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A Landstrom Sep 2018
Can I ask you something?

Will anyone remember the names
Remember those eyes
Remember these pain’s
Or the lie’s

Or will you just go straight to blame
Put it on someone else instead of ourselves
Putting the names to flame
And then the incidents on shelves

We keep our nose to the ground
Because of the topic
We keep ourselves bound
Like we all have atopic

Depression can be fought
But we must start caring for others
By giving what shouldn’t need bought
To pay attention to our sisters and brothers

We must join hands
And fight together
To be each other’s fans
To act as a tether

We need to be the voices
Because other need help
The help with the choices
For the ones that can’t self-help
Spry distractions loaf on lithe intent,
men waking, wishing, trying,
b’lieving, doing, buying -inging time rather than be-,
results in salt-work, sprawling like the C
in coldness: callous spray
that dampens your New Canvas Day.

Pixels splat and reek of pure demise,
wine trauma met with whys
fires livid earth from foil-pressed crumbs
from which your towers rise. You miss
the point of -ing;
the shape you’re in’s an -e-d thing
writ past because of practice;
timed it slow, fixed solemn bets
all rife with catty pugil,
ribbons placed on “I-got-tīme-in” *******
that gleam too brightly
for the lover’s open eye. Youriyese
in grace, ingratiated by devices
(rueful caries)
shelter you from toil’s ten-thousand days.
You see them, they see you whilst print-ing,
comb-ing over, feel-ing joy anew: such sugar lines
the bottom
of a borrowed cup of time.

White hues direct-ing -ingots in a line
totally gold
and pin “pathetic” on your chest,
their best not forged in -ing or be-
(like they would want you to be) -lieve,
but rather hey! and halt!
The hollow points of discord,
blood of victims be- -in’ salt.
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Regardless of your skin tone or status,
For every choice made, there will be
Really, I'm super grateful! ^-^
Lyn ***
writerReader Aug 2018
Every day I see this guy pass by my door,
he never steps off the path.
His hair speaks of his woe.
His steel eyes arrange the sky into a box,
the blue is not enough to keep him idle,
he requires the chains of logic.
It keeps him grounded when he could be flying.

“Why should I fly,” he says,
“It’s much too cold for me anyway.”
“Wear a jacket” I might declare.
He would reply, “I don’t wish to sweat through
my sensible clothes.”
(Only twenty dollars on sale.)

He is much too sensible to be any fun,
but fun is not all there is.
“There is science” he would suggest
If we ever were to talk,
I know he would be an excellent conversationalist

His dusty shoes tell of his wariness,
His jacket of his adventures.
(He keeps dust on his clothes to speak for his cleverness.)

“Conversation is for the simple-minded,” he would say.
“I prefer books,” would be my reply.

He would have nothing to say then,
(He doesn’t like conversation anyway.)
but he’d be too logical to let me know
Of his human blunder and illogical flash.
So he spoke to me of his action figure collection.
(“Most extensive, I’m sure”)
Jonathan Surname Aug 2018
What folly is unoccurred reverence.
Strangers proclaim "You're loved!" whence
meaning is absent, context is beside itself.

When did platitudes rate as normalcy
Strangers fake muddle fact lest they be
labeled incongruent socially; with no dispel.

How did conversation come to demean
the capable of haves; have-nots serene
in their comfort of blissful ignorance.

Where did intelligence fray, the importance gray;
the have-nots proclaim, in shaky say, their thoughts lame
A bulb above head lacking the filaments.

Who do these ruins belong to, certainly
let us rebuild. Foundations held by you; me.
The minds of small,
not the small of minds.
The majority is always pushed forward by the minority.
Akira Aug 2018
It's so hard to be a teen.
You will never know what would you be.
Sometimes, you wanna be green,
sometimes, you want to be a bee.

If I die tomorrow,
why not today?
If I play in snow,
what would people say?

No matter how hard the situation,
I won't give up and drained.
As long as I give action,
I won't be pained.

It's a blessing if no one will leave.
Staying faithful and naive.
This poem is for the people who leave me hanging, criticize me and doesn't believe me.
Karisa Brown Jul 2018
I dont think
We see the dark
Until we see a crack of light

I woke up
Same as always
Too stuck in thinking
The fog was normal
Was supposed to be there

That somehow I Needed
Permission to be just Me
My high impact crazy ***
Overdoing it fast self

Yes I may be too much
And I really have to watch
My limits
But that's not the issue

I trust myself to come down
Off my highs
And all the things
That say I can't fly
Were Never mine

I release the need to please
To act as if I belong
I only belong to me
I am only accountable for me
No one else has a right to
Change me unless I let them
I guess I am owning it
My actions my consequences
It's the only way
I'll ever learn
What's BEST for Me! Peace
Kira Jul 2018
She was my inspiration
The way she spoke so clearly
Her voice echoed with no hesitation
and her words were meant sincerely

I could tell she wrote with passion
Not afraid to tell her story
It was her call to action
Not about the glory

I wanted her to talk forever
and not stop at the end of the paper
We had a connection I didn't want to sever
Her thoughts I wanted to savor
I've always had a love of poetry, but it wasn't until a couple of months ago that I was really inspired to write my own. This girl read a poem to me that she wrote and it was so powerful that it gave me chills and made me want to cry and I loved that I could feel so many different emotions just by listening to her talk. I hope that someday I will write a piece that will make someone feel something so deeply that they have to sit back for a second and take a deep breath.
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