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Mar 2022 · 1.1k
Malina Mar 2022
the steel blue of your eyes fixated on me
like my presence was a gift in itself
the calloused tips of your fingers
grazing over my skin and pulling me close
you held me like nothing else mattered
as if time itself had stopped and given us this moment

the good morning messages and the evening calls
we fell asleep together even when we weren't
your subtle snores down the phone
replacing the heartbeat i'd hear resting on your chest
but sometimes we'd stay up until the sun broke through our windows
not regretting a moment of lost sleep

the walks along the common no matter the weather
to that place by the playground where we'd lie and spot planes
and you'd laugh and say it wasn't a competition
but we both knew that was only because you were losing
the same grass upon which you took the picture of a flower in my hand
it's wearing away but you still keep it in your wallet

your dogs jumping up and greeting me at the door
and your mother's smile when she sees me enter
us playing football with your brother in the garden
and laughing over slow motion replays of goals scored
i felt so at home in your home
as if your family was mine, like there was a special place for me

now i'm left wondering what to do
how am i meant to fill this enormous void
of the life that we had molded together
you had become a part of me
and i don't know how to separate it and become whole on my own
Mar 2022 · 845
holding on
Malina Mar 2022
i miss the bare minimum that you gave me
i waited on every text
relished every call
and every time our eyes met i fell in love all over again
i was completely and utterly devoted to you
to loving you
to making sure you felt loved

but now i don't even have the cradle of your voice
or how held i felt when we locked eyes
and the warmth of your embrace

you've left me cold and unsheltered

but i would still give you the shirt off my back
if i noticed your shiver
and i still answer every text
every call
because even though i'm not what you want
you're still everything
even if it makes me an idiot and pathetic, i let you have me whenever you want me because it's you and i'll never stop putting you first
May 2021 · 690
Malina May 2021
i don't want you to meet me halfway,
i want us to soar together
above everyone and everything
dancing amongst the clouds
and singing with the sun

but you can't even text me back.
Jul 2020 · 352
lockdown lovers
Malina Jul 2020
"i'll see you soon
by the next full moon
it won't be long, just wait."

the next moon came
nothing had changed
it wasn't written in our fate.

"wish you were here
so i could hold you near
and talk and laugh all day."

it wasn't to be
so i'd wait patiently
there were rules we had to obey

four months have gone by
every day i have cried
just sad and feeling alone.

"i miss you too much
i so crave your touch
i'd rather be there than at home."

just come and meet me
we'll do it discreetly
we don't have to tell anyone.

"now i just miss you more
and it's left my heart sore
and wondering, what have we done?"
the battle with willpower and ethics of seeing your s/o during lockdown and the consequences of a "quick fix" meet that will usually have you more desperate than before
May 2020 · 197
Malina May 2020
I'm not going to sleep
because so far talking to you has been the best part of my day
and if i sleep now
tomorrow will be here quicker.
May 2020 · 152
Malina May 2020
i give more than i receive
and i wonder if i deserve more.
but if meeting half way,
and giving less than i feel,
is how to gain equality in our love,
i don't want it.

i can't pretend there's no pit in my stomach
or tug on my heart
or smile on my face
whenever i see you.

no matter what i do,
i can't make your fire burn brighter,
and hotter
for me.

so am i naive to stay
for the affection i receive
when it takes more than it gives?
or is that just love:
it's imperfect.
and i choose it,
every day.
just thoughts- i overthink and overanalyse everything so i'm definitely creating a problem that's not there so it's better to write it down than dwell
May 2020 · 163
Malina May 2020
i wonder what version of me lives in your mind
tell me what i look like through your eyes
May 2020 · 555
Malina May 2020
it's as close as i can get

but seeing you
your smile
your eyes
just you

you rip through me
and the longing i feel makes my heart swell
and sink
down to the floor
and i need you here

it's not close enough
feeling very lonely at the minute and i miss him more than ever
May 2020 · 201
10 weeks
Malina May 2020
i've spent so much time in my bedroom
that i've memorised the walls.
i know every stain
every scratch
like the back of my hand
because it's become my new every day

i guess my physical presence
was the reminder of my existence
and now that it's gone
i'm no longer present in their thoughts
and so i'm left here
i just need to be able to hug someone
May 2020 · 1.4k
Malina May 2020
it's so tiring,
this back and forth in my brain.

i want to be better.
i want to be content
just as i am.
i want to be able to exhale,
and shut out the voices that tell me otherwise.
but they overpower me.

"my stomach looks good today",
"my legs aren't huge",
"i'm not ugly",
i try to say as my hands tell a different story.
grabbing at fat and skin,
trying to find any imperfection to prove me wrong.
and this is where the confusion starts:
looking in the mirror.

what do i look like?
how should i feel?
am i actually fat?
am i deluded to think i might not be?
i have no idea the answer to any of those questions
and millions just like them scream at me.
every minute.
every day.

if i am fat,
should i be trying to lose weight?
or should i try to accept how i look?

i try to be better,
to cope,
but i don't know which voice is right.
i don't know who to listen to.
and i'm trapped in this in between.

it's ******* exhausting so someone just tell me what to do
I needed to get these thoughts out of my head and onto a page
May 2020 · 272
Malina May 2020
i crave your touch
and the safety of your arms around me,
engulfing me into your being,
surrounding me with your warmth
and encapsulating me in a moment with you.
9 weeks without hugs from him
May 2020 · 124
your song
Malina May 2020
today you played your favourite song,
a tune that i can sing along
to when i haven't got you here with me.

i'll keep it in my head and heart
for all the days that we're apart,
i'll hold it close and this i guarantee.

no song could ever take it's place,
or sound so sweet and full of grace,
there is no other song quite as divine.

for this song is your favourite song,
a tune we can both sing along,
and now it is a favourite song of mine.
May 2020 · 96
why do i write
Malina May 2020
the best moments deserve immortalisation in my words,
and my brain doesn't deserve the torture of the worst ones.
May 2020 · 64
your eyes
Malina May 2020
"As warm as they are, they are busy, no-******* eyes, the kind that can look right into you"
- Jennifer Niven
Apr 2020 · 89
love is vulnerability
Malina Apr 2020
you have to be willing to nurture the seed
to see what it will sprout
Apr 2020 · 135
my love
Malina Apr 2020
looking into your eyes
while our legs are intertwined
underneath the covers of your bed.
chests rising and falling
as my heart called out
for you to never leave me.
so still and so peaceful,
lying there in your arms,
time just passing around us.
like a single flower petal,
your beauty is fragile
and oh so precious.
never could i love anyone
or anything
in the same capacity.

— The End —