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Jun 2016 · 458
Sky Haiku 3
Sedoo Ashivor Jun 2016
Gray hides clear and blue
daylight turns into darkness
Sky weeps in torrents
May 2016 · 1.0k
I love the rain
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
The cloudy skies make mild the Sun's shine
Tiny blades of grass
brazenly shoot up the red, moist soil
A herd of goats takes wholesome bites
out of luscious, green shrubs
The field looks inviting and ready to plow
The earth is cleansed
Everything is new
The world is beautiful
I love the rain

The coolness of the atmosphere
Springs up in me depths of contentment
Small worries seep away
I can do anything and everything
The earth is still, Nature is at peace
Petrichor floats in the soft, wet breeze around me
The fragrance of rain washes over me
I can almost taste it
I inhale deeply, I exhale joy
I feel alive
I love the rain.
May 2016 · 384
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
A secret is only a secret if you alone keep it.
May 2016 · 1.1k
The miracle of the lullaby
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
I was tired enough to weep
He still looked me in the eye
My baby boy only got his sleep
From the music of the lullaby

Even after we said the prayers
Many minutes did pass by
But he was soon taken unawares
By the magic of the lullaby

Yes, he's had milk to drink
And the comfort of a good cry
Now, his eyes close in sync
To the melody of the lullaby

I bestow on him a loving kiss
I tiptoe out and tell him bye
I owe this sweet rest and peace
To the miracle of the lullaby
My baby boy is a tough one to soothe to sleep. I've had to try many methods. The lullaby once came through for me and kept him asleep for a good while! :-)
May 2016 · 2.1k
Sky Haiku 2
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
The glowing moon peeps
Through the floating hazy clouds
It's a quiet night.
May 2016 · 798
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
As I rock him,
     His eyes become dimmer and dimmer
       His breathing is quieter and quieter
      His eyelids get heavier and heavier
   Until they flutter close...
He is asleep.
May 2016 · 597
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
I appear where bold people speak
I precede intention
I breed expectation
I rarely reside with the weak

You can recognize my symbol
You can use me in your tone
I am neither proud nor humble
But I prefer to work alone

I would like to haunt you
Sometimes, I'll taunt you
Until you say something
Back to me.

**What am I?
May 2016 · 892
Sky Haiku 1
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
Wide, blue and endless
His infant eyes gazed, amazed
On his evening stroll.
May 2016 · 377
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
No thought is original
What you do
Has been done before
The ideas you get
Have been spoken for
Your work might be illegal


Your mind taps from
Things you've seen
Things you've heard
Places you've been
Words you read

The more you experience,
The more inspired you get.
The bigger your imagination,
The wider your creative net.

There is nothing new under the sun
One day, my words will be reborn.
May 2016 · 389
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
Colours and shades, ink and hue
Pen to paper, my thoughts renew
Often red, sometimes blue
The colours I see, when I think of you.
Thank you for that one line, Mfena Ortswen. You're a gem.

I just recently learnt of a neurological phenomenon called synesthesia. Those affected can see colours when they hear words, others even say they can taste the colours on their tongues!
May 2016 · 460
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
Your life has got to count
For something meaningful
Someone ought to miss you
When you are no longer here
If all you have done
Is what you couldn't do
Your absence changes naught
You might as well disappear!
May 2016 · 598
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
Many gems
are lost on this site
Since collections
stopped working right.
Who else noticed this?
May 2016 · 1.1k
Love's Fire (Pantoum)
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
As I watch solemnly the dimming of love's fire
There were rifts we had no time to mend
Pain and regret burnt to ashes on the pyre
You were once the only one I called friend

There were rifts we had no time to mend
My heart grew sad and went on a break
You were once the only one I called friend
While some may have, we couldn't fake

My heart grew sad and went on a break
The hopes we had, replaced with doubt
While some may have, we couldn't fake
We did our best and took the only way out

The hopes we had, replaced with doubt
Pain and regret burnt to ashes on the pyre
We did our best, took the only way out
As I watch solemnly the dimming of love's fire
May 2016 · 741
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
The truth sets you free
But lies keep you on your toes
May 2016 · 382
What am I?
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
To get anything past me
You may need a flatter and a lie
But I see everything
I'm much smarter than you are
May 2016 · 696
Love Couplet
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
You are the lyrics, the rhyme, the melody
You are the only song to my heart's symphony.
May 2016 · 1.7k
Life is a paradox
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
Close the curtains
On this last act
Call home the trains
Bring me back

