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16.3k · Nov 2014
Divine Feminine
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
So alive.
So infinite.
So free.
She sees the beauty, the love, the chaos, the mystery of life.
She sees it clearly
& she reflects it in herself.
She is the beauty, the love, the chaos, the mystery of life.
She sees the earth for all its worth and she reflects that in herself.
She is a divine creator.
She ten folds everything she touches.
She was made from love.
She was made to love.
She is a vast & ever-changing sea of emotions, thoughts, & energies.
She has the universe inside of her.
She has the earth all ways to guide her.
She is golden.
She is light.
She is all.
She is I.
9.8k · Dec 2014
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
everything is anything.
morphing, moving, & merging together.
falling deep into flow.
deep into know.
breathing & bleeding energies & essences,
from every spectrum of the rainbow.
discovering & diving into new, unexplainable realms of creation.
so much to think about.
so much to feel for.
it's easy to get swept up in the magic.
7.1k · Nov 2014
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
the hustle and bustle
of the morning shuffle
it's just enough
to keep you up
the stations and terminals
are coated
with sleep walkers
and sleep talkers
waiting for the inspiration
to come to life
that they always find
at the bottom
of empty coffee mugs
and tea cups
4.0k · Nov 2014
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
my heart deflates
at just the taste
of bitter hate
it comes in haste
and leaves no trace
of joy or faith
upon a face
I can't relate
to such a fate
to make a date
in karmas grace
1.7k · Nov 2014
It's All Growth
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
this is how i see it..

you can look at everything from the perspective of good & bad or you can see all of it as experience, as growth, & as guidance.

everything that we experience has the power to be helpful, positive, or beneficial for us.

we just need to open our hearts, & our minds.

we must accept things for what they are & have faith in the glorious universe.

all that Gaia knows to give, is love.

& i believe that everything we experience is done out of love for us.

it is done to guide us somewhere or teach us something that is important to our being and our evolutionary journey.
even at times when we may not be able to see or understand our destiny ourselves.

Gaia will provide us with all the tools and lessons that we need to be happy and free.

we just need to learn to be more open and receptive.

to make the best of everything, 
to look for the good first, & to see the meaning, the beauty, the lesson, the humanity in all.

pay close attention, look deep within the heart of all matters, & never be afraid to feel the love or the pain that you hold, or that anyone one els in this world holds.

feel it together, & heal it together.

one beautiful love.
1.6k · Nov 2014
Enlighten Me Free
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
Feeling the breath of life.
Feeling the flight of spirit.
Positivity flows.
Manifesting magic.
Birthing angel wings.
I hear the soul.
I hear the stars.
Tranquility washes over me.
Beauty surrounds me.
This peace of mine.
This peace of mind.
It's so divine.

Intuition knows.
Consciousness grows.
Creativity flows.
1.6k · Dec 2014
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
you can never be sure,
of what the future holds.
you can only be sure,
of this moment now.
as people grow and change,
so do their feelings,
and their wants,
and their needs.
there are no guaranties.
is actually just for now.
so enjoy what you have,
while you have it.
enjoy your love.
reap the gains.
and when it dies,
embrace the change.
release your pains,
and try again.
your only loosing a body.
the memories,
the lessons,
the experience,
will always remain.
forever ingrained...
1.3k · Dec 2014
Dream Is Destiny
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
what you choose to think and believe influences how you view the world amd how your reality is shaped.
you are, and everything els is, exactly what you make it to be.
if you believe the earth to be a beautiful place filled with love and opportunity, that that is how it shall be.
if you believe you are divine & strong, then that you will be, and vise versa.
we choose the path that our souls take .
if you believe in nothing, then nothing will happen.
if you believe in reincarnation, then that is what will happen to you.
if you believe in the stars, then you will go there.
it's all up to you my beautiful co-creators!
where you go, how you feel, how you precieve things, & how things effect you.
you choose, and you create it all.
and if you truly believe in something, you will manifest it into truth, and into reality.
hold no doubts about yourself, about your potential, and your powers.
fill your heart and mind, with love and dream BIG.

