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306 · Dec 2023
Blissful distance
Poetic Eagle Dec 2023
Today l saw everything that reminded me of you
I'm happy, the thought of not doing it with you didn't hurt
Because once upon a time l wished it were you
The little things that matter
305 · Jan 2021
Poetic Eagle Jan 2021
It's only when you alone when you realise silence makes the loudest noise
All the voices in your head won't stop calling
Alone at midnight
301 · May 2017
Poetic Eagle May 2017
My life is an empty hole
Filled with stress
Fallowed with stress
That l cant embrace

The distress
In the emptyness
Deep in the hallowedness
Of the heartless

Taking my sadness
Away from the hapiness
That brought my fullness
Makes me lifeless

My life is an empty hole
That l cant embrace
its all part life ,l guess
299 · Jul 2023
Poetic Eagle Jul 2023
I didn't leave
You pushed me away
293 · Feb 29
Poetic Eagle Feb 29
I remember the days we used to love in letters,
High school, love so surreal
Pure and free, it almost felt real
I wish l could continue the past
And write you a letter
I have a lot to say,
Lines to rhyme
I want to write you a letter
would appreciate the gesture?
But then l remember I'm in no position to write you a love letter
Remember the days when all your texts were in letters with a little " kiss before you open"😂
293 · Dec 2019
gone too soon
Poetic Eagle Dec 2019
the wounds run deep
thought  we would you have for a lifetime
too bad tears cant turn back the hands of time
you were amazing till your last breathe
Return If Possible
until we meet again uncle
292 · Jan 5
Poetic Eagle Jan 5
Only one thing is left
A story to tell
24' beginning of new beginnings
292 · May 2018
Love 4
Poetic Eagle May 2018
Love is eternal,
It never fades
@poetic eagle
291 · Nov 2018
Poetic Eagle Nov 2018
I told him to let go
Of his mistakes and he
Now I'm wondering if l were a mistake
Why did l encourage him
289 · Apr 4
Hi So
Poetic Eagle Apr 4
Always fighting the urge to text you
l can't be a fool twice,
You will still leave me on read
Letters to my bestfriend
288 · Jan 2021
Poetic Eagle Jan 2021
Should I be sad you let go
Or be Happy l am free
Midnight thoughts
286 · Nov 2019
Poetic Eagle Nov 2019
how do you let go
when your memories are still holding on
your mind knows whats best but the heart says otherwise
282 · Sep 2018
Poetic Eagle Sep 2018
I wish life was a fairytale
Where happy ever after
Did exist
For the 16 years l have lived l always imagined a happily ever after which has never come
280 · Jan 2018
From a distance
Poetic Eagle Jan 2018
Trapped in my palms
freed by your touch
your saintly radiance
slowly opened my heart like a love letter
that was a token of my hearts' desires

the thought in my eyes kept me sane
as i held u close in distance
like i was blind
i never seen myself falling for you

virtues held my spatial wavelength with more colours
reciprocal as we met in a vortex

I'll keep you like a delicate promise
i shall not break
permanently put u in a sacred dwelling
my heart
rose to garden
a tattoo on my scar with you soothing ink
words intertwined in the eye
an imagination for forever
From a friend who is greatly appreciates
277 · May 2018
Conquering the world
Poetic Eagle May 2018
Fear is another reason
To try harder
275 · May 2018
Poetic Eagle May 2018
We owe life
To live
274 · Aug 2019
random thoughts
Poetic Eagle Aug 2019
1 love doesn't fade it just switches people

