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Zelda Nov 2017
Hand on my armor, Hand on my chest
Asking me “Where you going?”
I got to get off this planet before I fall intoxicated by your lips
This armor’s not enough to protect me from your…
Hand on my armor, Hand on my chest
Asking me “What’s your name”
Take a seat, enjoy the show
But I know this armor’s not enough to protect me from
Falling into your vortex

I know I shouldn’t take a chance, sneak a peek at you
From my side of the couch
But I find myself wanting all your attention
Guess I’m just selfish, jealous
This must be how it feels to be in love
Think I like that I won your favor by just being myself
Tear off my armor, Unlock my chest?
Bravo360 Sep 2017
Im in love with the idea of what we would have been
I'm living in the past.
A time loop that doesn't end or begin.
Stuck with these feelings
That just wont leave.
Should have keep the walls up
To keep you out
I should keep my armor on.
For your silver tongue pierced my skin.
Leaving a pink mist behind.
Of where my heart use to be.
Now I'm left picking up the pieces
As a faceless soldiers in Omaha Beach.
Tatiana Aug 2017
There are words etched into my skin
but they weren't placed there by others.
If I am in control of my thoughts,
then I am in control of my words
and only I can place words upon myself.
So call me names,
I already have my loquacious armor
and I'm not afraid to speak.
Chances are you won't tell me something about myself
that I don't already know.
Only I can truly define myself
and my skin is home to words such as:
honest, liar, loyal, manipulator, friend, and monster.

Try to make me feel bad.
I dare you.
This is my 78th draft but I decided to publish it because I have too many,
© Tatiana
Rebel Heart Aug 2017
Because underneath this thick armor
That I put on as skin
I'm nothing but starved bones
And a broken heart
for miles
And miles
And miles
I found out Rebel Heart has a "lyric wall" and I read this particular snippet and realized I heard this original song of hers. Makes me wonder how many other original masterpieces she's been hiding. You can expect many more 'sneak peeks' of the lyrical poetry from this infamous wall though. I only wish I could hear the songs along with them ~BM
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2017
It's better to be struck down

Your will, your thoughts,
your mind are the
materials of
your armor.

Your perseverance
and life form your

You've no need for a shield
For what makes you whole
is the loving furnace that
burns in you
Sarah Feb 2017
I've grown a new layer of skin
in just less than two months
I now have an exterior shell
protecting me from reminders
of the pain that lies underneath
protecting others from the discomfort
of witnessing a mental breakdown
Now it's harder to feel
and when a crack begins to spread
I'm quick to patch it up
because it's easier to swallow my words
than to speak them through tears.
Why do we fantasize about a man saving us from all our woes. A man on a proud white horse in gleaming armor. Untarnished and unfazed by the world's truest of enemies. Hatred, anger, abuse and lies. We all want someone to save us. How about our own battle worn, beaten up and weathered armor? She said. She looked down with tears running down her cheeks as she spoke so softly: Because I'm the only one who can save myself. I don't need someone who can't go to war with me. Not want to scratch his shining armor but only wants to reap the rewards. My knight in worn out armor is me.
requiEM Jan 2017
I barely survived the Devils hour last night

There was music playing in my ears for awhile, a strange combination of tunes I became enveloped in

They cushioned my thoughts as I read, blocking out the birds that started chirping out of turn, and the crosswalk beeping every three minutes on the dot

The reason I almost didn't survive, however, had nothing to do with the music or the story or the crosswalk

I heard something coming for me

A shadow, but I heard it
It comes for me some nights
There's no pattern like the crosswalk signal
I've fought it before, so I am usually ready for it
But this time I forgot to bring my armor to the orchestra

I came exposed, in an oversized Sherpa coat
You see, I was cold
The armor would have chilled my skin
I'm so sorry I forgot it, my shield too
I was unprepared

The synesthetic darkness crept over me, like an invisible thunderstorm, or the lowest note on a bass guitar, or the smell of burnt toast

I could not fight it
I am sorry
I will try harder

Do not forget your armor, they said
We know certain things will always happen, they said  
One, is that the crosswalk signal will always beep every three minutes
The other, is that the darkness will come, and it will prey on those who are not prepared.
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