1.3k · Jan 2015
Wet Jeans
Daisy Fields Jan 2015
and you clung to me
the way wet jeans
stick to my legs
in hard rain
and we may have well been soaked
because that night
you cried enough tears
to flood this whole town
you cried enough tears
to drowned us both
it's a good thing we float
your heart was a storm
and let's not forget
potentially destructive
but i didn't care
i wanted to understand
to feel
to devour
every drop of your pain
every ounce of your shame
i wanted to show you
the sun inside you
i wanted to show you
the new day
that's waiting
behind your leaky eyes
and runny nose
and broken soul
but for now
you can cling to me
release you agonies
and i will never
let you think
that you are anything less
then gold
and i will never make you feel
that you are anything less
then whole
and i will never
let you sink
so hold me tight
and don't let go
1.2k · Mar 2015
There's A Hole In My Heart
Daisy Fields Mar 2015
There's a hole in my heart
You know, the one you left there..
And it's eating anything that gets close
It devours, it grows
& eventually, it'll eat us whole

There's a hole in my heart
That you helped me carve
And it's at war with my soul
Over possession of my body
It wants to take me,
& take me alive.

There's a hole in my heart
That was once filled with fairy tales endings and recklessly constructed dreams
That's a reminder to me
That nothing is as it seems
And real life is filled with villains
And my only hope for a hero, is me.
1.1k · Jan 2016
I Had You But I Lost You
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
i had you
but i lost you
i had you
but i tossed you
i had you
but i fought you
and for what
for what
tell me what's the point
if when you find something real
you don't know how to deal
your just scared of how you feel
so you run for you life
and miss out on the chance
to be with this person
in a whirlwind romance
and you'll always think back
to the one that got away
to your foolish mistake
it will keep you awake
if you only had the heart
if you only had the means
to follow your bliss
to pursue your dreams
but that ship has sailed
the anchors pulled in
and maybe one day
you'll cross paths again
and maybe the next time
you will have the guts
to just take the leap
no if's, and's or but's
and now your staring at him
with someone els in your head
he'll never be him
and you'd rather be dead
then to keep on living
a life that's a lie
but it's all your fault
your decisions are why
you're here in the first place
with the wrong man for you
when you once had the right one
and what did you do
you gave it all up
when the going got tough
and he was the only one
who made you feel like enough
just as you are
he saw what most don't see
he took it all in
he let it all bleed
he was my soul mate
he was my best friend
and nobody's come close
to ever understand
the way that i think
and the way that i feel
and i don't think i'll ever
find something so real
so all i can do
is stay here and deal
and just do my best
to move on and heal
i had you
but i lost you
i had you
but i tossed you
i had you
but i fought you
and for what
for what?!
1.0k · Sep 2015
With Hands Of Love
Daisy Fields Sep 2015
if your heart is hurting
give it to me
and i will carry it
with hands of love
and tenderness
until it is no longer sore

if your soul is lost
then let me find it
i will illuminate it
with my love
and the courage i have
to unceasingly give it

if your feet are tired
from running
rest here with me
and i will soothe you
with my love
and gentle kisses

if your mind is gone
from thinking
then let me fill it
with warm thoughts
and poetry
about the effects
of your ever-changing beauty