2 feelings never fade they just change

3 nothing is permanent but love is also eternal
274 · Sep 2
Poetic Eagle Sep 2
I have seen love with my heart
You are that image from within
Thoughts at dawn
272 · May 2019
if you could read my mind
Poetic Eagle May 2019
If you could read my mind
You could hear a thousand cries
Pleading for you to care just once more
If you could read my mind
You'd see a million papers
Filled with broken poetries
Of a love story which never happened
And so many unspoken words
If only you could read my mind
Maybe you would feel the pain ‘
my eyes failed to show you
and you refused to see
If you could read my mind
You’d see a heart that still yearns for you,
a heart bleeding in silent tears
If you could read my mind
You’d see a side of me l failed to show you
The eternity l always dreamed of
If you could read my mind
Maybe you’d understand how it feels to love
a person that can never be yours
If only you could read my mind
l wouldn’t be writing this
inspired by a similar poem on this site
nothing hurts than someone u like failing to understand the little things u show them
269 · Dec 2018
what could it be
Poetic Eagle Dec 2018
I can't expain where it hurts
I can only feel my heart thundering trying to escape
As l become weak and spend hours sleeping trying to get it in place

Could this be just sadness
I hurting just cant explain where
267 · Nov 2019
letter to myself
Poetic Eagle Nov 2019
you just turned 18 yet nothing changes
its just the date and time that changes
it still feels the same
not as happy as l anticipated
happy birthday to me
265 · Jan 2
Poetic Eagle Jan 2
Always the person you look for or call at the end of the day
Am l safe haven
Or a last thought
Questions that ring here and there
263 · Apr 2017
Poetic Eagle Apr 2017
Some promise are better unspoken than unkept
Don't say it if you don't mean it
262 · Jul 2018
Poetic Eagle Jul 2018
Some dreams are just illusions
Thanks for reading
262 · Dec 2023
Loud and clear
Poetic Eagle Dec 2023
Perhaps l misssed your desired words
But l caught the ones you stirred
Once they hurt, a little tears here and there
Today, l hope my interpretation misconstrued
My fault for starting this conversation anew
Sometimes l wish people never meant what they said,
260 · Sep 2020
Poetic Eagle Sep 2020
I never asked you to leave
Only advised to chase your dreams
Wasnt l part of the dream. Random thoughts
257 · Jul 2018
Dreams 2
Poetic Eagle Jul 2018
They say the 1st step to achieving your dreams is to wake up
Why not dream with your eyes wide open?
How far do u agree. Thanks for reading.  #writing to inspire
254 · Aug 2018
What if?
Poetic Eagle Aug 2018
If l die today
Will the world cry
For a moment forget the laughter

Will your heart beat the same
Or erase my name
Will you snore and sleep the same
Or a moment let me haunt your mind
Or the day l die is the day is the day im forgotten

Will you say the unspoken words
Or let me go with all the answers

If die today just know
I tried to dissolve their criticism
I had wonderful journey
Filled with ups and downs

If l die today l die with a smile
Inspired by a poem l read on this site
252 · Dec 2020
Poetic Eagle Dec 2020
It's midnight,  your face still covers the moonlight
Is it you following me
Or me who can't let go
Random thoughts
252 · Sep 2019
Poetic Eagle Sep 2019
Him: what if l fall for her
Her:  will just pick you up
Random thought
252 · Apr 2018
Poetic Eagle Apr 2018
We nvr deserved, but still got
They say its luck, we call it favour
Fate brought u to us
But time was too jealous
Like a passing  wind , u came n made our lives beautiful, with some fresh new air

We'll see you in a distance
But feel your presence forever
Some things break our hearts to make us whole
Although we cry that it has all ended, we thank God that it happened
Tears will dry but memories will last forever
Will keep you in our hearts like a delicate promise we shall not break
Just hoping this world is small enough 4 us to meet again
For a mentor who has always been there but time has created a distance
251 · Apr 2019
Poetic Eagle Apr 2019
ln a room with so many people
l can only hear your voice
is that love?
another random thought , help with the title
250 · Nov 2023
"Dear God"
Poetic Eagle Nov 2023
Letting go doesn't mean I'll leave
Im just taking another path
And not bringing you with me

As painful as it is, I need to do so
If l let go of my sanity
what else will be left?