Time has eloped
With my dreams
I've learnt to cope
On meagre means

Preach the truth
To he who hears
Dig up the roots
Bury your cares

Hide my letters
In an open box
Untie my fetters
Use all the locks

Life is a paradox
Running to its death
Watching all the clocks
To be the last one on earth.
I like the fact that I can have rhyme and beat even when I'm not exactly sure what I mean :-)
May 2016 · 1.2k
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
He stands with her when she's strong
She sits with him when he's weak
He's off to war. He won't be long
She'll wait for him. She's unique.
Apr 2016 · 529
Soft spot
Sedoo Ashivor Apr 2016
I am a cold and hard man
Brutal, without mercy
You want a name?
Well, you can call me Percy
You can ask all you want
I won't give, unless you call in Tessy
She's my soft spot.
Apr 2016 · 1.5k
It wasn't Love
Sedoo Ashivor Apr 2016
Love spat in my face
Stomped me under his foot
Put me in my place
Stole away my youth

Love wore an angry mask
Laughed me to scorn
Took me to task
Kept me forlorn

Love robbed my innocence
Made my fire quench
Crushed my very essence
Made me a stench

Then, I really met Love
Who was good and true
He wore no masks
And didn't look like you

Then I knew!

It wasn't Love
Who hurt me bad
It wasn't Love
Who made me sad
**It wasn't Love
It was you.
Nov 2015 · 2.2k
Snake (limerick)
Sedoo Ashivor Nov 2015
The slithering snake slid onto my windowsill
One of us looked mad enough to ****
I got a sturdy stick
Hit it hard, like a brick
Snake ended up that evening on my hot grill.
Nov 2015 · 2.2k
Dead Parrot?
Sedoo Ashivor Nov 2015
I had a red parrot with a long beak
It was a smart bird I aptly named  Nick
One day, it caught a cold and fell sick
It refused to give a speech all week
Even its favourite words, it wouldn't speak
Dear parrot's future seemed very bleak

Off for a solution I went to seek
Out of many I made my pick
For the services of a vet called Vic
She was beautiful and brilliant, very chic
Just as I heard, her talents were slick
Her office was neat, her armpits didn't reek

During treatment, my Nick was quite meek
I excused myself to quickly take a leak
Suddenly, from the restroom I heard a kick
I hurried across the hallway to take a sharp peek
And what I saw made my shocked jaws tick
My skinned bird was hanging on a stick
Over a flaming fire laid on a burnt brick

What had I done to deserve such a trick?
Why would Vet Vic perform this flick?
I peered at her carefully but it didn't click
So I wrote this poem and put on lipstick.

Nick is healthy again, it was only a gimmick
I am so happy now, I always wear lipstick ☺
Nov 2015 · 706
The Other Woman
Sedoo Ashivor Nov 2015
I met a guy and I instantly liked him
He was tall, good looking and imperially slim
His moustache dragged sideways to his cheek
He talked quietly and was infinitely meek

The next day, I went to see him at work
I learnt he had never been there
I thought it was a simple case of bad luck
He had probably meant elsewhere

I set out for his home to find
It was a cute, little bungalow
I saw a little girl peep from behind;
A pretty lady looked through the window

I stood on the empty threshold
Staggering my way out of this jam
Me? When had I gotten to be so bold?
I was now practically "the other woman".
Nov 2015 · 2.5k
Sedoo Ashivor Nov 2015
Dreams remain dreams
as long as you stay asleep.
Nov 2015 · 479
Three laughs and a joke
Sedoo Ashivor Nov 2015
Three laughs and a joke
You tickle me
I always choke

Two eggs and a kiss
A delicious dish
I wouldn't miss

One heart and two bites
You are mine
All mornings, all nights.
Nov 2015 · 980
Sedoo Ashivor Nov 2015
The five fingers are not equal
Yet, one is not more relevant than the other
All five are needed to make a fist.
Nov 2015 · 9.3k
What's Love?
Sedoo Ashivor Nov 2015
Love* may be a feeling
Love is not just how you feel,