i will reach into the darkness
and pull you out
i'll make a home in your heart
and chase your demons out
i will sing you love songs
louder then the voices in your head
and you'll forget what it feels like
to wish you were dead
985 · Feb 2015
Fuck This, Fuck That.
Daisy Fields Feb 2015
**** this
**** that
**** her
**** him
i just can't believe
i'm back here again
watching you leave
without a trace
swallowing tears
rollin down my sad face
**** this
**** that
**** her
**** him
i can't believe
i fell for it again
the charm and the lies
it was all a disguise
i feel like a joke
when i once was a prize
**** this
**** that
**** him
**** her
this is not the love
i know i deserve
i just feel like the worst
and i can't understand
why's it so fucken hard
to find a real man
**** this
**** that
**** him
**** her
do you take pride
in the ones that you hurt
do you feel high
when others feel low
when your being a ****
and ******* your hoes
**** this
**** that
**** me
how can i be so blind
and unable to see
the truth of it all
that's it's not meant to be
i miss all the signs
of hazardous chemistry
**** this
**** that
**** me
i know you'll get
what's coming to you
cause karma's a *****
and she's working for me
so we'll see who's left last
you just wait and see
956 · Jan 2016
To The Ones I Love
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
to the lost & tortured souls
the misunderstood
the brilliant
the creative
the brave
the lost
the drunk
the passionate
the bukowski's
the keruacs's
the rumi's
the hopeless
the romantics
the artists
the poets
the music makers
the wanderers
the fighters
the feelers
you are the ones
living life through the expression of art
you are the ones
keeping the fire of human experience alive
so keep you eyes to the sky
and your feet to the earth
your heart on your sleeve
& don't forget what you're worth
Daisy Fields May 2016
i need to taste her lips
i need to feel her kiss
cause that feelin that i get
when we cross sights
or brush skins
is enough to make me
forget where i am
and all i can see is her
so sultry and seductive
& if only she knew
the amount of times
i've undressed her with my mind
i fantasize
of her flesh against mine
& i would treat her right
cause i know what she likes
and where to touch
and how to love
i know of her pain
i know of her darkness
yet still i have never been more inclined
to stay out all night
where her face is like the glowing moon
& it makes me swoon
& i'm probably doomed
but that's alright,
cause i still have you.
945 · Jan 2016
Ideal Lover
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
my ideal lover...
values the power of words
see's the hidden meanings
in my writings
becomes the flaunting beauty
in my writings
& becomes my enigma muse

my ideal lover...
can savour all the sweet nothings
i whisper through their lips
without getting a toothache
and with every move they make
with every stride they take
it has so much grace
it brings a tear to your face

you could write an endless song
of their endless beauty
of their every action
woven with pure intent
of their every thought
laced in innocence

my ideal lover...
will let me love them out loud
let's me be bashful and proud
let's me scream love sonnets
off roof tops
or whisper it
in coffee shops
they'll never get bored
of the words I bleed
because it's what their eyes
were made to see
it's what their heart
has craved to read
it's what there soul
was born to be
938 · Nov 2014
Galactic Integration
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
let’s explore the universe of love
like galactic butterflies
we soar, we link
we dance, we sync
lost in cosmic euphoria,

induced by the warming glow of starlights
& the undeniable feeling of being home
we marvel in the light
like sunbathing crystals
casting rainbows threw space
our beauty is endless & moving

we are so divine
& now we are free.

free to love, to dream,
to create, & to play.

we breathe in prana
 & we feel peace.
we bask in the essence of love & oneness
we let it fuel us 
& fill us up
look at us
, we are so high now
we are the sky now.
there is no going back
but we never would
cause the truth has never felt so good.

we were made for this
we were made for bliss
we are the fruits of this universal tree,
i was always you
 & you always were me
now we are infinite.

now we are home
now we are alive.

oh tender heart
oh fragile mind
your soul is free 
& so is mine
888 · Nov 2014
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
i will let the rain,
drop down & ease my pain,
dampen out my fear,
& wash away my stains.

let it bring the calm,
clean the sweat from off my palms,
blend into my tears,
& bring the rise of dawn.

let it cool the things i'm stressin,
drown out all of my depression,
i will let the rain,
be the answer to my questions.

