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Alaina Moore Apr 2020
It's not that music defines me,
It just helps me explain to myself how I feel.
Then I can understand and do something about it.
since December, the world has turned--
turned into a skeleton place
first far away,
now commonplace

society became a bare-skinned animal
whose bones rattle in the breeze,
the infectious air diffusing
entwining inside us with ease

this animal's labored breathing--
poison emanates from every exhale--
is creeping, swirling, choking, whirling
without a visible trail

this animal roams about freely
without a stay-at-home order,
wraps its tendrils inside each painful breath,
knows not of race, religion, or border

so tell me why we've not tried to tame it,
most wonderful governor dear, oh yes!
your disregard for us, proclaim it!
instead you'd rather have fear, and death!

any call to action now
will have us all still writhing
the lame beast will conquer us,
thanks, to the lack of timing

the bare ***** beast hunts night and day
its being can't be cast away;
arm yourself against its wrath
society must pave its own path
Yes, Pete Ricketts, governor of the great state of Nebraska. This one's for you.
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
are the actions
of the soul
Emily Mitchell Feb 2020
Burning at my mind
driven to frenzied action
by the need to find.

Harrowing the ground
exhausting every option
until it is found.

Healing an old wound
soaring heights of elation
finally unbound.
This was inspired by the time I lost this tiny book of poems that I wrote all of these poems in and it triggered one of those oh my gosh I have to turn my house upside down obsessively until I find it moments... I searched for about an hour finally found it thank goodness I hate that feeling of being stuck looking for something it plays into my stubbornness but it is inconvenient... although it is a great feeling when I finally find whatever I lost
Kyle Duran Feb 2020
We all have something
to hide

Accept it

Feel it out

Learn how to break
the disguise  

Laugh at it
make it feel warm

Sit and watch how others deal
with their problems


Do they lie?
and if bad at hiding it
make them laugh

Try to make them feel warm

It’s so easy to get
cold and locked up

We don’t need anymore soulless meat
walking around on this cold
and frigid world

Warm up

Break out of the disguise

Hold on to something
that matters and run with it

Try and find
your heat wave
to happiness

I remember writing this after realizing I had to do something with my depression and friend group
Capriccio Jan 2020
On the train
On me
To exhale
To believe
For a change to come
For tomorrow

Is dependent

On action
On Circumstances

Which one are you
Anastasiia Jan 2020
Having an intention of doing something
is more powerful
than just saying
'I want to do this',
'I am going to do that'
(before the actual action).

Having an intention
involves powers higher
than yourself,
helping you,
arranging events,
and means

'You are not alone in this,
We are helping you'
says the holy voice.
you and the divine are one;
ask and  so shall be.
Tiana Jan 2020
Look at the ocean
So gloomy and stressed
Look at humans
Who are ignorant of this;

Look at the life
Suffering in pain
The pain our actions gave
Everything to lose
But nothing to gain;
Planet or plastic?
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