeps me young and mines stimulate you.

Even though it's not the basis of our relationship,
Still need the sticky residue,
With you , explore the lows and the highs,
Want you to show me how you cry,
Wanna feel heaven just when we combine,

I want the honey , the birds , the bees , the grass,
The trees , chocolate cookies , I need them in my life,
I want ya' smile , ya' smell , ya'head , ya' toes,
You love it and it shows,
Maybe I want you as a wife.
full link below<<<< copypaste
Zywa Dec 2024
Heaven allures us,

a scent of higher honey --

draws us to full height.
Poem "Het lied der dwaze bijen" ("The song of the foolish bees", 1934, Martinus Nijhoff)

Collection "Passage Passion"
Sabrina Shapiro Nov 2024
Sunflowers wave and sway
Bees land to reap their rewards
Pollen finds a new home
G Vermeulen Aug 2024
I hear you buzzing
Your tiny hairs so loving
You scour
Eyeing the tastiest wildflower

Not good enough
Going to the next
Finding that good stuff
Putting them all to the test

There it is
The brightest colour
And in a ****
You sit on its collar

Nectar drinking
Easy thinking
Doing your task
No need for a mask

Your buzz fades
Flying away
On a crusade
Into the sunrays
a mere attempt at encompassing the beauty of bees
Bekah Halle Aug 2024
simple delights: warm air carrying buzzing bees,
pollinating big trees, bringing me to my knees,
alive and grateful; yes, please!
Lawrence Hall Mar 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                  Gardening with Happy Bees

                                      …for so work the honey-bees,
                      Creatures that by a rule in nature teach
                       The act of order to a peopled kingdom

                                     -Henry V, I.ii.87-89

A bumblebee hovers in front of my face
No hostility; it’s simply greeting me
As I putter from *** to place to *** again
Messing contentedly with seedlings and soil

But honeybees race around me in formation
No hostility; they’re ignoring me
They speed from water to flower to hive and back –
After all, every flower needs a little love (wink)

Blessed spring hovers softly everywhere
As bee-sy bees sing their sweetest airs
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