so when i'm low & dry,
& i feel i want to cry,
i'll see the clouds roll in,
& smile at the sky.
875 · Dec 2014
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
my mind is a game of Tetris
and i just can't seem to fit the pieces
in the appropriate manner
it builds higher and higher
a traffic jam of thoughts
stumbling to find their places
all actors on set
all hands on deck
ready or not, here life comes.
860 · Nov 2014
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
everything you do, is perfect just like you.
i wanna make you swoon.
and fly you to the moon.
and dance you in it's light,
we can make out the whole night.
and it can try with all it's might,
but it will never be as bright,
as you my dear, in all your grace.
you'd shame the sun right in it's place.
837 · Dec 2014
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
there are corners in my mind in which you hide,
and you'll creep out at the most inconvenient times.
there are days when all i think about is you,
the way you smile & do the little things you do.
i can't shake you,
wanna break you,
but i'd take you back in case you….
change you mind….
wait never mind..
you were never mine.
808 · Dec 2014
Count On Me
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
i'll be your rock,
you can count on me.
you just hafta ask,
and say what you need.
watever works best,
is what works for me.
if it causes less stress,
then I'm all for it, please.
things may see dim,
but I'm hopin to see,
a chance in our fate,
so eventually,
we can all coexist,
so harmoniously,
but we'll never get there,
no we just won't succeed,
until we drop all the hate
and start making peace.
there's no time to waste,
we're chasing our dreams.
until then I wait,
to see true unity,
but just know through the chaos,
that you can always count on me.
808 · Nov 2014
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
and what brought us here?
what drew us near?
are we tired of livin in fear
that things will never be clear
tryin to find the home you once had
looking back on it all,
nothing made you that glad
then that warmth of their tone
then that soul you call home
try to find your way back
through miles of broken bones
and broken roads
802 · Dec 2014
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
a pale & gloomy day,
laced in loneliness.
motivation..... lacking.
inspiration..... slacking.
as sad as the clouds,
raining down on my parade.
801 · Mar 2016
Fashion Me With Kisses
Daisy Fields Mar 2016
**** me with your feelings
caress me with your care
fashion me with kisses
then undress me with your stare
wrap me up
inside your soul
I'll start a fire
so you won't get cold
& I won't ever tire
of having you to hold
you made me feel like a diamond
when I thought I was coal
789 · Dec 2014
Experience Life
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
an experience,
be it good or bad,
teaches us something.
makes us feel something.
something real.
and that's why we are all here isn't it?
to experience feelings & emotions.
to experience life.
you are not here to feel good or bad,
you are here just to feel.
you are here not to be good are bad,
you are here to just be.
don't you see?
there is no happy or sad,
there is only feeling.
there is no right and wrong,
there is only being.
your existence is a miracle, a blessing, a gift.
this is your chance, your life, your experience.
you can be whoever you want to be.
and you can see however you want to see.
you are everything you think and more.
be grateful & give thanks that you are here,
right now, in this beautiful, potential filled moment.
you are apart of something bigger then you ever could imagine.
bigger than you, than us, than this world , than this galaxy, and this universe.
you are a universe of infinite potential and possibilities.
you are an unstoppable force of love,
you were made by love, for love, to love.
your here to feel, to heal, and keep it real.
& once you realize this, nothing can stop you.
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
we deconstruct
then reconstruct
we deconstruct
then reconstruct
we deconstruct
then reconstruct
we deconstruct
then reconstruct
and it's so hard to tell
if this is heaven or hell
if i am weaker or stronger
if time is shorter or longer
with every choice that I make
the choice then will make me
am i chained or am i free
do i live for you
or do i live for me
763 · Mar 2016
Love Never Fails
Daisy Fields Mar 2016
don't blame love for your heartache
don't give up on love for hurting you
because love doesn't do that
love wouldn't do that
even if given the chance
even if nobody was watching

"Love is patient, love is kind,
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
& it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails."

i remember hearing that poem and those words
and the undeniable truth within them
people say that love can make someone crazy
but i don't believe it
anything that would make you hurt or crazy
isn't actually love
you just want to believe that it is
and that is okay
we all do
but it's the lust that makes you crazy
it's the need
the jealousy
the dependency
the addiction
that makes you crazy
not love
love will never hurt you
or change you
or work you
love will be the thing
that picks you up off the ground
that lights the way through your darkness
that eases all your worry and sadness
love is just lovely
and it is everything good and pure
in and about this world.