I love you may be the right words
Love is not just what you say,

Love is a decision
Love is what you do.
I'm thoroughly amazed! A poem of mine has made the daily! I had little to do with it. My thanks go to everyone who saw meaning in this work and shared, liked, added, commented, and even sent me messages. I am grateful to every one of you! You guys here on Hello Poetry are wonderful, wonderful people. Bless you!
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
Her excited nerves are tingling
He met her on the sanded pier
Their hungry hearts are mingling

His pocket keys are jingling
He carries good luck everywhere
Her excited nerves are tingling

While they sipped cups of singling
He said words she wanted to hear
Their hungry hearts are mingling

They danced and went swingling
Everyone saw both of them there
Her excited nerves are tingling

He bent low, whispering, ingling
Silencing all of her lingering fear
Their hungry hearts are mingling

Today, their lives are commingling
It's a truth they can't wait to share
Her excited nerves are tingling
Their hungry hearts are mingling.
My first attempt at this style. I hope to do better next time :-)
Oct 2015 · 716
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
I've seen the colour of poetry
It's black and white and blue
I've seen the love for poetry
It's in you and you and you
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
Some friends think they are so important. . . Essential

They aim to be very close to you. . . Residential

They take total control of your life. . . Presidential

They ride over your decisions. . . . Influential

And claim they deserve the merit. . . Credential

Then disappear when problems result. . . Consequential
A Repost
Oct 2015 · 775
Thoughts on Time
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is known
Yesterday is history
How much have you grown?

Tomorrow is a mystery
Yesterday is history
Today is known
What love have you shown?

Yesterday is history
Today is known
Tomorrow is a mystery
What seeds have you sown?
Co-authored by Mfena Ortswen
Oct 2015 · 952
The Mistress
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
He pulled her to himself and said,
"Give me a kiss, my Lady, just a kiss"
She turned away and shook her head
"No. I thought you promised me bliss".
"But look, all my shelves are bare,
What tells me of your professed care?"

Almost kneeling, he entreated her
"But Sweetheart, here, you have my heart
Or would you rather I gift you a car?"

She wailed, "You must think me daft!
You have a beautiful wife and child
Sitting around the glowing fire in your home
Then you abandon me here, in the wild
To live by myself, all alone
You think I care for a car
When you'd still be so far
I could not even drive to meet you
Then, I'd be a complete fool".

He replied, "Dear lady, I hate to have met you
Long after I had been hooked to a wife
That no one had given me a chance to woo
Now I couldn't live without you in my life
Please, tell me what I ought to do."

Her eyes a-blazing, his a-gazing
She declared,"Send your miserable wife away
And I'm sorry, your daughter
Will have to live without her father
And I'm going to the big mansion to stay!"

"Oh no! No!" he cried, "That's unfair!
I love you but I must say the truth
The miserable wife has always shown me care
Over the years, right from our youth
I could not divorce her for anything
Least of all, you selfish, drama queen!"

She snorted and said, *"Well spoken!
Beware of this heart you have broken
I tested to know how much you loved me
Your lies are now very evident to see
Go away and leave me alone
I'll find me a husband,
To give me a proper home!"
Oct 2015 · 573
Paul, the legend
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
I heard of a guy named Paul, he was an English knight
He had talent in wielding a sword, he knew how to fight
To watch him take on anyone and disarm them, was a remarkable sight
When he came on a rough scene, his enemies took to flight
And those who could not escape, found themselves in a plight
In short, he was a legend people worshipped day and night

One day, he was to rescue a princess trapped at a dangerous height
Although he went at his task with all of his raw might
Paul, unfortunately, had not been born very bright
So the execution of his strategy filled the princess with fright
An act that would have made him a hero turned into a blight
And the once great Paul was soon cleared from the limelight
Such a pity! This could have been Paul and the Princess, right?
Oct 2015 · 716
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
They say two halves make a whole
You, are the other half of my soul*.
Oct 2015 · 1.7k
Ship (limerick)
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
Papa's ship is sinking in the sea
Everyone asked everyone, how could this be?
Who put it there?
We've searched everywhere
I may never tell anyone. That person is me.
Oct 2015 · 654
Life (6w)
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
Life is how you live it
Oct 2015 · 1.7k
My Favourite Body Part
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
I looked into a mirror, took each one apart
Someone had asked me, What's your favourite body part?

