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I see people driving
A normal, daily task
Even though they are alone
They're still wearing a mask

I find this confusing
A mask inside the car
But, who am I to judge them
It might not be their car

They follow all the road signs
Stop when the light is red
But, still they go on driving
With a mask there on their head

They drive with such precision
Their aim, to reach the store
Once there, they can not follow
Simple arrows on the floor

They head up every aisle
Against the shopping flow
The arrows show direction
How can these folks not know?

Their mask is also missing
It is hanging off their chin
And when the mask is *****
They can't throw it in the bin

They drive home with no problem
They have no mask this time
They do things without reason
They do them without rhyme

It's really, really simple
When you're shopping in a store
Wear your mask correctly
And follow arrows on the floor

Stay safe, keep your distance
Wash your hands, and follow rules
Kids make it look easy
While adults look like fools

Wear your mask inside the car
No one says you can't
But, please follow the arrows
So others do not rant.
Gabrielle Apr 2020
She drew arrows on paper
Thin lines and angles
Head to hand, table to elbow
A neat triangle
Dani Jan 2020
He is perceived as youth
Younger than all
A child amongst the gods
However he was borne of Chaos
Bringing life through love
Chaotic and painful love
Uplifting and righteous love
Melting hearts
Make them as unyielding as steel
Arrows of gold and lead his tools
He uses them with wild will
Just as love is
Borne from chaos
His bow taught and waiting
Finding their targets
True strike of love
Rain your arrows upon me
So that I may learn
To love myself
A poem about the Greek god Eros
Dani Jan 2020
He holds a quiver of bright silver
Champion of art
Chariot of the sun
His light warms me
Brings inspiration to my mind
His unwavering support in all things good
Great healer
Bringer of sweet gentle demise
He slings his arrows
Straight into my mind
Wonderful warmth he brings
Melting my stiff heart
Letting its aches and pains fall
Onto paper to turn into beauty
A poem for Apollo
Ally Nov 2019
I have many arrows
Straight through
My heart
Penetrating my soul

Every time you hurt me
I danced with
In A breeze of hope
mae Feb 2019
the blood drips thick red,
from my freshly done finger nails.
red like the lives wasted,
hearts broken days after this horrid holiday.

we celebrate the imprisonment of hearts,
and praise the ******.
shooting arrows into those unwilling,
killing the innocent,
by causing invigorating pain
disguised by hallucinogens.
making us believe that this was meant to be
dosage so high, the butterflies in our stomach making it seem as if we can fly,
is our organs crying for help.

we are dying and don't even know it.
for a holiday that will fade.
bright red for our favorite Valentine's Day.
Malavika Vipin Dec 2018
The arrows of time
Struck into my soul
It causes pain and deep wound
But never last
Hurt disappears, wound vanishes
It goes forever in the past…
Anxiety for the future is nowhere
Enjoying the spirit of the present
The moment I have right now.
The arrows thrive on me forward
With no baggage
Am I being a free spirit?

Desire Dec 2018
Colm Oct 2018
I am fire.
I am fury.
I am explosions in the sky.

For now at least.
For as surely as the sun will rise, my short lived ignitive spark will fly, off into the nothingness of space and time.


And only the memory will remain.
Until that too dies.
First and foremost with me.

I am the arrows which once did fly, directly into the hearts of the king's enemies.
PS 45:5
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