"Love never fails."
759 · Dec 2014
Sexual Healing
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
eyes meeting
hearts beating
minds racing
fingers tracing
hands clutching
flesh touching
lips locking
bodies rocking
sweat dripping
clothes slipping
time urging
souls merging
746 · Nov 2014
Wild Love
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
let's leave this hell,
let's find ourselves.
let's loose control,
no ties, no holds.

fall off the map,
slip into life.
we can be wild,
we'll choose what's right.

we'll have no home,
but tons of heart.
we'll have no walls,
but tons of art

we don't need heat,
we have our warmth.
& if it rains,
embrace the storm.

love by my side,
the stars hanging high.
what a place to live,
what a place to die.
720 · Nov 2014
Pictured Potential
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
Your presence, warms me.
Your hands, they form me.
If I catch your sight,
I may stare forever.
If I held you close,
I may let go never.
The god in me
sees the god in you.
Sees the way you shine,
so divine and true.
Sees what you can be,
and what you can do.
Which is anything
you set your mind to.
When I feel you, I feel love.
A love that takes me high above.
A love that's limitless and free.
A love I know was meant to be.
We are wild and flying high.
& We don't even have to try.
All the world is in our hands.
All the world is in our plans.
We are beauty and inspiration,
We have the power to heal the nation.
Through song and smile,
& Error by trial,
We have enough juice
to travel the miles.
To anywhere we need to be,
To find our bliss and harmony.
This energy we have inside,
will never age and never die.
My love for you deepens with time.
Since birthed that sparkle in my eyes.
The flame of you
is hot and bright.
It feels so good,
it feels so right.
It floods my heart
with so much light.
you are the moon
to my dark night.
720 · Sep 2015
Crimson Vixen
Daisy Fields Sep 2015
Crimson *****
You aren't of this world
With your purity and goodness
Backed with the passion & heart of a warrior
A warrior that dances to battle
That's dances to the sweet nothings that love whispers
That knows all the words to your favorite song
To our song
To the song of you
The one my ears we're formed to hear
& There you are
By the suns rays
In the most beautiful of ways
& I can see all the colours of nature
Playing off your face
All the colours of beauty, in you
And I want to be painted by all of it
By all of you
So let's paint this whole town red
With glory and love
And they can all wake up to a city
Marked by a crimson *****
Touched by the hands of graceful passion
Of somebody who was burnt before
But bares no fear to be burned once more
Not when in the name of love
In the name of all things good
And real
And her
She would stand there flaming
And dancing still
Like the most tragically beautiful
Yet inspiring reckless thing you've ever seen
Lighting the way for me
For us all
I move closer
I need to feel her heat
I need to jump inside her fire
And let everything els just burn away
Until we are left there naked
No hands to hold
Just soul in soul
With everything anyone ever wanted
Realizing that you must let go of everything
In order to gain it all
& Now nothing can stop your flight of freedom
No flesh or bones
Could hold these spirits now
702 · Jan 2016
Some More
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
see more.
breathe more.
take a leave more.
read more.
write more.
drop the strife more.
sing more.
dance more.
take a chance more.
do more.
play more.
seize the day more.
say more.
hear more.
hold someone near more.
love more.
give more.
cause we all gotta live more.
672 · Aug 2015
Wild Flower
Daisy Fields Aug 2015
you look like the sunrise
salt water in your eyes
you move like ocean tides
rushing in and out of my mind
washing away
other thoughts in your wake
until i can see nothing
but your beautiful face
and here in your wake
i find myself a boundless child
dancing under an infinite sky
with sun in my dress
flowers in my hair
and sugar in my smile
i'm a flower grown wild
and bathed in love
666 · Dec 2014
Daisy Fields Dec 2014
I wish my words could flow as freely and easily as my wine does.
for I long to know how to show myself to you
when your standing in front of me
in all your glory light
and everything feels so bright
and my face starts to ache from smiling
to cover up that i'm dying
to be with you
for just a night, or two, or three..
possibly indefinitely?
would that be too much to ask?
am i being to brash?
how this happened so fast.
let's make it last.
659 · Jan 2015
Fast & Slow
Daisy Fields Jan 2015
when we share time
it moves fast and slow
and fast and slow
at the same time
when our hearts beat
they drum fast and slow
and fast and slow
at the same time
when our lips breathe
they speak fast and slow
and fast and slow
at the same time
when our hands meet
they feel fast & slow
and fast and slow
at the same time
when we make love
we fall fast and slow
and fast and slow
at the same time
when our souls become one
they dance fast and slow
and fast and slow
at the same time
650 · Mar 2016
Daisy Fields Mar 2016