Why not your eyes?
Ah, those ones betray me so easily when I cry

Your ears?
No, they too quickly give into their fears

Thought you'd say your lips
They are pretty, yes. But make many regrettable slips

Your nose?
Oh, it is too large and tends to spoil many a pose

And your teeth?
The top row is straight, but not those beneath

But your hands?
Ha, they get busy and selfish with their finds

And your feet?
Hmm... That's an idea but they're not too neat

What about your legs?
They'd sure do well if we compare them to pegs

Surely, your lungs?
They'd do anything for air, to whom do they really belong?

I know, I know! Your brain!
It'd be the best, if I could remember everyone's name☺

Someone asked, "what's your favourite body part?"

One that has stayed loyal to me from the very start
If I must choose a part, that would be my heart ♥
Oct 2015 · 741
My Car
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
She's sleek, silver and shiny
She's very large but I call her Tiny
She doesn't get angry, sad or whiny
I first saw her in the dealer's lot screaming, "buy me!"
Oct 2015 · 936
Poetic Healing
Sedoo Ashivor Oct 2015
I was on bed rest all afternoon
My eyes are droopy, my body's sore
I hope to be on my two feet soon
Give me some water, I want to drink more

Please, open the window blinds
I want to see the sun streaming in
Give me poems to work my mind
Let my body and soul's healing begin
Aug 2015 · 556
Sedoo Ashivor Aug 2015
I once received a package in the mail
It was a cute, furry she-dog without a tail
I thought on it, decided to name her Gail
She was so helpful, she took an oath to never fail
One day, during a storm of icy, stinging hail
Gail went on a mission to fetch a precious pail
Trying to swim, she was slower than a snail
She found the pail and boarded it in hopes to sail
But her valiant efforts were to no avail
Under the constant hail fall, she began to quail
And in desperation, she let out a pitiful wail
That night, my beautiful gift went under a rail
I searched and searched, but never found her trail
Full of misery, I sentenced myself for life to jail
Aug 2015 · 918
My Eternity
Sedoo Ashivor Aug 2015
I know you must be the one for me
You make my hopes and dreams a reality
You open my eyes to see it vividly  
Our love is meant for eternity

It feels so right when we are together
I find myself thinking only of the future
I dream of a long and blissful forever
I'm addicted to your gentle and endearing nature

Your presence is like a magnet to me
I am helplessly attracted to you
Wherever you are is where I want to be
My heart and my feelings are true

Your voice is like a summer song
I know you, I know your smell
Please let me know if am wrong
But your love for me is a story to tell

Man cannot fathom the love we share
I am charmed daily by your tender care
I am not afraid to lay my heart bare
I know you are the one 'cos what we have is rare.
Aug 2015 · 711
Sedoo Ashivor Aug 2015
One day, Tom, **** and Harry
Went sailing on a little boat
They were more than it should carry
So it could barely stay afloat

Determined to go on this trip
They just did not care
They had plenty wine to sip
And many ribald jokes to share

Tom was so excited he stood up
**** was tipsy and shouted his joy
Harry was drunk and threw up his cup
To the foaming waves, they screamed: Ahoy! Ahoy!

Suddenly, the white clouds grew dark
The waves rose higher than usual
This was a tougher nut than they could crack
They knew their survival was crucial

Tom had an expecting wife at home
**** lost his wife but had two lovely kids
Harry's mother had a tendency to roam
She was ailing and had special needs

The boat bobbed on the raging sea
The three men huddled together, horrified
And when the storm roared, "you and me!"
They almost peed their pants, they were that terrified

Tom suggested crying for help
They began to chant: "save our souls!"
**** and Harry agreed: "Let's divide our wealth
And give most of it to our foes!"

No help was forthcoming
They tried to row stronger to shore
The storm was overcoming
They were blinded in the downpour

Not long after, they heard a reassuring sound
Coming for them, was the rescue ship!
They were lost but now found
And wouldn't die on this trip

Misters Tom, **** and Harry
Safely returned to their families that day
And the lessons they did carry
Have stayed with them till today
Jul 2015 · 969
Love Me
Sedoo Ashivor Jul 2015
The cold seeps through the night
Hug me close, hold me tight
As droplets of rain slide down the window
Whisper in my ears, words only I know

The darkness wraps us in its cool cocoon
Don't leave me yet, don't go too soon
Wipe away my tears, give me relief
Fulfill my fantasies, suspend belief

