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Aime Jan 2020
In medias res:
In between
non-present times
which are unseen.

In consciousness,
the past's dense
the future's vacuous-

It's matter out the airlock toward
balance moves the clock forward.
This poem's title was a requested topic.
Leal Knowone Dec 2019
A thinly veiled disguise
Is really what you want on their mind
So they never see the wall you hide behind
The ones put up in your mind.
A heart like an open book riddled with redactions
Your actions an abstraction
Longing to forget the obstructions you encounter and create.
gunnar bebee Dec 2019
I'm stuck behind a wall
With myself I'm in a constant brawl
Beaten and battered I can barely crawl
Unfortunately i can't stand tall
Everytime I stand I fall
Everytime I risk it all
I'm still stuck behind this **** wall

This wall I can reach through
But Everytime I do
Same ol same ol happens, nothin new
It says "who are you?"
And throws me away like a horseshoe
I just can't through

I just need to get to the other side
Doesn't matter if I died
Or how many times I cried.
How many times I've lied
Or how many times i need to hide.
I need to get to the other side.

Not being there is killing me
I need to be set free
I need to find a key
Maybe if I'm lucky
Maybe just maybe
I get my chance to flee
But in the meantime, it's killing me.

I get to the wall and stand
Suddenly, a hand
Grabbing on to my arm band
Bringing me to an unfamiliar land
This not what I had planned

I stumble into this new place
Seemingly without a trace
There's a figure, looking at her face
All my emotions get displaced
And my sad thoughts erased
My mind's now floating in space
Happier than anyone in the human race

Im sitting on the ground awestruck
I must have used all my luck
Cuz any other outcome would ****

I admire her beauty and my heart melts
But then she knelt
And picked me up by my belt

I'm standing now, I looked into her eyes and grinned
The world around me had dimmed
And there was no more wind
I thought i had sinned

But suddenly she said "hehe"
That filled me with such glee
My mind had been set free
For the world to see
My smile may be ******
But we must agree
Without my baby
I would still be,
Behind the wall, searching for some imaginary key
Nadia Dec 2019
When we are gone
And all that is left
Is a planet bereft
Of living souls

Will it matter
Who’s to blame
When none remain
To bear the shame
Of our downfall?

When we are gone
And it won’t be long
What will we leave behind?
Our legacies

Disposable things
Hoarded dreams
And fatal insistences
That everything will be fine
It doesn't have to be this way
Before I act, I’ll think to ask
Where each simple action leads
By looking ahead (a useful task)
I’ll plant some amazing seeds

Results do not come unaware
Blown in by whim or chance
They come by taking loving care
And by thinking in advance

So look ahead I gladly will
My just rewards I’ll reap
I’ll practice at this helpful skill
Form a habit that I’ll keep

Many mistakes I can prevent
By thinking where this leads
“Looking Ahead” is heaven sent
To help me choose my deeds
This is Prosperity Poem 53 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Keiya Tasire Nov 2019
Today I take my first step  toward freedom
Letting go of what I assume to be true
Letting go of the lies I have lived by.
Today, I take back my freedom.
I take back my personal power to choose
To follow my inner most guide.
Today I choose to reclaim my thoughts.
Today I choose to reclaim my feelings.
Today I choose to reclaim my physical body.
With my Spirit of Breath, Heart & Wisdom.
Today I choose to be whole!
The Poem "Wings to Fly" came to me this morning as an awareness. "Wings to Fly - Affirmation " sets the course of action to become whole.
Aaron E Oct 2019
If you're gonna be lonely,
maybe learn how to cook.

Parade the smoke to the rafters
after doubting the book.

Alert the parents in vowing the earnest
salt in the brook.

A fervent effort relays to bacon kisses you took.

Brine is cheap,
and on days like this
find a Mrs. or friend,
apply the bread crumb crisp.

Buy the egg to allure.
confide that "this might miss."
If not to them to yourself.
Try the odd light whip.

Find a guide or a dozen.
Fire doesn't necessarily deny the pleasant after math.
Passable dishes levy comfort on cold nights,
dying for treasure dancing in the lights,
and forming function digging diamond from plastic wrap.

"I could serve a candied berry
pair it fairly cold below a lighter cream."
See the finer things elaborate below the theme.
Mise en place allowing,
yolk to heat,
folk wreaths are crowning.

Found a leek to brown,
found out what friends to feed can mean

Be the barer
taste your food
silk confections
social fruit
Buck the system
Find connection
tuck the mood in
ginger root

get your list out
pay it forward
take the order
grab a whisk
make an impact
Pleat the border
break the silence
wrap a gift
em Oct 2019
running away forward trampling
forget to cry again finally
worried about worries and yet
another attempt rightful need
i've always felt the urge to climb
Robert Ippaso Oct 2019
A world tormented by impending doom,
Where children rally in huddled throngs,
Their lives polluted from the womb,
How now to right their parent’s wrong.

Corals fast bleaching,
Forests torn down,
Activists preaching,
While pastures turn brown.

Sea levels fast rising,
Yet drought now abounds,
Politicians all shouting,
Their inaction astounds.

Confusion is reigning,
Answers too few,
Arguments draining,
Solutions past due.

Time for our youngsters
To take up the fight,
Like heavenly clusters
They permeate light.

Nature deserves it
She begs for relief,
The fuse fully lit
She cowers in grief.
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