there is not enough time
in this fleeting life of mine
to just sit and unwind
and empty my mind

there is not enough time
in this flirting life of mine
to do all the things i find
to try all the different kinds

to speed up
to slow down
to get lost
to be found
there's just not enough time
to enjoy the sublime
644 · Nov 2014
Live Free Or Die Trying
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
every day is a party.
a chance to seize the day.
a clean slate, to change fate.
an opportunity to rejoice and celebrate life,
& the amazing chance that you got to live one!
why not smile about it, why not dance about it?
hell, let's all make sweet romance about it!
this is our time to shinee,
it's time to fly, it's time to fall,
to have a blast, & see it all.
don't waste the most precious & beautiful gifts you were ever given.
your life, your time, & your body.
you've been given a vehicle for your soul to explore in.
the opportunity to be able to exists as more then just energy and soul, but in a physical sense too.
don't waste this experience, this journey, and don't waste yourself.
take nothing for granted, & take care of yourself.
the world is your oyster, and you are the beautiful shining pearl.
638 · Nov 2014
Hold Hope
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
i hope that you find the inspiration to truly live & love without restraint (if you haven't already).
i hope that you find what lights up your soul & i hope that you share that light with everyone that you meet, to then inspire them to look within too.
i hope that you re-connect with nature in all it's glory, with yourself in all your radiance, and with others in all their beauty.
every day the earth & all it's inhabitants become more & more beautiful & meaningful to me.
i hope that you love yourself, as much as i love you.
i hope you can see the infinite potential & beauty that you harbor.
i see your imperfections.. and that's what makes you perfect to me.
& just remember that you can never truly love other people or the earth until you have learned to love yourself.
people will treat you however you allow them to, and we accept the love we think we deserve.
true, meaningful, happiness & stimulation comes from enjoying what's natural & alive, & not whats manufactured and material.
i only wish the best for you , in everything you choose to do, i'm rooting for you.
638 · Feb 2015
Daisy Fields Feb 2015
It's 2am and I miss you.
All I wanna do is kiss you.
And I'm lying in bed, with you in my head,
And I'm wishing that you were next to me,
So we could keep each other company,
Warm each other with our chemistry,
Create electric friction when our bodies meet.
635 · May 2016
Short & Sultry
Daisy Fields May 2016
Celestial blossom of feminine beauty,
Make love to me like it's your god given duty.
634 · Jan 2016
Inside My Mind
Daisy Fields Jan 2016
My brain is constantly dissecting & rearranging words.
Thinking up rhymes & synonyms & puns for things.
Switching letters around to form different sounds or taking 2 words and fusing them together to create a new super word.
Just constantly breaking them down and moving them around and analyzing all the things I can do with them and ways I can use them.
It never stops it's just how my brain is wired, especially when I'm feeling inspired.
It feels like I have a thesaurus, a dictionary, a joke book, a rhyme generator, a half finished poem and a game a scrabble opened & operating at all times haha.
The ol thought factory's been workin overtime and late nights lately.
631 · May 2016
Lonely Girl
Daisy Fields May 2016
the lonely girl
at the empty bar
she's all done up
but feelin so down
her lipstick masks a fake smile
her hair hides her sad eyes
who is she even trying for
she wonders
am i destined to live a life
of self-loathing & self-destruction forever?
she fears
she is the product of a broken heart
and a broken home
and a broken world
& everyone asks to love her
but nobody really knows how
and every time she is left empty
and wanting more outta life
the lonely girl
at the empty bar
she's all done up
but feelin so down
620 · Nov 2014
Wasted Woe
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
what do you do,
when you've done all you can,
when you lend every hand,
till you barley can stand.
till your blue in the face,
and your down on your knees,
your heart'a lost the race,
and it's starting to plea.
I am loosing myself,
to everything I am not.
I tried to do well,
gave them all that I got.
now I'm spent and I'm dry,
wet regret fills my eyes.
shaken down to the bone,
and my hearts turned to stone.
600 · Nov 2014
A Haunting Beauty
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
Sometimes heartache can make us feel the most alive.