The love we have holds us spellbound
It is amazing the joy that we've found
For me, this is more than a happily ever after
To remain in your arms and love you forever.
Jul 2015 · 885
Love is not enough
Sedoo Ashivor Jul 2015
I live in a town
Where one has to be tough
I've been up
But mostly, I've been down
I know you mean well
When you say you care
I hate to disappoint you
But your loving me is not enough

I know you saw me
Taken away in handcuffs
No, I was not falsely accused
It was me, I did those things
You think you can heal me
With your love
But I must be honest, my dear
Your love is not enough

I am not mean-spirited
I know I seem cruel and gruff
I have to appear so
To keep up the image
That makes men dread my visage
You saw through me
I find it beyond belief
But my sweet darling
Your love is not enough

I had a vivid imagination
I'd view my life in high-definition
Dream the photos of my future
In a colourful panorama
These days, I'm very lucky
To summon the will
To survive day after day
To be loved by you is an honour
Still, your love is not enough

I ignore the whispers of my heart
I laugh and I bluff
When it mentions you
You see, I have nothing to give
I've been broken, crushed
You deserve the world
I am mere shards
I would give you everything
But my love,
I, I am not enough.
Jul 2015 · 676
I wish I woke up tomorrow
Sedoo Ashivor Jul 2015
I got up this morning, looked out my window
What I saw made me wish I woke up tomorrow

The sky is heavily overcast
Clouds are billowing past

Thunders are making the ground shake
I think there's going to be an earthquake

Lightning flashes viciously across the sky
Creatures are panicky, this must be why

A whirlwind is funneling stuff up higher and higher
I can see smoke over that roof, looks like a fire

Rain is falling fast on the land  in torrents
Someone is helplessly floating away in the current

Ouch, my empty stomach is rumbling away
I need to go feed my hunger without delay.
Jul 2015 · 520
The Only Change is You
Sedoo Ashivor Jul 2015
I used to want more out of life
Much more than being a wealthy man's wife
I wanted fame, no, I needed the glory
That would come when people heard my story

I have never been satisfied with little
I'd take and take, never give, never settle
My hands were strong, my will was stronger
I'd look you in the eye, I'd last longer

I stood tall among the very best
I'd talk and talk, I'd beat my chest
No one could terrify or threaten my power
If I dared those who tried, they'd cower

It took much less than what I'd expect
To beat down my will, to make me subject
You looked me in the eye, it didn't last long
My heart yearned, it wanted your song

When I look back at how far I've travelled
How the hardness in me has unravelled
How much I feel joyful and grateful
The only change I see is You
Falling in love has a way of changing you. The healthier the love, the better you become.
Jul 2015 · 750
Tree (haiku)
Sedoo Ashivor Jul 2015
Dancing in the wind
Clapping her hands for the birds
She stands tall, green, strong
Jul 2015 · 377
Love Quatrain
Sedoo Ashivor Jul 2015
You lit a spark
That lightened my dark
You threw a dart
And won my heart
Jul 2015 · 499
Richard dumped me!
Sedoo Ashivor Jul 2015
Richard dumped me
He broke my heart to pieces
He took all my kisses
The break-up stumped me

He told me many lies
That I was his sugar, his tea
I was not very wise
I was blind, now I can see

He used to hold me close
And promise me heaven and earth
He would buy me a rose
And dedicate to me his dying breath

He told me I had the sweetest kiss
He always said to me, 'I care'
But all he wanted was a love affair
My heart was traded for temporal bliss.
"Me" is any lady that has been deceived by a man, and that man here is Richard, apologies to anyone who holds this name special. Richard is the default name for my poetry males.
Jul 2015 · 749
The Way You Make Me Feel
Sedoo Ashivor Jul 2015
I can't stop thinking about you
Thoughts of you swim in my head
I keep being assured that your love is true
When I'm awake and when I'm in bed

I can't breathe when you are around
My heart listens for your sweet sound
My throat constricts and becomes dry
I can't speak, no matter how hard I try

Every memory of you brings a smile to my face
And I wear this famous faraway look
While I ponder, I travel to this great place
You have turned my life into a storybook

I have heartache when you are far from me
I can't sleep, I can't drink, I can't eat
I see you and my heart skips a beat
That's the way you make me feel

The way you make me feel is good
Much more desirable than delicious food
Your love is like a warm, warm embrace
And my joy is the soft smile on your fine face.
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