A stroll  to clear my mind from you
Had me wishing you were there,
With me,

Everytime l try to forget,  l remember
Everything could be better with you,
Wishful illusions of the mind
When l say let go, l don't mean unlove people or walk away because feelings don't fade but they can change
250 · May 2018
Love 3
Poetic Eagle May 2018
Love is not pain
Pain is getting hurt
Whilst trying to love
249 · Jul 2018
Poetic Eagle Jul 2018
She asked why im always in the dark
My response was "thats where broken people find joy "
246 · May 2018
Mothers day
Poetic Eagle May 2018
She said " go out there, find yourself and do what l taught you"
But she never taught me to live without her thats why she never leaves my heart
To all the mothers we appreciate you.  You the reason we here today.  Happy moms day
246 · Sep 27
Now and always
Poetic Eagle Sep 27
I will never love anyone else
The way l loved you

It broke me
245 · May 2018
Love 5
Poetic Eagle May 2018
Love never dies
What dies is what we once saw in the person
Like and comment
244 · May 23
Questions ii
Poetic Eagle May 23
"Did letting you go hurt?"

I said l had to **** every part of me
that loved you

Bury all memories, laughter and hope
Just not to remember

Regardless everyday I'm fighting your ghost
If l dare  open my heart to feel again
Either running or crawling
It will find its way back to you

So letting him go, took every part of me too
And yes I'm ok
243 · Mar 2020
My love story
Poetic Eagle Mar 2020
It all Happened in the abstract

That's the only place where it could get a Happy ending
The love that never happened
240 · Oct 2017
Poetic Eagle Oct 2017
Be it so humble
There is no place like
We can nvr replace home
238 · Apr 2018
Poetic Eagle Apr 2018
My eyes are my strength
They see beyond the ordinary
Its a gift l have,never to have been blinded
237 · Mar 18
The dream
Poetic Eagle Mar 18
I remember, all the beautiful moments of us together, l had them with my eyes closed
I hold you  better in my sleep
236 · Oct 2023
Night poet
Poetic Eagle Oct 2023
I'm a poet at night
When the world is quiet
My thoughts make the loudest noise
The best conversation between pen and paper.... heartchronicles
235 · Jan 2019
Despeakable me
Poetic Eagle Jan 2019
I have always made poetry my safe haven
But it always betrayed my conscience
Because l thought you would always be my shield
How can l keep the promise now when you the cause of the grief
If l came, will you console me with more pain
Though you make me forget my sorrow you  always adding more tears
Now tell me how l should keep my words when all you do is give me painful happiness
An imagination forever
Always found solace in my brokenness
Lol Quite unique
230 · Feb 15
New connections
Poetic Eagle Feb 15
From learning hues that painted their joy to cradling their vulnerabilities, I hesitate to unfold my chapters to anyone new.
Nevermind knowing someone else, how do l open up to another person
To know me exactly how you did, without me sayin' a word
"Move on," they say, yet moving on means exposing the very part of me that being with you taught me l should shield from the rest of the world
So, where do I begin
I don't want another hi that will lead to a goodbye
229 · Feb 2019
Poetic Eagle Feb 2019
he told me he was hurting
yet I'm the one with the scars

he said he was bleeding
but I'm the one with the wounds
I listened to your words but believed in your actions which said otherwise
224 · May 2018
Poetic Eagle May 2018
I am only but just a child
Seeking to have an adventure
But l understand
I was taught to understand the world and most times l realise my mistake
I might almost repeat it but if rectified
Don't l deserve some forgiveness
In a split l would have already reformed and  in return what do l get?
Judgement....the kind that leaves you bruised and buttered
In pain n agony only asking why
Why now of all times when l was being good
In the solemn of your pain u battle to sleep
Is it you or misconceptions
Getting wrongly judged
Wrote by my sis @mako
222 · Jun 2018
Poetic Eagle Jun 2018
You are the definition of BEAUTY
Don't feel inferior
Be your own kind of beautiful whether u melanin or not
222 · Mar 7
Letters II
Poetic Eagle Mar 7
If l could turn back the hands of time
I would go back to the time that
I once "held you close"
Where there was nothing but unspoken words between us
Letters to my bestfriend
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