It is painfully beautiful.

To know we can hurt so bad, feel so much, fall so hard and still stand up. 

To feel like your pain can move mountains, erupt volcanoes, and start raging hurricanes of passion and tears within you. 

To care so much about something or someone that you can’t eat or sleep or even breathe when they’re gone.
I think to truly feel the great depths of our love is to feel it when it is absent or lost.

To feel the hollow emptiness it leaves behind.

To stare into an abyss of all that we miss.

There is nothing more raw, more real, more humanizing then the sadness of feeling alone.

And that sadness has it’s own kind of beauty.

A hunting kind of beauty.
595 · Nov 2014
She's A Gem
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
he wrapped himself around her hips,
he spoke into her waiting lips,
i don't know how you came to exist,
to be such a gem in a world like this.
591 · Nov 2014
If I Shall Die Today
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
if i shall die today

i will have lived a thousand lifetimes of happy bliss

contained within that single passing moment 

of unspoken, unending, beauty.

that moment 

when our eyes first met 

across that ocean of blurred lights and faces 

and i stood there

with my naked soul

heart like a humming bird

suspended in time.

that moment 

when everything fell into place

and simultaneously all fell away

and i stood there

lost in the reality 

of your breathtaking existence.

was i at all born before that day

that moment, that face
that brought life to theses bones

breath to these lungs

words to this paper

and reason to this old and weary soul.

yes if i shall die today

i will have lived a thousand times more 

then any one who has ever died before

for i have danced in your grace 

long enough to know, to not fear fate.
587 · Mar 2015
So Fresh, So Fine
Daisy Fields Mar 2015
you are now the poetry
that spills from my pen
you are now the flame
burning from within
you are now the sparkle
dancing in my eyes
you are now the thoughts
floating through my mind
and i want you close to me
i wanna see what we could be
i want to see your every side
i wanna see inside your mind
i wanna be your special flower
the flower of your every hour
and i hope that takes to heart
cause we could be a work of art
585 · May 2016
Sad Sometimes
Daisy Fields May 2016
Sometimes there is an overwhelming sadness
That I just can't shake
Slowly brewing into madness
Until there's no more I can take
Without having some part of me break
And I don't know where this sadness comes from ...
Perhaps it is made up of the remnants
Of all the lives I never got to live
Or all the love I never got to give..
Perhaps it is made up of all of my honest trys
For every time I took to the sky
Only to fall instead of fly..
Perhaps it is made up of all the unheard souls
Who are homeless, helpless, hungry & cold
Like floodgates built outta ignorant hate
That holds back oceans of tears
From the lives that nobody ever hears
Sometimes it's hard to tune out all the sorrow
I just hold onto hope & wait for tomorrow
546 · Jun 2015
Stained Glass Heart
Daisy Fields Jun 2015
you knew that the heart
in this anxious chest
was made of glass
protected by a rib cage
that was made of twigs & sticks
but you still threw rocks at it
and now you are
the stained & shattered pieces
that was once my beating heart
and i hold on to you
even though you cut right through
even though i'm drowning
in my own blood
the blood of a **** fool
choking on my own tears
suffocated by my worst fears
& all i can taste is regret
and hate
and regret
and pain
and regret
it's all so bitter on my tounge
that is now crowded in my mouth
because i still haven't been able to swallow
the last words you yelled out
before you took your leave
that this wasn't meant to be
that i'm not what you need
i just can't choke them down
because a moment ago
i was your everything
i was the songs you sing
the one to wear your ring
and now you're telling me
that this pain i feel
isn't something that's real
that this heart break
that's making my head ache
was what was ment to be
was our real destiny
but how the **** can that be
somehow i gotta stop this pain
blackout these memories
cause they're all that remains
i gotta pick up the pieces
and get out my glue
put my heart back together
and get the hell over you
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